[firebird-support] Re: Error using a transaction parameter block with the OO API.

2016-05-12 Thread hshark...@yahoo.com [firebird-support]
> TPB must start with isc_tpb_version1 or isc_tpb_version3

Thank you.  I've added 
  tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_version3);
as the first inserted tab but unfortunately I get the same error (I've also 
tried various other arrangements with no luck.

> IIRC, by default transaction started as {isc_tpb_concurrency, isc_tpb_write, 
> isc_tpb_wait}

Excellent.  Thanks.

[firebird-support] FB 3 and FreeeUDFLib

2016-05-12 Thread russ...@belding.co.nz [firebird-support]
In earlier posts I asked for help as FreeUDFLib.dll was not working in my FB 3 
installation. fbvlad gave me the answer "it requires gds32.dll" but I 
misunderstood his reply. I am using date and time functions in FreeUDFLib.

 Looking at FreeUDFLib.dll in DependencyWalker shows it calls GDS32.dll. On the 
PC hosting my FB 3 test gds32.dll was not in windows  folder. Once 
GDS32.dll was placed in this folder the FreeUDFLib functions worked.

 The function I tested with was F_YEAR(..). Before inserting GDS32.dll the 
error message was " ... function F_YEAR is not defined. module name or entry 
point could not be found." Reading  this I followed a misleading diagnostic 

 Comments on the FB 3 Windows installation package:

 In the FB 3 Windows installation exe it is possible to install GDS32.dll to 
avoid the error I had by checking 
 "[ ] Generate client library GDS32.dll for legacy interbase support?"

 This appears on the installation page "Select addittional tasks" under 
 "[ ] Copy Firebird client library to  directory?"

 Would a better question for the second action be 
 "[ ] Copy library GDS32.dll for legacy interbase and firebird support?"

 On the next "Install page" actions are reported as questions. Removing the 
trailing "?" would be helpful.


[firebird-support] Re: Error using a transaction parameter block with the OO API.

2016-05-12 Thread hv...@users.sourceforge.net [firebird-support]
---In firebird-support@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 > I'm using the Firebird 3.0 release version.  Delphi 10.1 Berlin with the 
 > firebird.pas release file and fbclient3.  I can connect to the database 
> and can run queries, but I can't seem to get a custom transaction parameter 
> block to work.   Here's my code:
> // Transaction := attachment.startTransaction(status, 0, nil);
> tpb := Util.getXpbBuilder(status, IXpbBuilder.TPB, nil, 0);
> tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_write);
> tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_read_committed);
> tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_nowait);
> tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_rec_version);
> // This always seems to error with "invalid format for transaction 
> parameter block"

  TPB must start with isc_tpb_version1 or isc_tpb_version3

> Transaction := attachment.startTransaction(status, 
> tpb.getBufferLength(status), tpb.getBuffer(status));
> Has anyone gotten that to work?  Any suggestions are appreciated.  Also, does 
> anyone know what the default transaction parameters 
> are (e.g. if no custom tpb is used)?  

  IIRC, by default transaction started as {isc_tpb_concurrency, isc_tpb_write, 



RE: [firebird-support] Why does "IF (NOT(EXISTS(SELECT 1..." not work as expected?

2016-05-12 Thread 'stwizard' stwiz...@att.net [firebird-support]
Greetings Thomas,


Yes, I first have to get my tables cleaned up and then add cascading delete 
foreign key constraint on PER_ADDRESS referencing ADDRESS





From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:29 AM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Why does "IF (NOT(EXISTS(SELECT 1..." not work 
as expected?



> Hello 'stwizard',
> Thursday, May 12, 2016, 12:46:25 AM, you wrote:
>> Here is my simple Stored Procedure. It simply looks for any
>> address in the ADDRESS table that starts with ‘0 ‘ as in “0 SE
>> ADAMS ST” and COUNT(*) how many time it might have been used in
>> PER_ADDRESS and if COUNT() > 0 delete the links from the PER_ADDRESS table.
>> The next line verifies that there is no remaining links in the
>> PER_ADDRESS table and then deletes the record from the ADDRESS table.
>> My problem is that even though ADDR_ID 347006 does not exist in the
>> PER_ADDRESS table, the “IF (NOT(EXISTS(SELECT 1..” line thinks there
>> is and skips the deletion of the record f orm the ADDRESS table. 
>> What might I be doing wrong?
> First of all, this is an executable SP, not intended to return a
> result set, so get rid of the RETURNS parameters and declare variables
> instead. While executable SPs *can* return a single-row result set,
> with your for-loop, the only result you would get back would be the
> values from the final iteration of the loop. But that's not the
> reason for your unexpected results.
> In your INTO clause, you are missing the colon (:) markers
> that are needed when variables or parameters are referred to in a DSQL
> statement. I seem to recall that they are optional in v.2.5 (not
> sure) but that would not be a reason for me to omit them.
> Your problem is your variables. With both local variables and
> parameters that you are using like variables, you need to
> (1) Initialise your variables before starting the loop (they start out
> as NULL)
> and
> (2) Re-initialise them at the end of the loop (otherwise, until the
> next time the loop gets a "hit", the variables retain the values that
> existed after the last "hit").
> Also, once you fix those problems, I see no point in adding extra cost
> by revisiting the PER_ADDRESS table to verify the non-existence of
> the records you just deleted. If the delete had failed, you would
> already be in an exception condition and would have jumped past that
> block to the last END statement.
> You don't actually need ADDRESS1 in your working set, either, since
> you don't do anything with it.
> With the correct initialisation/re-initialisation, you already have
> the value of ADDR_ID at that point: either a genuine ID (if the
> current ADDRESS format matches the condition) or the dummy value from the
> initialisation (if no invalid addresses were found for that ADDR_ID in
> AS
> DECLARE ADDR_ID Integer = -1;
> /* DECLARE ADDRESS VarChar(50) = ''; not needed */
> begin
> /* A.ADDRESS1, not needed */
> DO
> begin
> end
> -- re-initialise variables
> ADDR_ID = -1;
> /* ADDRESS = ''; */
> PER_ADDR_CNT = -1;
> end ^^

Very exhaustive and a lot of useful advices ... ;-)

He also could simply have a cascading delete foreign key constraint on 

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

Professional Tools and Services for Firebird
FB TraceManager, IB LogManager, Database Health Check, Tuning etc.

RE: [firebird-support] Why does "IF (NOT(EXISTS(SELECT 1..." not work as expected?

2016-05-12 Thread 'stwizard' stwiz...@att.net [firebird-support]
Greetings Helen,

You're the best.  Unbelievable amount of valuable information packed into
your reply.  I really appreciate the time you took in providing a detailed
reply, as I have learned much from you.

I threw this SP together quickly and actually had just a SUSPEND statement
in this to begin with before I removed it and added all the other stuff,
thus the reason for the return parameters.  My intent was to remove them and
have just a an iAddrID variable.  That's what I get for getting frustrated
and throwing my SP as it was at the present out there.  ;>)

That said, I'll go through your reply again and then see if I can get this
to work.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:51 PM
To: 'stwizard' stwiz...@att.net [firebird-support]
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Why does "IF (NOT(EXISTS(SELECT 1..." not
work as expected?

Hello 'stwizard',

Thursday, May 12, 2016, 12:46:25 AM, you wrote:

> Here is my simple Stored Procedure.  It simply looks for any address 
> in the ADDRESS table that starts with '0 '  as in "0 SE ADAMS ST" and 
> COUNT(*) how many time it might have been used in PER_ADDRESS and if 
> COUNT() > 0 delete the links from the PER_ADDRESS table.


> The next line verifies that there is no remaining links in the 
> PER_ADDRESS table and then deletes the record from the ADDRESS table.


> My problem is that even though ADDR_ID 347006 does not exist in the 
> PER_ADDRESS table, the "IF (NOT(EXISTS(SELECT 1.." line thinks there 
> is and skips the deletion of the record f  orm the ADDRESS table.

> What might I be doing wrong?

First of all, this is an executable SP, not intended to return a result set,
so get rid of the RETURNS parameters and declare variables instead. While
executable SPs *can* return a single-row result set, with your for-loop, the
only result you would get back would be the values from the final iteration
of the loop.  But that's not the reason for your unexpected results.

In your INTO clause, you are missing the colon (:) markers that are needed
when variables or parameters are referred to in a DSQL statement.  I seem to
recall that they are optional in v.2.5 (not
sure) but that would not be a reason for me to omit them.

Your problem is your variables.  With both local variables and parameters
that you are using like variables, you need to

(1) Initialise your variables before starting the loop (they start out as
NULL) and
(2) Re-initialise them at the end of the loop (otherwise, until the next
time the loop gets a "hit", the variables retain the values that existed
after the last "hit").

