[Fink-users] Installing Developer Tools on Panther without "XCode-CD"

2003-10-27 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner
Hi everybody,

please be patient with me if this is a FAQ -- but I could not find the 
answer doing a quick search on this list and on the Apple website.

The question is: What do I have to download and install from Apple's 
website if I want to install the Developer Tools on a fresh, clean 
Panther install (in order to install fink)? I don't have access to the 
Panther installation CD's (the OS was not installed by me on the Mac I 
am currently using, I have never even seen them). As far as I 
understand, Panther ships on 4 CD's, of which one is called "XCode" and 
this CD contains the OS X Developer Tools.

On Apple's website XCode is advertised, and I read somewhere that it is 
free (as the Developer tools always were) and you can download it from 
the ADC member's section -- but when I log into my ADC account, I 
cannot find anything like "XCode" under "Dowload Software"... So I was 
wondering, if I just have to download and install the Dec2002-DevTools 
and the Aug2003-updater???

Thanks for any help,

tired and confused (late at night here),


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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Selfupdate Problem -- autoconf2.5-2.54-1 install failed

2003-01-17 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner
Hi everybody,

I ran into the following error when when tried my regular  
"fink-selfupdate-cvs" and "fink update-all" commands:

Errors were encountered while processing:
### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't install package autoconf2.5-2.54-1

Any ideas what's wrong?

Thanks for any help...


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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Problems with http-dav-pm 0.31-1 WebDAV Client

2002-11-24 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner
Hi everybody,

I installed the http-dav-pm package yesterday, but I am not able to 
acces any WebDAV resources using "dave" from the command line. Here is 
the error message I get when I start dave:

andreas% dave
Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at 
/System/Library/Perl/Term/ReadLine.pm line 305

Can anybody explain to me what this means and how to fix it? Help would 
be appreciated.

Many thanks, Andreas

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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] fink update-all: "compiling libxml2-2.4.25-1 failed"

2002-10-07 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

Hi everybody,

When I tried to do "fink selfupdate-cvs" and "fink update-all" today, I 
ran into an error. The first command completed without errors, the 
"fink update-all"-command produced the output shown at the end of this 
mail. I am running 10.2.1 on a PowerBook G4-500.

Does anybody have any ideas? Anybody else experienced this problem? My 
system is actually very clean, just reinstalled everything from scratch 
2 or 3 weeks ago. I would appreciate any help.



[tibook:~] andreas% fink update-all
sudo /sw/bin/fink  update-all
Information about 1595 packages read in 1 seconds.


The following 3 packages will be installed or updated:
  libxml2 libxml2-bin libxml2-shlibs


/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -o libxml2.la -rpath 
/sw/lib -version-info 6:25:4 SAX.lo entities.lo encoding.lo error.lo 
parserInternals.lo parser.lo tree.lo hash.lo list.lo xmlIO.lo 
xmlmemory.lo uri.lo valid.lo xlink.lo HTMLparser.lo HTMLtree.lo 
debugXML.lo xpath.lo xpointer.lo xinclude.lo nanohttp.lo nanoftp.lo 
DOCBparser.lo catalog.lo globals.lo threads.lo c14n.lo xmlregexp.lo 
xmlschemas.lo xmlschemastypes.lo xmlunicode.lo -lz -L/sw/lib -liconv -lm
rm -fr .libs/libxml2.la .libs/libxml2.* .libs/libxml2.*
./libtool: test: too many arguments
gcc -dynamiclib -undefined suppress -o .libs/libxml2.2.4.25.dylib  
SAX.lo entities.lo encoding.lo error.lo parserInternals.lo parser.lo 
tree.lo hash.lo list.lo xmlIO.lo xmlmemory.lo uri.lo valid.lo xlink.lo 
HTMLparser.lo HTMLtree.lo debugXML.lo xpath.lo xpointer.lo xinclude.lo 
nanohttp.lo nanoftp.lo DOCBparser.lo catalog.lo globals.lo threads.lo 
c14n.lo xmlregexp.lo xmlschemas.lo xmlschemastypes.lo xmlunicode.lo  
-lz -L/sw/lib -liconv -lm -lc -install_name  /sw/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
ld: -undefined error must be used when -twolevel_namespace is in effect
make[2]: *** [libxml2.la] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
### execution of make failed, exit code 2
Failed: compiling libxml2-2.4.25-1 failed
[tibook:~] andreas%

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Selfupdate problem

2002-05-24 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

Hi everybody,

After using fink happily for some time now and regularly self-updating it
using "fink selfupdate-cvs" and then "fink update-all" I ran into a problem
doing the selfupdate today. "fink selfupdate-cvs" seemed to work properly,
after entering "fink update-all" I got the following output:

  fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency.
  The candidates:

  (1)  python: Interpreted, object-oriented language.
  (2)  python-nox: Object-oriented language (needs no X11).

  Pick one: [1] 1
  WARNING: While resolving dependency "openjade" for package
  "gtk-doc-0.9-1", package "openjade" was not found.
  Failed: Can't resolve dependency "openjade" for package "gtk-doc-0.9-1"
  (no matching packages/versions found)
  [localhost:~] andreas%

Any ideas? I also tried "fink install gtk-doc" (I saw that I didn't have it
installed) and produced the same error.

Thanks for any help,



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Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] terminal issues

2002-04-10 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

I'm struggling to get a colorized terminal, too... I also have the problem
of the fn-keys beyond f4 not working in Terminal.app. I tried the mentioned
hint on macosxhints.com, it seemed to work correctly (no apparent errors)
but it had no effect at all on what I see in my terminal windows.

