Re: [Fink-users] Failed: phase compiling: octave-atlas-3.0.0-3 failed

2008-03-31 Thread Yann Clénet
actually, I was trying to install the gdl package and it failed at the  
octave-atlas step. but if I can be of any help (I am rather a newbie  
than an expert of fink...), I can try any suggestion


 Segfaults are hard to diagnose (remember the last one
 about octave-forge, Ben ..)
 And BTW, I see the failed test (/sw/share/octave/3.0.0/m/sparse/ 
 is in the sparse directory, and contains several refs to sparsity;
 suitesparse might not be involved ??


 It is possible. If Yann is up to the task of helping isolate the  
 problem, we can have him run

  test pcg verbose

 That should tell us what test is actually failing. I suspect the  
 left-divide because that problem has already been identified.  
 However, I'm confused as to why Yann is encountering it ... unless  
 he is using Octave's developer sources form Feb to the mid-Mar.


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Re: [Fink-users] Failed: phase compiling: octave-atlas-3.0.0-3 failed

2008-03-27 Thread Yann Clénet
I have tried your fink rebuild atlas atlas-shlibs (with no error)  
and then tried again to install octave-atlas, but got the same error  
as before...

But after suppressing make check in  the /sw/fink/10.4/unstable/main/ 
finkinfo/sci/ file, the installation of octave-atlas worked  
Thank you !


 I believe this problem has been fixed in Octave's current developer
 sources, which I'm currently running.

 The problem is related to a change in how gfortran returns values of
 complex functions.

 If you edit and remove the line make check, it should  
 and install. If my inference is correct, the following should  
 reproduce the

 N = 97;
 mldivide (2*eye(N) + circshift (eye (N), 1), ones (N, 1));

 For N  97 it should work (if you build without make check, please

 I'm surprised this error is resulting with the atlas version. When  
 did you
 build altas?

 Perhaps you might try fink rebuild atlas atlas-shlibs before  
 octave-atlas. That way you can be sure that blas/lapack/octave are
 each compiled in a consistent manner.


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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Failed: phase compiling: djvulibre-3.5.20-1001 failed

2008-03-26 Thread Yann Clénet
I fail installing djvulibre with Leopard 10.5.2 preinstalled on a new  
MacBook Pro:

i686-apple-darwin9-g++-4.0.1: /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib: No  
such file or directory

make[2]: *** [djview] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
### execution of make failed, exit code 2
Removing runtime build-lock...
Removing build-lock package...
/sw/bin/dpkg-lockwait -r fink-buildlock-djvulibre-3.5.20-1001
(Reading database ... 56922 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing fink-buildlock-djvulibre-3.5.20-1001 ...
Failed: phase compiling: djvulibre-3.5.20-1001 failed

I have seen the previous thread on the same subject but it doesn't  
help (I have re-run fink selfupdate before this email). Note that I  
have a /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.1.0.dylib file.

Thank you for your help

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Fink-users mailing list

Re: [Fink-users] Failed: phase compiling: djvulibre-3.5.20-1001 failed

2008-03-26 Thread Yann Clénet
thank you. actually I have created a link between the 2 files  
(libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib and /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.1.0.dylib) and it  
solved the problem.

 Yann Clénet wrote:
 I fail installing djvulibre with Leopard 10.5.2 preinstalled on a  
 new MacBook Pro:
 i686-apple-darwin9-g++-4.0.1: /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib:  
 No such file or directory
 make[2]: *** [djview] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
 make: *** [all] Error 2
 ### execution of make failed, exit code 2
 Removing runtime build-lock...
 Removing build-lock package...
 /sw/bin/dpkg-lockwait -r fink-buildlock-djvulibre-3.5.20-1001
 (Reading database ... 56922 files and directories currently  
 Removing fink-buildlock-djvulibre-3.5.20-1001 ...
 Failed: phase compiling: djvulibre-3.5.20-1001 failed
 I have seen the previous thread on the same subject but it doesn't  
 help (I have re-run fink selfupdate before this email). Note that  
 I have a /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.1.0.dylib file.

