Re: [firebird-support] IMPORTANT MESSGAGE: This group is moving

2020-05-02 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 02/05/2020 00:29, Helen Borrie [firebird-support] 
> Unfortunately we cannot migrate the current Yahoo! subscribers, and you will
> need to resubscribe yourself, in one of two ways:

The other problem with pigging Google is their drive to make us use a 
Gmail account. They had removed my own email address and given me a one which is what they have just tried to resubscribe me with 
 it IS possible to retain a real email address, but personally I was 
trying to kill of using Google AT ALL because of the crap they keep 
pushing. SO if things don't improve I will be simply closing my google 
account completely!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Re: [firebird-support] Potential for improvements / optimization for the use case below?

2020-04-02 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 02/04/2020 08:12, Patrick Marten 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> There was an other procedure that took long, and I was able to 
> drasticaly improve it by adding one multi-segment index, but all my 
> attempts to do the same in the case above didn't have much impact so far.

Just a quick reply while passing ... CTE
for example.

Use the 'with' section to produce a view of the data that you need to 
work with, and then the select section can include the 'sum' on the 
already filtered data.

I'm working with tables that are in the millions now but the reports are 
now as fast as they were when we only had tens of thousands ... I'm 
summing the current day or week from many years of live data.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
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Re: [firebird-support] Will we move when yahoo Groups close theirs doors?

2019-10-23 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 22/10/2019 21:17, Daniel Miller [firebird-support] 
> I'm curious...why not use Sourceforge mailing lists?
Are they currently working properly?
I've not been able to get in on my account for some time after the last 
change of ownership I think ... and the advertising there adds to agro.
I'm surprised no one has said 'github' as well ... another irritating 
mess with their own ides as to just how information is displayed and 
seems to have changed every time I have to use it.

All the material on the secondary yahoo services should simply be 
contained in the firebird website anyway and that ONLY leaves the email 
messaging which yahoo is apparently not breaking, but a private email 
service is the alternative that projects like php have used for years.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
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Re: [firebird-support] Will we move when yahoo Groups close theirs doors?

2019-10-21 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 21/10/2019 16:05, Kevin Stanton 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Oregon Delphi Users Groups has the same issue.  Looks like that group is 
> moving to

Virtually all of the email lists I have used since eGroup days are 
affected by this farce. It would seem that the email messaging side will 
simply be maintained so we can just carry on using it, but the one thing 
*I* don't fancy is having several solutions to the problem depending on 
just what each list decides. Various previous attempts to switch one or 
other list to on alternative has failed since the alternative simply 
never worked but there is nothing that provides the flexibility and I 
switched off previously and blocked it because of problems 
caused by previous 'upgrade' attempts, so until yahoo actually kills the 
email service I'll probably just stay and eventually not bother 
monitoring any of the 30 odd lists ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
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Re: [firebird-support] Wrong characters ...

2019-05-13 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 13/05/2019 16:27, Mark Rotteveel 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> How is this on topic for firebird-support? Did you mean to mail this to
> someone else?

It's I direct follow on from the question of switching a database from 
'NONE' to 'UTF8' ... I was only when I started looking into that and 
just how to migrate from on database to another that the reason for a 
different problem came to light ...

Something of a heads up s to the problem, but the question is just how 
does one know just how to migrate existing data?

> On 11-5-2019 17:22, Lester Caine [firebird-support] wrote:
>> With the sorting out of unicode encoded text I've just hit a related
>> funny. I've been given a quantity of original PageMaker documents which
>> include a quantity of poetry for which the layout and punctuation is a
>> substantial part of the content. I'd had to find the original fonts, or
>> so I thought to get these to render on an old setup of PageMaker. What I
>> had no anticipated was that while the characters themselves may be
>> slightly different from scans of the original published books, some of
>> the quotation marks were simply 'wrong'. Not yet verified the whole
>> book, but single and double quotes are being rendered as actual foreign
>> characters. What I thought would be a quick job is now something of a
>> nightmare! And I've no way to check just how the original probably
>> pre-XP machine was set up. Looks like I'll need to work out just what
>> characters are used in the documents, but the three copies of the font
>> I've found have different layouts for the punctuation :( Fortunately
>> I've got access to the original author ... it's his website I building
>>  so we can HOPEFULLY identify the correct unicode codes for use
>> on-line, but I doubt there are unicode versions of the old fonts he used
>> originally? Need to find the best match possible while maintaining the
>> original layout of text.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
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[firebird-support] fb_lock_print against open alias

