[Flashcoders] Preloader in Flash CS3 with AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread Sascha
Hi folks,


How do you implement a preloader with AS3 in Flash CS3? I don't mean a
preloader that loads additional files but a preloader that preloads the SWF
that the preloader is part of.

I'm a bit puzzled about this right now as you cannot easily access
bytesLoaded/bytesTotal anymore without the Loader class.


As far as I can see it we still have to deal with the export-into-frame-1
problem so all exported assets have to go into frame 2 or beyond and the
preloader situation would be still similar like in AS2/AS1.


Any ideas?







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Re: [Flashcoders] Creating Buttons with dynamic labels

2007-04-30 Thread sebastian

hi John,

the trick is to make invisible buttons stacked ontop of another layer 
where you have dynamic text fields.

the invisible button is set to be the same height/width as the text 
field [with code you can make it match the text's width/height if its 
dynamic], and then with code you can assign the dynamic text field the 
text you want at run time.

you shouldn't place the text and the button in the same button object.
what you have it is a movie clip that inside of it has a text layer, and 
a button layer. you can then duplicate this item from the library at run 
time. alternatively you can create them at runtime with code too, then 
you would only need to have the invisible button in the library, it all 
depends on your total architecture[/coding] style.

if you are not seeing text, it could also be an embed fonts issue, as 
flash is really a pain when it comes to that, it wants very particular 
settings and then it will work just fine. to isolate if its an embed 
issue or not, you can always set the field's embed value to false' 
which will make it show [unformatted] text, but at least then you know 
its actually receiving the *.text value you are passing it.

hope this helps!

John Trentini wrote:

Hi folks,

Can 'button's be created with a label (textField) that can be updated 

I have tried but the dynamic text, not only i could not get it to change 
but it does not recognise the mouse, in spite of having the 'selected' 
property set to false. Can this be done?

I want to build a menu made up of just lables (the names of the various 
sections to navigate to) with the info (the text) to be dynamically 
uploaded from an external file. I thought I could just use the 
array._length to attach as many buttons as  there are entries and then 
use the array elements to populate  their labels. Any tips?

Ideally I would have preferred to be able to create the button entirely 
with actionScript but may be I am asking the impossible?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

2007-04-30 Thread master

You can have a look at this site http://www.flash-video-mx.com. it may help 

Best regards!


From:  Stephen Ford
Sent:  2007-04-30 12:36:52
To:  flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject:  [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

Just got my hands on an Xbox 360.Can anyone tell if there is any type of 
development sites resources for the 360.Does it have even have the Flash 
Player, can you view flash files via the Xbox 360 
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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

2007-04-30 Thread nik crosina

hi master,

aslightly off topic for this thread...

but do you know if these conversion tools are any good and worth
bookmarking? Can they do more than flash itself? especially with the
swf to video area?

nik crosina

On 4/30/07, master [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You can have a look at this site http://www.flash-video-mx.com. it may help 

Best regards!


From:  Stephen Ford
Sent:  2007-04-30 12:36:52
To:  flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject:  [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

Just got my hands on an Xbox 360.Can anyone tell if there is any type of 
development sites resources for the 360.Does it have even have the Flash 
Player, can you view flash files via the Xbox 360 
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Nik C
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RE: [Flashcoders] flowcharting

2007-04-30 Thread Danny Kodicek
 OpenOffice has a nice drawing tool with all of the 
 flowcharting symbols defined. www.openoffice.org You can 
 colour and shade them to your hearts content.

If you want to look at alternatives, I'm a fan of SmartDraw, which is good
for mocking up interfaces as well. For flow charts specifically, I remember
using WizFlow as a decent cheap programme.


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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: OOP: design patterns: multiple MVCs?

2007-04-30 Thread sebastian

Hi Ron!

Thanks for the advice, I think I solved it by removing the 2 MCV's and 
just making nested classes within the view.


State machines are quite interesting, and I think I'll use that form of 
logic with switch-case statements inside of the PageBuilder class. 
Thanks for the reference!

The program I am using for the charts is OmniGraffle, which I think is 
Mac only.


With kind,


Ron Wheeler wrote:

Nice diagram ;-)

could be designed with several Model-View-Controller rings in it

Without getting too deep into your application, it looks like might want 
to think about a Controller with set of nested state machines inside.
 From what you wrote, it seems that this is where you are headed without 
using the words State machine.
If you can take a look at a State Machine Design Pattern, you will 
likely find the ideas that you need to implement, elegantly laid out

We have done this is a complex ActionScript application and the State 
machine in the Controller really simplified how we thought about the 
Controller and eventually the implementation was fairly straightforward 
and has survived a few years of maintenance and improvements without 
collapsing or requiring major rewrites to handle new functionality. 
Adding new states is easy and usually has no impact on existing state 
(just the transition routes).

