

   Kevin Kirby's opening remark on the Fluctuon model of Michael Conrad shed 
light on the role of
information in physics and beyond. Here is some peripheral remark of my own, 
though a bit lengthy. 


1)      Practicing physics may look informational in exercising its own 
specification without saying
so explicitly. A case in point is the renormalization scheme as demonstrated in 
electrodynamics (QED). QED is quite self-consistent in specifying and 
determining the values of both
the electric charge of an electron and its mass. Tomonaga-Schwinger have 
successfully set up a
descriptive scheme of synchronizing the multiple times presiding over the 
virtual processes which
might violate conservation laws in between in the light of the uncertainty 
principle in energy and
time. The synchronization that is faithful to observing all the relevant 
conservation laws is an act
of making both determinations of the mass under the influence of the electric 
charge and of its
reversal coincidental, that is, the act of making both ends meet. A neat 
expression of the
synchronization is seen in Dyson's equation in terms of Feynman's diagram. In 
short, the physical
parameter called a mass or an electric charge is internally specified, 
determined and measured as
such in the renormalization scheme of QED. So far, so good.


2)      Michael felt some uneasiness with the renormalization scheme since the 
notion of information
remains redundant and secondary at best there. Although the definitive values 
of the mass and the
electric charge might seem informational to the experimentalist who intends to 
measure them
externally, an electron in QED can already be seen to measure and fix them 
internally on its own. In
the physical world describable in one form of renormalized scheme or another, 
that is to say, in the
standard model of physics, information is merely a derivative from something 
more fundamental. The
standard physicist has a good excuse for marginalizing information. If 
information has anything
significant in its own right and can stand alone irrespective of whether or how 
it may become
analytically accessible, on the other hand, one must go beyond the stipulation 
of the standard
model. A notorious case that has strenuously kept defying the renormalization 
project of whatever
kind attempted so far is quantum gravity, which was Michael's primary concern. 
scheme of justifying quantum gravity is required to reach continuity (gravity) 
as starting from
discontinuity (quantum) and at the same time to reach discontinuity as starting 
from continuity even
on an experimental basis. 


3)      The analytical tool Michael employed was conservation laws paraphrased 
in terms of
elementary perturbation theory as Kevin noted. While the standard model is 
grounded upon the
likelihood that all the relevant conservation laws could eventually be met 
insofar as one is lucky
enough to encounter a specific form of synchronization, the Fluctuon model 
squarely faces up to the
situation that there is no chance of expecting such a fortunate synchronous 
Substantiating each conservation law on energy or momentum is a must in any 
case, while asking
simultaneous fulfillment of all the relevant conservation laws is too much. 
What is unique to the
Fluctuon model is its emphasis on the participation of persistent and itinerant 
disequilibrium or a
Fluctuon in implementing conservation laws internally, though there is no room 
for it in the mind of
the standard physicist. This perpetual disequilibrium is all pervasive and 
reverberating up and down
and from left to right and back. 



4)      Once I asked Michael that while graviton is nice in its ambition of 
going beyond the
standard model of physics, why not take up carbon chemistry as one more 
concrete example going
beyond the hurdle? So far as we know, there has been no attempt for determining 
both carbon
compounds as the building pieces of biology and chemical affinity latent in 
them in a mutually
consistent manner. His reply was this. "Right, but I want to cover more even 
though it may look
crazy to many. That is an issue of quantum gravity and life. Anyway, life is 
short." Granted. 



   Koichiro Matsuno



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