[Firebird-devel] Something of interest to some perhaps....

2017-08-02 Thread Paul Beach

pwd = /Users/pbeach/30ios/gen/Release/firebird/lib
MacPro:lib pbeach$ file libfb*
libfbclient.dylib.3.0.3: Mach-O dynamically linked shared library arm_v7


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Re: [Firebird-devel] Charset in IExternalProcedureImpl

2017-08-02 Thread Jiří Činčura
> I mean ExternalEngine::getCharSet, the function to set connection
> charset for plugin management code.

I see getCharSet on IExternalProcedureImpl only. Nothing on
IExternalEngineImpl. :\

Anyway. I have there strncpy(name, "UTF-8", nameSize);, nothing else...

> If you set charset there, I suppose IMessageMetadata will be already in
> its charset, but I'm not looking in the code and may be wrong.

...and still in IExternalProcedureImpl::open I get length==1 for
"character set ascii" parameter. I'll throw an exception when it's not
UTF8 and that's it. I'll not burn my time on this any more.

> But of course, you can use IMetadataBuilder.

Yeah. Not really. If I change charset I have to change the length myself
as well and I don't know the bytes per char for original charset.

Mgr. Jiří Činčura

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