Am working on an old VB6 project and need to connect to some Firebird Data.

 Having problem Connecting to database when it's a network address.

 Declaration is:
 Private Declare Function ConnectDatabase Lib "fbdll4vb20.dll" (ByVal 
servername As String, ByVal dbName As String, ByVal username As String, ByVal 
password As String) As Boolean

 Call for database on local machine works fine:  (FileName = c:\data\sprox.gdb)

         Set rs = Myrs.rsOpen(StrSql, "Localhost", FileName, "SYSDBA", 
 Public Function rsOpen(sql As String, dbServer As String, dbName As String, 
dbUser As String, dbPass As String) As ADOR.Recordset
     Dim rv As Boolean

    rv = ConnectDatabase(dbServer, dbName, dbUser, dbPass)


 If my data is on network share at \\MyNetShare\data\sprox.gdb then what value 
do I use for dbServer and dbFileName?

 Tried dbServer="" and dbName="\\MyNetShare\data\sprox.gdb" and it works but 
only if running program As Admin (Win10)

 Any suggestions???


  • [fir... [firebird-support]
    • ... Dimitry Sibiryakov [firebird-support]
    • ... Helen Borrie [firebird-support]

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