Also, once you fix those problems, I see no point in adding extra cost by
revisiting the PER_ADDRESS table to verify the non-existence of the records
you just deleted.  If the delete had failed, you would already be in an
exception condition and would have jumped past that block to the last END

You don't actually need ADDRESS1 in your working set, either, since you
don't do anything with it.

With the correct initialisation/re-initialisation, you already have the
value of ADDR_ID at that point:  either a genuine ID (if the current ADDRESS
format matches the condition) or the dummy value from the initialisation (if
no invalid addresses were found for that ADDR_ID in PER_ADDRESS).

  DECLARE  ADDR_ID Integer = -1;
  /* DECLARE ADDRESS VarChar(50) = ''; not needed */

 /* A.ADDRESS1, not needed */

   -- re-initialise variables
   ADDR_ID = -1;
   /* ADDRESS = ''; */
   PER_ADDR_CNT = -1;
end ^^



Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item on the
main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at


Yahoo Groups Links

RE: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread Ralf Jansen ralf.jan...@mailstore.com [firebird-support]
No Server involved. I am directly using the fbembed/fbclient.dll for for 
connecting to an fdb file.
I'm a Firebird embedded user.

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [firebird-support@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 20:18
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)


This detection is useless .
use the latest library (FB3) and you can connect to any older servers

Karol Bieniaszewski

Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 6:50 PM
Subject: RE: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

I missed to say that it’s all about embedded usage. So before executing any 
statement I would need to know what firebird library to use for connecting.
My use case is actually detecting pre ODS 12 databases and doing a 
backup/restore to get them into the current format.
From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016 17:30
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

i do not know what do you mean “to check”
Can you connect to db? or you cannot and need to check?
If you can connect, then this is simple:
Karol Bieniaszewski
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:02 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

is there an easy/official way to check the ODS versions?
I was going the gstat route but the 2.5 gstat doesn't know anything about ODS 
12 and up and the 3.0 gstat only knows about ODS 12 and up.
Both gstats throw errors in case of an unknown ODS Version but it feels wrong 
relying on that error message for distinction.


Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 12-5-2016 20:18, liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support] wrote:
> This detection is useless .
> use the latest library (FB3) and you can connect to any older servers

But that isn't really useful if you want to find out if you need to 
upgrade a database.

Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]

This detection is useless .
use the latest library (FB3) and you can connect to any older servers

Karol Bieniaszewski

From: mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 6:50 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: RE: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)


I missed to say that it’s all about embedded usage. So before executing any 
statement I would need to know what firebird library to use for connecting. 

My use case is actually detecting pre ODS 12 databases and doing a 
backup/restore to get them into the current format.

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016 17:30
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)



i do not know what do you mean “to check”

Can you connect to db? or you cannot and need to check?

If you can connect, then this is simple:




Karol Bieniaszewski

From: mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:02 PM

To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 

Subject: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)


is there an easy/official way to check the ODS versions?
I was going the gstat route but the 2.5 gstat doesn't know anything about ODS 
12 and up and the 3.0 gstat only knows about ODS 12 and up.
Both gstats throw errors in case of an unknown ODS Version but it feels wrong 
relying on that error message for distinction.


Re: AW: [firebird-support] Simply bad, new is not always better. FB3 and ODBC

2016-05-12 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 11-5-2016 16:04, 'Checkmail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support] 
> I have already tested the new version of firebird, but I think it is not my
> part to understand everything how firebird works. MSSQL I can install in
> every version, except new functions everything works in a new version like
> before.

That is the difference between a multi-billion dollar company with 
dedicated teams of testers, and a small, underfunded, open source 
project. Welcome to the open-source world, where the community is 
expected to lift part of that burden.

And yes, you can have some expectation of quality, but all too often 
people only start to really test when the first official release is done.

> Yes, I have posted it in the odbc dev, but I got no answer. If MSACCESS call
> a stored procedure (which inserts records) and Access waits until this
> process ends, it can refresh and get the new data. But why works it in the
> most cases and sometimes not? Wrong thinking of me? I hope I can expect that
> firebird fundamental works like before, or isn't it? The new architecture
> should not have an effect of a stored procedure who inserts some records.

It depends. We can't possibly tell from the few details you have provided.

> That not all can be perfect have I realized, I have posted some issues how I
> see after migrating. Hundreds of tables and stored procedures I cannot test
> again and again, if there some more clients connected it should work how one
> client. The odbc-driver is the critical component, the old version works
> nearly perfect but with fb3 I can determine some problems. The new one works
> not good, the performance is bad (slowly compared with the old one) and the
> refresh works not in every case.

