Wishful Thinking Reflected in the Sumerian Concept of Numbers

1)      Introduction

To be better prepared to understand the roots of our numbering conventions,
we have proposed to re-imagine the intellectual innovations achieved by the
Sumerians, while they introduced the concept of positional notation. This
ground-breaking innovation has made, in a - much simplified - example
“a,b,c” different to “b,a,c” by the rule: “read the last as the number of
single units, the next the number of dozens and the third as the number of
grand dozens”: that is, abc translates into our notation as c + b*12 +
a*144 and bac as c + a* 12 + b * 144. (They did in fact not use a 12-based
system, but the principle they invented remains the same, whether binary,
decimal or hexadecimal.)

We have offered as a method of accessing the thinking capacity of the
ganglions that manage this rule a mental landscape which is easy and
emotionally moving. The ganglions can be seen as railroad switches (railway
turnouts / points), which are brought into a fixed position by learning.
Once one has learnt how to direct the paths of one’s thoughts, one has a
much-simplified life. The disadvantages are that one has preconceptions and
prejudices, and releasing the switch from its fixed position carries the
costs of an experience of frustration.

Yet, the regrettable state of affairs is today that we need to re-learn our
basic concepts of how things interact with each other in Nature, because
the transfer of genetic information, as observed in real life and in vitro,
has, in the eyes of many, not yet been explained rationally,
comprehensively and exhaustively, and in the eyes of few, the explanation
which is in fact rational, comprehensive and exhaustive, cannot be
understood by the many, as the ganglions of the many are fixed in their
positions as learned in elementary school, and the frustration of
re-releasing the switches is just too much for the simple-minded believers
of Teachers, who unfortunately lack the long training a psycho-analyst has
to go through until she or he loses all belief in authorities and teachings
handed down and hopefully learns to think with her or his own head.

If we succeed to drip-feed the true believers with the poison of disbelief,
which is the elixir of alternative explanations, there may arrive a
Darwinian moment, where people say: “it is not nice to un-believe many
beliefs, but it does make just too much sense to assume that we are the
great-great-great-grandchildren of monkeys”. The goal is in the current
case to bring people to the point of saying: “It is not nice to un-believe
many beliefs, but it does make just too much sense to assume that there are
many ways to arrive at the concept of a number, let alone to that of a

So, we return to the Sumerian nobles discussing how to build a consistent
system of notation for something which is differing to all things sensually
perceivable. To un-glue the fixed positions of the switches of the
ganglions in the brain, we use the juicy imagination that the Sumerians
have abstracted for their idea of “one object as such” from sensually
perceivable objects each of them had in a similar fashion, namely ladies of
their respective harems. To make the case simple, we imagine each of the
scientists to be the proud owner of a harem with 60 ladies each in them,
who are normal, healthy women.

2)      What they did

   1. Enumerate consecutively

Astronomers have observed the periodicity of the Earth’s orbit around the
Sun and the phases of the Moon well before using positional arithmetic. The
4*7 is connected to phases of the Moon and to some processes of
physiological nature in the objects to be abstracted from. One may assume
that the 7 days of the week root in these facts.

The resulting number line is periodic, roughly on 4*7 and again on 4*7*12.
One can deal with the in-exactitudes by means of the two solstices and
re-align the calendar if necessary.

The resulting number line can be reasonably thought to consist of identical
units which follow each other. The mother of N has been born.

   1. De-individuate the objects – individuate the places

There was no gender or transgender oriented affirmative action thousands of
years ago, and no ideas of counting in a politically correct fashion were
entertained in those long-gone days.

Being morally far inferior to us, the Sumerians created a concept of the
object which negates any individuality of the object. In fact, they simply
enumerated their women and said that one is just like the next, and the
only difference that can be seen between two women is, when they are being
put to use. The mathematical concept of a unit predates Kant by about 5
thousand years. If you have many objects-as-such, the only difference they
can have among each other is given to them by the place they stand on.

This is all very anti-feministic, so far. In a previous posting, a method
has been shown, by which the Sumerians could have established an
alternative to their place-based system of counting elements of a set,
which they had thought into absolute alikeness. They only would have needed
a different mind-set, and of course paper, pencil and computers. They could
have then established ranking orders among the women of each harem, based
on different criteria, and observed the distribution of rank-denoting
symbols attached to the individual women. One step farther, and they would
have discovered the simple arithmetical rule which is known as
“permutations consist of cycles”, and then they could have entered the 21st
century – but, lacking paper, pencil and computers, and, before all, a
politically correct attitude, they have chosen not to.

3)      Wishful thinking

The following simplifications have entered the Sumerian idea of units on a
number line. Find the wishes associated with the decisions to believe and
to teach the concept as established by the Sumerians.

   1. All women are alike
   2. There is an endless supply of women
   3. Whether a woman is a new one or had already been met, is of no
   4. Whether my memory works or not, is of no relevance.

Discuss, which inner conflicts have been frozen by these instances of
pretending not to notice that one has seemingly eliminated contradictory
impulses and impressions.

To be continued by discussing individuated objects and de-individuated

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