If I understand your post correctly (I'm not sure -- this seems to be a
little bit beyond my knowledge level -- sorry...), wrapping a command in a
screen process is enough to get color and the function keys working. E.g. if
I type "screen mc" I should have a colorized Midnight Commander with
function keys. Is that correct?

Well, neither the "macosxhints"- nor the "screen"-method worked for me -- my
Terminal is as grey as ever. mc has color in the Gnome-Terminal, though (but
it stays b/w in Terminal.app and regular xterm).

I would appreciate any clarification and explanation of these things very
much. Of course I would also be happy to do my "homework" and read something
about all that stuff, if somebody could post links or keywords (I know
google is my friend...).

Thank you very much,


On 10.04.2002 19:10 Uhr, "Chris Devers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Chris Zubrzycki wrote:
>> I have a package that uses f-keys, but the termnial does not seem to use
>> keys past F4. anyone know any different? what termnial does it emulate,
>> really?
> Theoretically it's a VT100 terminal:
> http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20020408225741777
>> I cant dind any docs, and I have a color program that does not use color
>> if the termcap file is not right.
> One of the posts at the above url notes that wrapping commands in 'screen'
> does get the shell to start using colors properly. I am typing this from a
> very colorful piped-through-`screen` Pine session right now...
>> "Of course, you realize this means war."
>> - -B. Bunny
> You know how it is. :)
> --
> Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/
> "More war soon. You know how it is."-- mnftiu.cc
> ___
> Fink-users mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fink-users

Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] Fink "forgot" my installed packages

2002-04-06 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

> Err, what exactly are you deduciing this from? You mean that if you
> enter "fink list --installed" it will give you an empty list?
> Max

Why does fink's man page not list the --installed option? I was about to
file a feature request for such an option, great that it is already there!
Are there more options that don't appear on the man page?


Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] control-center- & gdk-pixbuf 0.16.0-3problem

2002-04-02 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

Hi everybody,

after having much grief with gnome (see my previous posts...), I decided to
make a really clean cut. I backed everything up, erased my OS X volume and
started all over again installing *everything* from scratch (it was about
time anyway...). I ran into exactly the same problem as described by Kevin
Horton when I tried to install gnome, the error message is absolutely

The *only* 2 packages from unstable that I use are xfree86-base/rootless
4.2. My system is really very clean and tidy now (see above...), my hardware
is a TiBook 500. I checked everything twice and I am pretty sure, that I did
not do anything wrong.

Thanks to everybody working for the fink project, your work is great and it
is appreciated very much. Maybe someone could just write a short statement
like: "OK, we know about this problem and it will be adressed..."? It would
be a great relief to hear something like this...

Thanks for all the support, Andreas

On 02.04.2002 5:26 Uhr, "Kevin Horton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I ran into an apparent incompatibility between
> control-center- & gdk-pixbuf 0.16.0-3.
> Both packages are in stable.  gdk-pixbuf 0.16.0-3 install OK, but
> control-center- repeatedly failed as follows:
> "-I/sw/include/glib-1.2 -I/sw/lib/glib/include
> -I/sw/include/orbit-1.0 -I/sw/include/gtk-1.2
> -I/usr/X11R6/include-1.2 -I/sw/lib/glib/include
> -I/usr/X11R6/includeude e/gtk-1.2 -I/sw/include/glib-1.2
> -I/sw/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include  -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused
> -c file-types-capplet.c
> file-types-capplet.c:37: gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h: No such file or directory
> make[4]: *** [file-types-capplet.o] Error 1
> make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> ### OLD_PO_FILE_INPUT=yes failed, exit code 2
> Failed: compiling control-center- failed"
> I rooted around, and found gdk-pixbuf.h at
> /sw/include/gdk-pixbuf-1.0/gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h.  So is
> control-center- not looking in the right place for that
> file?  I'm not sure which package is at fault, but they're both
> maintained by Masanori Sekino, so at least there won't be any finger
> pointing (My package is fine - fix your package, etc) :).
> I tried control-center ( from unstable, and it installs OK.
> I haven't actually used it in anger yet, as the package I needed it
> for (guppi) is still being compiled.
> fink -V
> Package manager version: 0.9.9a
> Distribution version: 0.3.2a.cvs
> OS X 10.1.3 with the Dec. 2001 Developer Tools.
> Thanks for all the work needed to make fink happen.
> Kevin Horton
> ___
> Fink-users mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fink-users

Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] Blackbox Menu Configuration

2002-03-24 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

.. sorry for this post -- I just found out myself...

Edit the file "menu" in /sw/share/blackbox...

On 24.03.2002 14:37 Uhr, "Andreas Gschwendtner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Everybody,
> Sorry to ask a dumb question -- but since the Blackbox documentation from
> the Blackbox homepage seems to bee down, I don't know where else to find the
> information I need:
> How do I configure the Blackbox menu to add new programs so that I can start
> them with a mouse click?
> Thanks, Andreas
> (Does anybody know if there's documentation for blackbox available
> anywhere???)
> ___
> Fink-users mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fink-users

Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Blackbox Menu Configuration

2002-03-24 Thread Andreas Gschwendtner

Hi Everybody,

Sorry to ask a dumb question -- but since the Blackbox documentation from
the Blackbox homepage seems to bee down, I don't know where else to find the
information I need:

How do I configure the Blackbox menu to add new programs so that I can start
them with a mouse click?

Thanks, Andreas

(Does anybody know if there's documentation for blackbox available

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