I strongly recommend creating automated tests. It removes the drudgery 
from testing, and it is great to flush out regressions.

> Thank you Thomas for the link, the post_event sounds like a bug in fb3. This
> can happen, but I cannot expect the unexpected and believe in firebird. You
> all make a great job, but I only will develop the database, not be a tester
> or develop and understand the whole firebird-system. A table should work
> like a table and the odbc-connection should not work worse like before. We
> uses the newest version of MSAccess and as it appears, the very old gemini
> odbc driver works better than the newest of firebird-development.
> How can I post a "rational" problem when it is random one? I test it, in my
> freetime too, will make a great job, but how can I win when even the simply
> things don’t work again? All other components (mfc, c++) works, expect the
> post_event. Yes, we are using the fbclient.dll from the fb3.0.
> I already read the documentation, but once more, It works mostly, but there
> are some things how works unreliable. And I have brought a helping hand -
> fb-support. The actual complications could I not see by testing without the
> real environment by using a few connections. Mostly it works good, but how I
> said, not reliable.

If it happens with a lot of connections, it sounds more like a race 
condition (either in Firebird or in your software), or possibly wrong 
use of transaction isolation levels.

What Firebird model did you use with 2.5, and what model do you use now 
(SuperServer, SuperClassic or Classic)?

Mark Rotteveel

Re: [firebird-support] Simply bad, new is not always better. FB3 and ODBC

2016-05-12 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 10-5-2016 16:03, 'Checkmail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support] 
> We had FB 2.5 CS before our migration to fb 3 SS. After this, the
> Frontend (MS-ACCESS) calls a stored procedure and sometimes the
> odbc-driver does not wait until the procedure finished and writes the
> new records. In this case the user must close the access-formular to get
> the new data, if he pushed the button again, there are two new records
> present. Some other complications I have posted, two in the tracker. Not
> fine, we have now some problems we never had and the customer does not
> pad for the solutions.

What transaction configuration are you using? If you are using 
autocommit (and if that uses the Firebird autocommit; I don't know the 
ODBC driver), a theory could be that the commit points have gotten more 

And otherwise it would be really helpful to get a specific and 
repeatable reproduction script (or program).

> Now I have de-installed the firebird odbc 2.0.4 Driver and install the
>, the problem with the refresh after calling
> adodb-stored-procedure we get a little less, but if I connect to the
> odbc-tables again (tables are linked) I get:
> Odbc firebird driver firebird attempt to reclose a closed cursor #-501

It is not a new error message, so again, without a a specific and 
repeatable reproduction script (or program) it is hard to trackdown if 
it is indeed a deviation from previous versions (and if that deviation 
is intended or not).

Mark Rotteveel

[firebird-support] Error using a transaction parameter block with the OO API.

2016-05-12 Thread markjf...@comcast.net [firebird-support]
I'm using the Firebird 3.0 release version.  Delphi 10.1 Berlin with the 
firebird.pas release file and fbclient3.  I can connect to the database and can 
run queries, but I can't seem to get a custom transaction parameter block to 
work.   Here's my code:

// Transaction := attachment.startTransaction(status, 0, nil);
tpb := Util.getXpbBuilder(status, IXpbBuilder.TPB, nil, 0);
tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_write);
tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_read_committed);
tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_nowait);
tpb.insertTag(status, isc_tpb_rec_version);

// This always seems to error with "invalid format for transaction 
parameter block"
Transaction := attachment.startTransaction(status, 
tpb.getBufferLength(status), tpb.getBuffer(status));

Has anyone gotten that to work?  Any suggestions are appreciated.  Also, does 
anyone know what the default transaction parameters are (e.g. if no custom tpb 
is used)?  Thanks for any help.

-Mark Ford

RE: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread Ralf Jansen ralf.jan...@mailstore.com [firebird-support]
I missed to say that it’s all about embedded usage. So before executing any 
statement I would need to know what firebird library to use for connecting.
My use case is actually detecting pre ODS 12 databases and doing a 
backup/restore to get them into the current format.

From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016 17:30
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)


i do not know what do you mean “to check”
Can you connect to db? or you cannot and need to check?

If you can connect, then this is simple:


Karol Bieniaszewski

From: mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:02 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

is there an easy/official way to check the ODS versions?
I was going the gstat route but the 2.5 gstat doesn't know anything about ODS 
12 and up and the 3.0 gstat only knows about ODS 12 and up.
Both gstats throw errors in case of an unknown ODS Version but it feels wrong 
relying on that error message for distinction.


Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]

i do not know what do you mean “to check”
Can you connect to db? or you cannot and need to check?

If you can connect, then this is simple:


Karol Bieniaszewski

From: mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:02 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

is there an easy/official way to check the ODS versions?
I was going the gstat route but the 2.5 gstat doesn't know anything about ODS 
12 and up and the 3.0 gstat only knows about ODS 12 and up.
Both gstats throw errors in case of an unknown ODS Version but it feels wrong 
relying on that error message for distinction.


Re: [firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
12.05.2016 16:02, Ralf Jansen ralf.jan...@mailstore.com [firebird-support] 
> is there an easy/official way to check the ODS versions?


   WBR, SD.


Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
on the main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/ 


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[firebird-support] Checking Ods version (2.5 <-> 3.0)

2016-05-12 Thread Ralf Jansen ralf.jan...@mailstore.com [firebird-support]
is there an easy/official way to check the ODS versions?
I was going the gstat route but the 2.5 gstat doesn't know anything about ODS 
12 and up and the 3.0 gstat only knows about ODS 12 and up.
Both gstats throw errors in case of an unknown ODS Version but it feels wrong 
relying on that error message for distinction.


RE: [firebird-support] Database Unavailable

2016-05-12 Thread 'Bill Skelton' b...@landmarkdata.com [firebird-support]
No.  It actually connects in much the same way as Firebird.  You do not need
to share the database folder.  It broadcasts a server name which the client
searches for to connect.  You don't even need to point to the server by name
or IP.  The client will find it for you.

By the way the reason I'm moving to FB is because of licensing issues with a
very small application I have.


-Original Message-
From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 9:40 AM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Database Unavailable

12.05.2016 16:34, 'Bill Skelton' b...@landmarkdata.com [firebird-support]
> I was trying to use a mapped drive to a shared folder

   Just out of curiosity: does Sybase SQL Anywhere allow such database

   WBR, SD.


Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item on the
main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at


Yahoo Groups Links

Re: [firebird-support] Database Unavailable

2016-05-12 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
12.05.2016 16:34, 'Bill Skelton' b...@landmarkdata.com [firebird-support] wrote:
> I was trying to use a mapped drive to a shared folder

   Just out of curiosity: does Sybase SQL Anywhere allow such database usage?

   WBR, SD.


Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
on the main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/ 


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RE: [firebird-support] Database Unavailable

2016-05-12 Thread 'Bill Skelton' b...@landmarkdata.com [firebird-support]
Thank you Karol.  A picture is worth a thousand words!  I was trying to use a 
mapped drive to a shared folder when I needed to reference the database 
location using the server’s path. 


From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:12 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Database Unavailable





what is your connection string?

If you try to connect on shared – then this not work(you can enable this in 
config but this is not good choice at all)


normally connection string looks like:\baza\baza.fb 

3050 port can be ommited


you can on local system connect by:



but not by




Karol Bieniaszewski


From: mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:38 PM

To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com   

Subject: [firebird-support] Database Unavailable



Used IB 10 years ago. Porting an SQL Anywhere app to FB 2.5. Going well
until I try to connect a client to the database - "database unavailable." I
have shared the DB folder on my Windows 7 machine, can browse to it from a
client machine (Win 10) and see Full Control permissions. I have disabled
my Trend AV on the Win7 server as well as put incoming and outgoing rules in
the firewall for FBserver.exe.

I am using the ODBC client to connect via ADO which works fine on the Win7
server. I've run out of things to try. Any suggestion would be greatly

Bill Skelton

Landmark Data Systems, Inc.

2 Old River Place, Ste L

Jackson, MS 39202


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

AW: AW: [firebird-support] Simply bad, new is not always better. FB3 and ODBC

2016-05-12 Thread 'Checkmail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support]
Hello Mark,


for some firebird-problems – yes, one of them is fixed. About odbc I got no 


We are using some stored procedures and tables, I thought, it is possible that 
fb 3 works every time correct how fb 2.1 and my tests without many clients ends 


Von: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com [mailto:firebird-support@yahoogroups.com] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016 09:21
An: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: Re: AW: [firebird-support] Simply bad, new is not always better. FB3 
and ODBC



On 2016-05-12 7:37, 'Checkmail'   
check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support] 
> Hello again,
> the most funkctionality are very simply, just tables who linked to 
> msaccess.
> I thought that firebird in every version can do this without any 
> problems -
> how I said is this not in every case true. Also the stored procedures 
> -
> simplel sql - can do something and should work in fb 3 too. But the 
> main
> problem is the odbc driver, the old works not perfect again and the 
> new has
> performance- and refresh-problems.