2019-05-12 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
I've got firebirdwebadmin running and hooked up so I can work on various 
bugs due to PHP changes, but I'm struggling with the 'admin' tab.
The php fbird_backup()function can't find the database which is 
currently oprn, and I'm using employee for all the testing, but the 
first problem is working out how to get fb_lock_print to work now since 
all I have is 'employee' alias and other databases are managed as 
aliases in my setup. How to I find the lock file that relates to the 
current open database?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

[firebird-support] Wrong characters ...

2019-05-11 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
With the sorting out of unicode encoded text I've just hit a related 
funny. I've been given a quantity of original PageMaker documents which 
include a quantity of poetry for which the layout and punctuation is a 
substantial part of the content. I'd had to find the original fonts, or 
so I thought to get these to render on an old setup of PageMaker. What I 
had no anticipated was that while the characters themselves may be 
slightly different from scans of the original published books, some of 
the quotation marks were simply 'wrong'. Not yet verified the whole 
book, but single and double quotes are being rendered as actual foreign 
characters. What I thought would be a quick job is now something of a 
nightmare! And I've no way to check just how the original probably 
pre-XP machine was set up. Looks like I'll need to work out just what 
characters are used in the documents, but the three copies of the font 
I've found have different layouts for the punctuation :( Fortunately 
I've got access to the original author ... it's his website I building 
 so we can HOPEFULLY identify the correct unicode codes for use 
on-line, but I doubt there are unicode versions of the old fonts he used 
originally? Need to find the best match possible while maintaining the 
original layout of text.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Re: [firebird-support] Database 'conversion'

2019-05-11 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 11/05/2019 07:54, Hannes Streicher 
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Guten Tag Lester  [firebird-support],
> Strings with charset none need only 1 byte per char in the receive buffer of 
> your software
> UFT-8 will reserve 4 Bytes per char , regardless if it is needed or not ,
> this can cause some problems on larger records

Despite all the attempts to mess up the flexible way PHP works, 
associative strings still grow in size as needed but yes that is one 
area where I need to monitor what comes out does not grow when it goes 
back. The irritating bit is that despite PHP6 being planned to be 
unicode ready we are still stuck with a half way house and raw strings 
are still sized by bytes rather than characters :( Fortunately currently 
most fields that will handle UTF8 should be big enough for a much longer 
name than even unicode characters are likely to create. And content goes 
into blobs ... THAT I was already planning for 20 years ago!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Re: [firebird-support] Database 'conversion'

2019-05-11 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
On 11/05/2019 07:27, Mark Rotteveel 
[firebird-support] wrote:
>> I think I'm simply looking at creating a new empty UTF8 copy of
>> the database and pumping over from the NONE version?

> Not that I'm aware of. Creating a new database and pumping the data is
> the best approach. Make sure to verify your migration process before
> getting rid of the old database.

One of the primary reasons for using Firebird ;) cron job maintains last 
5 nights backups for every website which then gets mirrored with any new 
content to the backup location. Just wish I could do the same with the 
Wordpress sites as backing up MySQL is still painful.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

[firebird-support] Database 'conversion'

2019-05-10 Thread Lester Caine [firebird-support]
For 20 odd years I've only ever created databases with a charset of NONE 
and because of the way PHP works the odd UTF8 string just works as raw 
data. Strange names and address strings just work and there is normally 
only a problem when the string was corrupt anyway.

Now I think it's time I started to look at tidying things up, and move 
to UTF8 as the default character set. I've various notes across several 
versions of FB, but is there a good current crib sheet on how to handle 
this? I think I'm simply looking at creating a new empty UTF8 copy of 
the database and pumping over from the NONE version?

I'm just trying to decide if it's worth upgrading ibWebAdmin to handle 
the transfer so I can play with csv dumps and pick up some other raw 
data sources, but are there other tools working with FB3. I'm find a 
number of the tools like XMLWizard are being blocked by my ISP but I 
think they are the same versions as I downloaded some time ago but which 
will not run on my current version of SUSE :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -