[Fink-users] Re: Can't install lyx and xdvi after update-all

2003-02-18 Thread Gary Olson
Dave, thanks for the rapid response.  I installed the new version of 
xdvi-system-tetex-22.71-4.  I then was able to install lyx with no 
problems.  Thanks again.

Gary Olson

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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Can't install lyx and xdvi after update-all

2003-02-17 Thread Gary Olson
I updated my dist, and that solved my problem with Can't download  
ldp.dsl-1.10 that I posted on 2/15/03.  I am not sure why that solved  
the problem.  Possibly there was another file that needed updating?

Since then I got a new version of Gerben Wierda's tetex dist.  I  
removed my other packages dependent on system-tetex as well as  
system-tetex, and then reinstalled system-tetex (current v.  
20010808-9).  When I tried to reinstall lyx and xdvi, I could not  
install them!

Here is fink output:

[Gary-K-Olsons-Computer:~]:-bash:558$: fink install lyx
sudo /sw/bin/fink  install lyx
sudo: /var/run/sudo writable by non-owner (040766), should be mode 0700

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.

Information about 2186 packages read in 5 seconds.

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency.  

(1)  xdvi: Display TeX .dvi files under the X Window System
(2)  tetex-base: Base programs for a teTeX installation

Pick one: [1]
The following package will be installed or updated:
The following additional package will be installed:
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
dpkg -i  
dpkg: regarding .../xdvi_22.71-3_darwin-powerpc.deb containing xdvi:
 xdvi conflicts with system-tetex
  system-tetex (version 20010808-9) is installed.
dpkg: error processing  
3_darwin-powerpc.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing xdvi
Errors were encountered while processing:
### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't install package xdvi-22.71-3

I noticed that the dist now has an xdvi-system-tetex package.  So I  
installed that.  Then I tried to install lyx and fink wanted to install  
xdvi and I got the same messages?  How do I get out of this catch22?  I  
don't believe I have done anything that I did not do before in January  
when I installed fink on Jaguar.  I hope someone sees my error.  Thanks  
ahead of time.
Gary Olson

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Can't download ldp.dsl-1.10

2003-02-15 Thread Gary Olson
I am trying to update dockbook-dssl-ldp, but fink says that file 
ldp-dsl-1.10 has incorrect checksum.  I have fink try to download it 
again, but it always has wrong checksum.  Has anyone else had this 

I tried to use existing file, but it is definitely corrupted, because 
it is needed to compile gd-pm.  I need to update this file to update 
gd-graph-pm also.  Here is the fink output:

The following package will be rebuilt:
The checksum of the file ldp.dsl-1.10 of package 
docbook-dsssl-ldp-3.8-3 is
incorrect. The most likely cause for this is a corrupted or incomplete
download. It is recommended that you download it again. How do you want 

(1)  Give up
(2)  Delete it and download again
(3)  Assume it is a partial download and try to continue
(4)  Don't download, use existing file

Make your choice:  [2]
rm -f /sw/src/ldp.dsl-1.10
curl -f -L -P - -o ldp.dsl-1.10 http://tldp.org/authors/tools/ldp.dsl
  % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed  Time
 Dload  Upload TotalCurrent  Left   
100 10625  100 106250 0   2646  0  0:00:04  0:00:04  
0:00:00  7562
The checksum of the file ldp.dsl-1.10 of package 
docbook-dsssl-ldp-3.8-3 is
incorrect. The most likely cause for this is a corrupted or incomplete
download. It is recommended that you download it again. How do you want 

(1)  Give up
(2)  Delete it and download again
(3)  Assume it is a partial download and try to continue
(4)  Don't download, use existing file