The control functions inside each state override the defaults (Interface 
methods)  and impose their own behaviour. If you press next in 
Starting of Chapter state, you get different behaviour than you do 
when you press Next in Administering Test state. (Ours is an 
eLearning delivery system).
The top level of the controller only has to manage its state and make 
sure that event is dispatched to the current state object. When the 
controller starts, it builds its state engine(instantiates the state 
objects), sets up the View, sets the initial state and waits.

I hope that this helps.


sebastian wrote:
In case it makes more sense to look at a diagram, here is my [still in 
progress] UML overview of the application:



with kind,


sebastian chedal wrote:

Hello folks,

I have a design question, the application I am building could be 
designed with several Model-View-Controller rings in it. But I am 
not sure what would be the best practice to connect them together... 
or if MVC is even the best way to go?

In a nut shell here is what my application does:

An 3D interface moves with the mouse around the screen. When you 
click on an item, it expands to show you some info [sometimes an 
flv]. If you click on more info button, you zoom into the 3D 
navigation item and the flash view pane gets filled exclusively with 
information about this navigation item.

Each navigation item has different modules of information compared to 
other navigation items, and inside each module is content. There are 
possibly sub pages underneath each navigation page. Naturally you can 
close the page and go back to the main 3D navigation at any time.

Now where I am unsure about my UML OO design is in the approach of 
the module-templates, and whether I should use multiple M-V-C 
circles. I will be implementing SWFAddress [for deeplinks] and Stats, 
so an overall event manager [Observer] is essential.

Logically I would imagine just 3 [nested] classes for the templates:

[there can be multiple modules per page loaded dynamically and 
multiple content item types loaded per module: button, text, flv 
players etc.]

but if I break 'Page' into an MCV chain I would get:

[Page Controller also sends data to StatsCollectorClass for updates]

And then another chain for the modules:


And then I presume the content would then be loaded/attached by the 

My questions are:

1. Should I bother with an MCV layout? [the application needs to 
built for long term use/expansion] Or just group the pages and 
modules together into one class each?
2. If I do split them into separate classes, where is the point of 
connection between two MCV chains? Is it from the parent model to the 
child's controller? Or from the parent's controller to the child's 

Thanks for your insight!


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[Flashcoders] OSX Menu -----Cool

2007-04-30 Thread Prince Zain

Hi Friends,

I am new to flash code.
Can anybody please guide me to make the following code of OSX menu in
vertical format.
Here is the like of original code.