Have you already created tickets for these problems with in-depth 
description of the problem and the steps necessary to reproduce them?


Re: [firebird-support] database unavailable

2016-05-12 Thread 'Thomas Steinmaurer' t...@iblogmanager.com [firebird-support]
Hello Bill,

> Used IB 10 years ago.  Porting an SQL Anywhere app to FB 2.5.  Going well
> until I try to connect a client to the database - "database unavailable."  I
> have shared the DB folder on my Windows 7 machine, can browse to it from a
> client machine (Win 10) and see Full Control permissions.

Don't put your database into a shared folder. The clients must not have direct 
physical access to the database file, because they can play around taking 
physical copies then, worst case corrupting the database.

Only the Firebird process needs physical access to the database file locally. 
Clients need to use a TCP/IP connect string then, e.g. 
myhost:c:\data\database.fdb, where c:\data\database.fdb is the location on the 
machine running the Firebird process. Or even better, use database aliases, 
configurable in a Firebird configuration file called 'aliases.conf', which 
allows you to define a mapping from a custom name to a physical location. E.g.:

mydb = c:\data\database.fdb

The custom name 'mydb' should then be used in the connect string, e.g. with 

Hope this helps.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

Professional Tools and Services for Firebird
FB TraceManager, IB LogManager, Database Health Check, Tuning etc.

 I have disabled
> my Trend AV on the Win7 server as well as put incoming and outgoing rules in
> the firewall for FBserver.exe.
> I am using the ODBC client to connect via ADO which works fine on the Win7
> server.  I've run out of things to try.  Any suggestion would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bill Skelton
> Landmark Data Systems, Inc.
> 2 Old River Place, Ste L
> Jackson, MS  39202
> 601-362-0303
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Posted by: "Bill Skelton" 
> ++
> Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
> on the main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu 
> there.
> Also search the knowledgebases at 
> http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/
> ++
> Yahoo Groups Links

Re: [firebird-support] IN OUT PARAMETERS

2016-05-12 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
12.05.2016 9:49, 'Mihalache Bogdan' bogdan.mihala...@soter.ro 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> In firebird is there an option to declare a parameter in a stored procedure 
> as an IN/OUT.

   No. Read Language Reference. IN parameters are completely separated from OUT 

   WBR, SD.


Visit http://www.firebirdsql.org and click the Documentation item
on the main (top) menu.  Try FAQ and other links from the left-side menu there.

Also search the knowledgebases at http://www.ibphoenix.com/resources/documents/ 


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Re: [firebird-support] IN OUT PARAMETERS

2016-05-12 Thread 'Thomas Steinmaurer' t...@iblogmanager.com [firebird-support]
> In firebird is there an option to declare a parameter in a stored procedure
> as an IN/OUT. (like ORACLE server has)
> http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28370/parameter_declaration.
> htm
> I want to send a parameter to a procedure, do some operation with it, and
> return his new value.

No, not with a single parameter. PSQL requires an explicit list of return 
parameters, of course with different parameter names as the input parameters.

The language reference is available here:

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

Professional Tools and Services for Firebird
FB TraceManager, IB LogManager, Database Health Check, Tuning etc.

[firebird-support] IN OUT PARAMETERS

2016-05-12 Thread 'Mihalache Bogdan' bogdan.mihala...@soter.ro [firebird-support]
In firebird is there an option to declare a parameter in a stored procedure
as an IN/OUT. (like ORACLE server has)



I want to send a parameter to a procedure, do some operation with it, and
return his new value.



Thank you!

Re: AW: [firebird-support] Simply bad, new is not always better. FB3 and ODBC

2016-05-12 Thread Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
On 2016-05-12 7:37, 'Checkmail' check_m...@satron.de [firebird-support] 
> Hello again,
> the most funkctionality are very simply, just tables who linked to 
> msaccess.
> I thought that firebird in every version can do this without any 
> problems -
> how I said is this not in every case true. Also the stored procedures 
> -
> simplel sql - can do something and should work in fb 3 too. But the 
> main
> problem is the odbc driver, the old works not perfect again and the 
> new has
> performance- and refresh-problems.

Have you already created tickets for these problems with in-depth 
description of the problem and the steps necessary to reproduce them?