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Gary Olson

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] gd-pm does not compile

2003-02-15 Thread Gary Olson
I was finally able to get a copy of docbook-dsssl-ldp to download  
properly.  However, I now have a problem with gd-pm.  It says that it  
will not compile against libpng-1.0.12-6 which is the current unstable  
and stable version of this lib. I am running 10.2.4 with the Dec tools.  
 Here is the fink output:

cp Makefile.PL Makefile.PL.original
  perl -pi -e 's/qw\(-I/qw\(-I\/sw\/include -I/' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/qw\(-L/qw\(-L\/sw\/lib -L/' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/(my \$PREFIX).+?\;/$1=\\/sw\/lib\\;/' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/warn.+Please.+//' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/(JPEG +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/(FT +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/(XPM +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL
  perl -pi -e 's/(XPM.+)y/$1n/' Makefile.PL
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/sw INSTALLPRIVLIB=/sw/lib/perl5  
INSTALLARCHLIB=/sw/lib/perl5/darwin INSTALLSITELIB=/sw/lib/perl5  
INSTALLSITEARCH=/sw/lib/perl5/darwin INSTALLMAN1DIR=/sw/share/man/man1  
NOTICE: This module requires libgd 2.0.5 or higher.
it will NOT work with earlier versions.
For earlier versions of libgd, use GD version 1.41.

If you experience compile problems, please check the @INC, @LIBPATH and  
arrays defined in Makefile.PL and manually adjust, if necessary.

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for GD
mkdir blib
mkdir blib/lib
mkdir blib/arch
mkdir blib/arch/auto
mkdir blib/arch/auto/GD
mkdir blib/lib/auto
mkdir blib/lib/auto/GD
mkdir blib/man3
cp qd.pl blib/lib/qd.pl
cp GD.pm blib/lib/GD.pm
AutoSplitting blib/lib/GD.pm (blib/lib/auto/GD)
cp GD/Polyline.pm blib/lib/GD/Polyline.pm
/usr/bin/perl -I/System/Library/Perl/darwin -I/System/Library/Perl  
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap  
/System/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap GD.xs  GD.xsc  
 mv GD.xsc GD.c
cc -c -I/sw/include -I/sw/include -I/usr/local/include  
-I/usr/local/include/gd -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp  
-flat_namespace -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing -Os  
-DVERSION=\2.06\ -DXS_VERSION=\2.06\   
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE -DHAVE_JPEG -DHAVE_FT -DHAVE_XPM GD.c
Running Mkbootstrap for GD ()
chmod 644 GD.bs
LD_RUN_PATH=/sw/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib cc -o  
blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.bundle  -bundle  -flat_namespace -undefined  
suppress GD.o-L/sw/lib -L/sw/lib -L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib  
-lgd -lpng -lz -lfreetype -ljpeg -lm -lX11 -lXpm
ld: warning dynamic shared library: /sw/lib/libpng.dylib not made a  
weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment  
variable set to: 10.1
ld: warning dynamic shared library: /usr/lib/libz.dylib not made a weak  
library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable  
set to: 10.1
ld: warning dynamic shared library: /sw/lib/libfreetype.dylib not made  
a weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment  
variable set to: 10.1
ld: warning dynamic shared library: /sw/lib/libjpeg.dylib not made a  
weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment  
variable set to: 10.1
ld: warning dynamic shared library: /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.dylib not  
made a weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment  
variable set to: 10.1
ld: warning dynamic shared library: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.dylib not  
made a weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment  
variable set to: 10.1
chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.bundle
cp GD.bs blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.bs
chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/GD/GD.bs
Manifying blib/man3/GD.3
Manifying blib/man3/GD::Polyline.3
make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib  
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin -I/System/Library/Perl -e 'use  
Test::Harness qw(runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
t/GDok 1/10libpng warning: Application was compiled  
with png.h from libpng-1.2.5
libpng warning: Application  is running with png.c from libpng-1.0.12
gd-png:  fatal libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application  
and library
Test returned status 0 (wstat 10, 0xa)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-10
Failed 9/10 tests, 10.00% okay
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
t/GD.t010109  90.00%  2-10
Failed 1/2 test scripts, 50.00% okay. 9/11 subtests failed, 18.18% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
### execution of make failed, exit code 2
Failed: compiling gd-pm-2.06-1 failed

Has anyone else had this problem?  I was able to compile gd-pm against  
an older version of libpng, but I don't have it anymore.  Is there  
something else that I have done wrong or do we have to wait for the  
maintainer to catch up to libpng-1.0.12-6?  Any help would be  

Gary Olson

This sf.net email

[Fink-users] Can't install new dpkg w/ cvs

2003-01-17 Thread Gary Olson
When the cvs server came up, I did a fink selfupdate-cvs.  It could not  
install dpkg.  Here is the error message:

Reading package info...
Updating package index... done.
Information about 2093 packages read in 29 seconds.