The *.fla file is uploaded on following path

// codes/
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk)
   var x;
   var g;
   var s;
   var fv;
   var sb;
   var u;
   var res;
   var mb;
   var mbc;
   mb = __mochibot__;
   mbc = mochibot.com;
   g = _global ? (_global) : (_level0._root);
   if (g[mb + swfid])
   return (g[mb + swfid]);
   } // end if
   s = System.security;
   x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
   fv = x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : (_global ? (6) : (5));
   if (!s)
   s = {};
   } // end if
   sb = s.sandboxType;
   if (sb == localWithFile)
   return (null);
   } // end if
   x = s.allowDomain;
   if (x)
   } // end if
   x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
   if (x)
   } // end if
   u = http://; + mbc + /my/core.swf?mv=7fv= + fv + v= +
escape(getVersion()) + swfid= + escape(swfid) + l= + lv + f= + mc +
(sb ? (sb= + sb) : ()) + (trk ? (t=1) : ());
   lv = fv  6 ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : (g[mb + level] ? (g[mb +
level] + 1) : (lv));
   g[mb + level] = lv;
   if (fv == 5)
   res = _level + lv;
   if (!eval(res))
   loadMovieNum(u, lv);
   } // end if
   res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
   } // end else if
   return (res);
} // End of the function
var numItems = 10;
var itemsArray = new Array();
var increase = 2.50E+000;
var minSize = 40;
var maxSize = increase * minSize;
var spacing = minSize + 2;
var diff = maxSize - minSize;
var piSpan = 3.141593E+000 / maxSize;
var proximity = 1.00E-001;
var hZ = 30;
var state = 0;
var isInside = false;
var centerX = Stage.width / 2;
var centerY = Stage.height / 2;
this.initMenu = function ()
   for (i = 0; i  numItems; i++)
   var _loc2 = this.attachMovie(i, clip_ + i, i);
   var _loc3 = i * spacing + minSize / 2;
   _loc3 = _loc3 + 40;
   _loc2._x = _loc2.x = _loc3;
   _loc2._y = _loc2.y = centerY;
   itemsArray[i] = _loc2;
   } // end of for
   this.onEnterFrame = renderMenu;
this.renderMenu = function ()
   state = isInside ? (Math.min(1, state + proximity)) : (Math.max(0, state
- proximity));
   var _loc16 = this.hitZone_mc._x - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
   var _loc15 = this.hitZone_mc._y - this.hitZone_mc._height / 2;
   var _loc12 = this.hitZone_mc._x + this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
   var _loc13 = this.hitZone_mc._y + this.hitZone_mc._height / 2;
   isInside = _xmouse  _loc16  _xmouse  _loc12  (_ymouse  _loc15 
_ymouse  _loc13);
   hZ = sliderH;
   for (i in itemsArray)
   var _loc4 = itemsArray[i].x - state * maxSize;
   var _loc5 = itemsArray[i].x + state * maxSize;
   if (_xmouse  _loc4  _xmouse  _loc5)
   var _loc8 = piSpan * (_loc5 - _xmouse);
   var _loc2 = Math.cos(_loc8 / 2);
   var _loc6 = diff * (1 - _loc2 * _loc2);
   var _loc9 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ * _loc2;
   _loc6 = 0;
   var _loc10 = itemsArray[i].x + state * hZ;
   var _loc7 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ;
   _loc9 = _xmouse = _loc4 ? (_loc10) : (_loc7);
   } // end else if
   var _loc3 = minSize + state * _loc6;
   itemsArray[i]._width = _loc3;
   itemsArray[i]._height = _loc3;
   itemsArray[i]._x = _loc9;
   } // end of for...in
   var _loc14 = itemsArray[0].getBounds(this).xMin;
   var _loc11 = itemsArray[numItems - 1].getBounds(this).xMax;
   this.hitZone_mc._width = _loc11 - _loc14;
   this.hitZone_mc._x = _loc11 - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
   this.hitZone_mc._height = minSize + maxSize * state;
stop ();
__com_mochibot__(6d82e250, this, 10301, true);
///code end///

Thanks in advance,
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[Flashcoders] TextFileds not receivign data?

2007-04-30 Thread John Trentini

Hi guys,

I want to create as many text fields (which eventually I would like to 
turn into buttons) as the length of an array. I also want to use the 
content of the array to populate the text of the fields created 
dynamically. I have tried everything I know but all I seem to get is 
one filed with the lasat item in the array, sheesh!

I've gone absolutely mad on this one (newish to actionScript, I am!) but 
can anyone tell me what  I am doing wrong here? I could do with a 
helping hand or seven =:-)

var myTxt:Array = new Array(branding, news, about us, print, 
marks, contact);

var myX = 430;
var menuArray:Array = new Array();
var ySpacing:Number = 90;

/*create  textFields**/

for(i=0; imyTxt.length; i++) {
   _root.createTextField(mytext+[i], 1, myX, 0, 100, 30);
   myId = _root[mytext+[i]];
   myId._y = ySpacing;
   ySpacing += 40;
   trace(myTxt[i]);//the trace works, it list all tyhe 
lements in the array but
   myId.text = myTxt[i];  // this one in not producing the appropriate 

   myId.border = false;
   myformat = new TextFormat();
   myformat.font = Verdana;
   myformat.size = 14;
   myformat.bold = true;
   myformat.color = 0x55;
   myformat.align = right;
   myId.selectable = false;
   //myId.text = myTxt[i];  //tried putting it at the end but no dah!
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SV: [Flashcoders] TextFileds not receivign data?

2007-04-30 Thread Pierre Eklöf
Looks like you´ve created the textfields on the same level. Create the
fields like this instead: 
_root.createTextField(mytext+[i], this.getNextHighestDepth(), myX, 0, 100,

(first post, wahey!)

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] För John Trentini
Skickat: den 30 april 2007 13:07
Till: chattyFig
Ämne: [Flashcoders] TextFileds not receivign data?

Hi guys,

I want to create as many text fields (which eventually I would like to 
turn into buttons) as the length of an array. I also want to use the 
content of the array to populate the text of the fields created 
dynamically. I have tried everything I know but all I seem to get is 
one filed with the lasat item in the array, sheesh!