 I don't remember what exactly has been said before on this subject,  
 but there is a real bug in (some versions of) Leopard's X11 which is  
 not Fink's fault and cannot easily be corrected by Fink:

 The bug is that this version of X11 (for example the one that comes  
 with OSX 10.5.2) has a file /usr/X11/lib/ which  
 references libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib, but libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib does not  

 The fix is

 - either to edit /usr/X11/lib/ and replace libXrandr. 
 2.0.0.dylib by libXrandr.2.1.0.dylib:

 sudo perl -pi.bak -e 's|2.0.0|2.1.0|' /usr/X11/lib/

 - or to create libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib as a symlink:

 sudo ln -s libXrandr.2.dylib /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib

 Either one of these commands should solve the problem, but neither  
 of them can or should be done by Fink, you have to do it by hand.

 It seems that in the new version 2.2.0 of X11 that will be available  
 from the xquartz wiki site, the first one of these possibilities  
 will be realized.


Check out the new Marketplace.
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Fink-users mailing list

[Fink-users] Failed: phase compiling: octave-atlas-3.0.0-3 failed

2008-03-26 Thread Yann Clénet
I have now a problem installing with fink the package octave-atlas on  
my new MacBook Pro with preinstalled Leopard 10.5.2 (cf below). Anyone  
has any idea ???

Thank you in advance



Octave successfully built.  Now choose from the following:

./run-octave- to run in place to test before installing
make check  - to run the tests
make install- to install

  make check
make -f octMakefile check
make -C test check
../run-octave --norc --silent --no-history ./fntests.m .

Integrated test scripts:

   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/  PASS   55/55
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ ... PASS   31/31
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ .. PASS   13/13
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ ... PASS9/9
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ ... PASS   51/51
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ .. PASS   57/57
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/  PASS   81/81
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ .. PASS   14/14
   src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ ... PASS6/6
   src/  PASS   20/20
   src/ ... PASS3/3
   src/ ... PASS   15/15
   src/ .. PASS5/5
   src/ .. PASS   22/22
   src/  PASS1/1
   liboctave/ ... PASS6/6
   liboctave/ ... PASS6/6
   scripts/audio/wavwrite.m ... PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/acosd.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/acotd.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/acscd.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/asecd.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/asind.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/atand.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/elfun/cosd.m ... PASS5/5
   scripts/elfun/cotd.m ... PASS5/5
   scripts/elfun/cscd.m ... PASS5/5
   scripts/elfun/secd.m ... PASS5/5
   scripts/elfun/sind.m ... PASS5/5
   scripts/elfun/tand.m ... PASS5/5
   scripts/general/__isequal__.m .. PASS   26/26
   scripts/general/accumarray.m ... PASS   11/11
   scripts/general/arrayfun.m . PASS1/1
   scripts/general/bitcmp.m ... PASS   15/15
   scripts/general/blkdiag.m .. PASS8/8
   scripts/general/cell2mat.m . PASS2/2
   scripts/general/cplxpair.m . PASS   13/13
   scripts/general/cumtrapz.m . PASS6/6
   scripts/general/deal.m . PASS2/2
   scripts/general/interp1.m .. PASS   
   scripts/general/interp2.m .. PASS6/6
   scripts/general/interp3.m .. PASS1/1
   scripts/general/interpft.m . PASS5/5
   scripts/general/issymmetric.m .. PASS   12/12
   scripts/general/lookup.m ... PASS   13/13
   scripts/general/mod.m .. PASS   18/18
   scripts/general/nthroot.m .. PASS3/3
   scripts/general/polyarea.m . PASS4/4
   scripts/general/repmat.m ... PASS   16/16
   scripts/general/structfun.m  PASS1/1
   scripts/general/sub2ind.m .. PASS   24/24
   scripts/general/trapz.m  PASS6/6
   scripts/geometry/convhull.m  PASS1/1
   scripts/geometry/delaunay.m  PASS1/1
   scripts/geometry/delaunay3.m ... PASS1/1
   scripts/geometry/dsearch.m . PASS2/2
   scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m  PASS