The following 3 packages will be installed or updated:
 apt apt-shlibs dpkg
curl -f -L -P - -O ftp.debian.org/pool/main/d/dpkg/dpkg_1.10.9.tar.gz

then after compiling and building debs:

Writing control file...
Writing package script postinst...
dpkg-deb -b root-dpkg-1.10.9-2  
dpkg-deb: building package `dpkg' in  
ln -sf  
2_darwin-powerpc.deb /sw/fink/debs/
rm -rf /sw/src/root-dpkg-1.10.9-2
dpkg -i  
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing  
2_darwin-powerpc.deb (--install):
 files list file for package `xml-parser-pm' is missing final newline
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't install package dpkg-1.10.9-2

I tried to remove xml-parser-pm (which requires removing some other  
perlmods first) thinking that I could then download and recompile this  
perlmod.  Then I would try updating again.  However, I can not remove  
it using apt-get, dselect, or fink.  Is Fink  broken because dpkg is  
only partially installed.?

Here are error messages I got when using dselect to install and remove  
xml-parser-pm and its dependencies:

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  gtk-perl-pm* libxml-pm* lyx natbib revtex system-tetex xdvi  
xml-dom-pm* xml-parser-pm* xml-rss-pm*
  xml-simple-pm* xml-twig-pm*
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 12 to remove and 0  not  
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing gtk-perl-pm (--purge):
 files list file for package `xml-parser-pm' is missing final newline
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
E: Sub-process /sw/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall  
Press enter to continue.

installation script returned error exit status 100.
Press enter to continue.

dselect decided it had to remove system-tetex and its dependencies  
including revtex. I expected to have to do this later when I did a fink  
update-all.  I should not have used the install and remove selection of  

Then I tried  to remove only with dselect:

running dpkg --pending --remove ...
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing revtex (--remove):
 files list file for package `xml-parser-pm' is missing final newline
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.

dpkg --remove returned error exit status 1.
Press enter to continue.

Then I tried using apt-get to remove one of the xml-parser-pm  

[Gary-K-Olsons-Computer:~]:-bash:164$: sudo apt-get remove xml-twig-pm

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0  not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing xml-twig-pm (--remove):
 files list file for package `xml-parser-pm' is missing final newline
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
E: Sub-process /sw/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Does anyone know how I can fix Fink well enough to to get this mess  
straightened out?  I sure don't want to erase /sw and start over as I  
had everything working perfectly.  Thanks in advance for your help!

Gary K. Olson

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[Fink-users] Bash and WindowMaker on Apple's X11

2003-01-12 Thread Gary Olson
First I want to thank the developer's at Fink.  I have Fink up and  
running on Jaguar and Apple's X11, and I really did not have much  
trouble.  I do have a couple of questions that I hope someone in the  
mailing list can answer.

1) I have WindowMaker running with Apple's X11, but I cannot right  
click and get wmaker's Application Menu.  Everything else in wmaker  
seems to work fine.  Has anyone else had this problem since they  
switched to Apple's X11?  X11's Application Menu works just fine, but  
there are quite a few more things on the wmaker Application Menu  
besides applications. My .xintrc file has the following:

source /sw/bin/init.sh
exec wmaker

2) I tried to set up bash.  I downloaded Fink's bash package and  
installed it.  I then followed the directions in the README file for  
setting up config files, but I can not get the Terminal app to change  
to bash.  Also, I can not get chsh to work from the command line either  
in Terminal.app or in xterm or rxvt when running the X11 server.  I  
tried changing the Terminal preferences from executing the  
/usr/bin/login to /sw/bin/bash or /sw/bin/init.sh, but neither did  
anything but hang the Terminal.app.  Does anyone have an idea what I  
might need to do?

I have following line in ~/.bash_profile   :   source ~/.bashrc

I have following lines in ~/.bashrc  :

source /sw/share/init/bash/rc
source /sw/bin/init.sh



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