I've gone absolutely mad on this one (newish to actionScript, I am!) but 
can anyone tell me what  I am doing wrong here? I could do with a 
helping hand or seven =:-)

var myTxt:Array = new Array(branding, news, about us, print, 
marks, contact);
var myX = 430;
var menuArray:Array = new Array();
var ySpacing:Number = 90;

/*create  textFields**/

for(i=0; imyTxt.length; i++) {
_root.createTextField(mytext+[i], 1, myX, 0, 100, 30);
myId = _root[mytext+[i]];
myId._y = ySpacing;
ySpacing += 40;
trace(myTxt[i]);//the trace works, it list all tyhe 
lements in the array but
myId.text = myTxt[i];  // this one in not producing the appropriate 
myId.border = false;
myformat = new TextFormat();
myformat.font = Verdana;
myformat.size = 14;
myformat.bold = true;
myformat.color = 0x55;
myformat.align = right;
myId.selectable = false;
//myId.text = myTxt[i];  //tried putting it at the end but no dah!
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Re: [Flashcoders] TextFileds not receivign data?

2007-04-30 Thread Jim Robson
Just took a quick look, but I think that this line may be giving you 

myId = _root[mytext+[i]];

You may want to try this instead:

var myId = _root.createTextField(mytext+[i], 1, myX, 0, 100, 30);


On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 21:06:49 +1000
 John Trentini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi guys,

I want to create as many text fields (which eventually I would like 
to turn into buttons) as the length of an array. I also want to use 
the content of the array to populate the text of the fields created 
dynamically. I have tried everything I know but all I seem to get 
is one filed with the lasat item in the array, sheesh!

I've gone absolutely mad on this one (newish to actionScript, I am!) 
but can anyone tell me what  I am doing wrong here? I could do with a 
helping hand or seven =:-)

var myTxt:Array = new Array(branding, news, about us, print, 
marks, contact);

var myX = 430;
var menuArray:Array = new Array();
var ySpacing:Number = 90;

/*create  textFields**/

for(i=0; imyTxt.length; i++) {
   _root.createTextField(mytext+[i], 1, myX, 0, 100, 30);
   myId = _root[mytext+[i]];
   myId._y = ySpacing;
   ySpacing += 40;
   trace(myTxt[i]);//the trace works, it list all tyhe 
lements in the array but
   myId.text = myTxt[i];  // this one in not producing the 

   myId.border = false;
   myformat = new TextFormat();
   myformat.font = Verdana;
   myformat.size = 14;
   myformat.bold = true;
   myformat.color = 0x55;
   myformat.align = right;
   myId.selectable = false;
   //myId.text = myTxt[i];  //tried putting it at the end but no 

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RE: [Flashcoders] TextFileds not receivign data?

2007-04-30 Thread Amandeep Singh

Seen you code. Just change the following line of code:

_root.createTextField(mytext+[i], 1, myX, 0, 100, 30);

To this one:

_root.createTextField(mytext+[i], i, myX, 0, 100, 30);


The problem with your code is that you are giving the same depth to all the
textfields. In flash you cannot assign the same depth to different objects
else it will remove the first object and place the new object on the same

Amandeep Singh,
Senior Flash Engineer,
Synapse Communication Pvt. Ltd.
F-18, Sector 11, NOIDA, UP
Mobile: +91 92161 03894
Office: +91 120 4330500 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 4:37 PM
To: chattyFig
Subject: [Flashcoders] TextFileds not receivign data?

Hi guys,

I want to create as many text fields (which eventually I would like to 
turn into buttons) as the length of an array. I also want to use the 
content of the array to populate the text of the fields created 
dynamically. I have tried everything I know but all I seem to get is 
one filed with the lasat item in the array, sheesh!

I've gone absolutely mad on this one (newish to actionScript, I am!) but 
can anyone tell me what  I am doing wrong here? I could do with a 
helping hand or seven =:-)

var myTxt:Array = new Array(branding, news, about us, print, 
marks, contact);
var myX = 430;
var menuArray:Array = new Array();
var ySpacing:Number = 90;

/*create  textFields**/

for(i=0; imyTxt.length; i++) {
_root.createTextField(mytext+[i], 1, myX, 0, 100, 30);
myId = _root[mytext+[i]];
myId._y = ySpacing;
ySpacing += 40;
trace(myTxt[i]);//the trace works, it list all tyhe 
lements in the array but
myId.text = myTxt[i];  // this one in not producing the appropriate 
myId.border = false;
myformat = new TextFormat();
myformat.font = Verdana;
myformat.size = 14;
myformat.bold = true;
myformat.color = 0x55;
myformat.align = right;
myId.selectable = false;
//myId.text = myTxt[i];  //tried putting it at the end but no dah!
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RE: [Flashcoders] Have anyone idea

2007-04-30 Thread Danny Kodicek
  Hello everybody!
 I want to know that if we make a cube in flash then want to 
 play with it like shock boy at www.neostream.com . If any one 
 have idea so please tell me and one thing more is, please 
 give me some resources to learn physics and trignometry for flash.

For the last, you might like to try my book Mathematics and Physics for

It's been fairly well reviewed on this list in the past, so it's not *pure*
shameless self-promotion :)


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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: OOP: design patterns: multiple MVCs?

2007-04-30 Thread Ron Wheeler
I am using ArgoUML which is open source (www.tigris.org) but the 
diagrams are not nearly as attractive.


sebastian wrote:

Hi Ron!

Thanks for the advice, I think I solved it by removing the 2 MCV's and 
just making nested classes within the view.


State machines are quite interesting, and I think I'll use that form 
of logic with switch-case statements inside of the PageBuilder class. 
Thanks for the reference!

The program I am using for the charts is OmniGraffle, which I think is 
Mac only.


With kind,


Ron Wheeler wrote:

Nice diagram ;-)

could be designed with several Model-View-Controller rings in it

Without getting too deep into your application, it looks like might 
want to think about a Controller with set of nested state machines 
 From what you wrote, it seems that this is where you are headed 
without using the words State machine.
If you can take a look at a State Machine Design Pattern, you will 
likely find the ideas that you need to implement, elegantly laid out

We have done this is a complex ActionScript application and the State 
machine in the Controller really simplified how we thought about the 
Controller and eventually the implementation was fairly 
straightforward and has survived a few years of maintenance and 
improvements without collapsing or requiring major rewrites to handle 
new functionality. Adding new states is easy and usually has no 
impact on existing state (just the transition routes).

The control functions inside each state override the defaults 
(Interface methods)  and impose their own behaviour. If you press 
next in Starting of Chapter state, you get different behaviour 
than you do when you press Next in Administering Test state. 
(Ours is an eLearning delivery system).
The top level of the controller only has to manage its state and make 
sure that event is dispatched to the current state object. When the 
controller starts, it builds its state engine(instantiates the state 
objects), sets up the View, sets the initial state and waits.

I hope that this helps.


sebastian wrote:
In case it makes more sense to look at a diagram, here is my [still 
in progress] UML overview of the application:



with kind,


sebastian chedal wrote:

Hello folks,

I have a design question, the application I am building could be 
designed with several Model-View-Controller rings in it. But I am 
not sure what would be the best practice to connect them 
together... or if MVC is even the best way to go?

In a nut shell here is what my application does:

An 3D interface moves with the mouse around the screen. When you 
click on an item, it expands to show you some info [sometimes an 
flv]. If you click on more info button, you zoom into the 3D 
navigation item and the flash view pane gets filled exclusively 
with information about this navigation item.

Each navigation item has different modules of information compared 
to other navigation items, and inside each module is content. There 
are possibly sub pages underneath each navigation page. Naturally 
you can close the page and go back to the main 3D navigation at any 

Now where I am unsure about my UML OO design is in the approach of 
the module-templates, and whether I should use multiple M-V-C 
circles. I will be implementing SWFAddress [for deeplinks] and 
Stats, so an overall event manager [Observer] is essential.

Logically I would imagine just 3 [nested] classes for the templates:

[there can be multiple modules per page loaded dynamically and 
multiple content item types loaded per module: button, text, flv 
players etc.]

but if I break 'Page' into an MCV chain I would get:

[Page Controller also sends data to StatsCollectorClass for updates]

And then another chain for the modules:


And then I presume the content would then be loaded/attached by the 

My questions are:

1. Should I bother with an MCV layout? [the application needs to 
built for long term use/expansion] Or just group the pages and 
modules together into one class each?
2. If I do split them into separate classes, where is the point of 
connection between two MCV chains? Is it from the parent model to 
the child's controller? Or from the parent's controller to the 
child's controller?

Thanks for your insight!


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[Flashcoders] OT - Six-month contract opportunity in Dallas, TX area

2007-04-30 Thread Jim Armstrong
A company I contract for has an opening for a Flash developer - AS 2/F8,
OOP, the usual stuff.  Must be in the Dallas, TX area and able to work
on-site.  Contract duration is approximately six months.  If interested,
contact me off-list with resume, url's etc.




- jim Armstrong


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[Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread David Bellerive
Does anyone know if string literals are the same as String objects in AS3?

From what I understand, in AS2, a String object was a wrapper object around a 
string literal. For exemple, in AS2, these were not the same:

var myFirstString:String = my first string;
var mySecondString:String = new String(my second string);

The first line (the string literal) was just that, a literal value with no 
properties or methods. The second line (the instance of the String class) was 
just that, an instance of a class with methods and properties. And it was 
recommended to use mostly literals over String objects unless you needed to 
call methods or set/get properties. When the Flash Player would encounter a 
situation where you would call a method or set/get a property on a string 
literal, it would create a temporary String object, call the method or set/get 
the property and then delete the temporary String object. So, in the folowing 
exemple, it would create and delete 3 temporary String objects:

var myString:String = this is a string literal;

I'm not 100% sure that's right but that's what I think it used to be in AS2.

Now in AS3, I'm not sure but I think this might have changed.

Does anyone know if the Flash Player 9 with AS3 still interprets String objects 
and string literals as described above (the same way as AS2) or as it changed?

Are String objects and string literals treated exactly the same now (with no 
temporary String objects created and destroyed by the Player when calling 
methods or setting/getting property values directly on string literals)?

What about other literals that have wrapper functions like Number, Boolean, 
Object and Array?


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[Flashcoders] Re: flash Dock

2007-04-30 Thread Prince Zain

Hi Friends,

I am new to flash code.
Can anybody please guide me to make the following code of OSX menu in
vertical format.
Here is the like of original code.

The *.fla file is uploaded on following path

// codes/
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk)
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = __mochibot__;
mbc = mochibot.com;
g = _global ? (_global) : (_level0._root);
if (g[mb + swfid])
return (g[mb + swfid]);
} // end if
s = System.security;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : (_global ? (6) : (5));
if (!s)
s = {};
} // end if
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == localWithFile)
return (null);
} // end if
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x)
} // end if
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x)
} // end if
u = http://; + mbc + /my/core.swf?mv=7fv= + fv + v= +
escape(getVersion()) + swfid= + escape(swfid) + l= + lv + f= + mc +
(sb ? (sb= + sb) : ()) + (trk ? (t=1) : ());
lv = fv  6 ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : (g[mb + level] ? (g[mb +
level] + 1) : (lv));
g[mb + level] = lv;
if (fv == 5)
res = _level + lv;
if (!eval(res))
loadMovieNum(u, lv);
} // end if
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
} // end else if
return (res);
} // End of the function
var numItems = 10;
var itemsArray = new Array();
var increase = 2.50E+000;
var minSize = 40;
var maxSize = increase * minSize;
var spacing = minSize + 2;
var diff = maxSize - minSize;
var piSpan = 3.141593E+000 / maxSize;
var proximity = 1.00E-001;
var hZ = 30;
var state = 0;
var isInside = false;
var centerX = Stage.width / 2;
var centerY = Stage.height / 2;
this.initMenu = function ()
for (i = 0; i  numItems; i++)
var _loc2 = this.attachMovie(i, clip_ + i, i);
var _loc3 = i * spacing + minSize / 2;
_loc3 = _loc3 + 40;
_loc2._x = _loc2.x = _loc3;
_loc2._y = _loc2.y = centerY;
itemsArray[i] = _loc2;
} // end of for
this.onEnterFrame = renderMenu;
this.renderMenu = function ()
state = isInside ? (Math.min(1, state + proximity)) : (Math.max(0,
state - proximity));
var _loc16 = this.hitZone_mc._x - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
var _loc15 = this.hitZone_mc._y - this.hitZone_mc._height / 2;
var _loc12 = this.hitZone_mc._x + this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
var _loc13 = this.hitZone_mc._y + this.hitZone_mc._height / 2;
isInside = _xmouse  _loc16  _xmouse  _loc12  (_ymouse  _loc15
 _ymouse  _loc13);
hZ = sliderH;
for (i in itemsArray)
var _loc4 = itemsArray[i].x - state * maxSize;
var _loc5 = itemsArray[i].x + state * maxSize;
if (_xmouse  _loc4  _xmouse  _loc5)
var _loc8 = piSpan * (_loc5 - _xmouse);
var _loc2 = Math.cos(_loc8 / 2);
var _loc6 = diff * (1 - _loc2 * _loc2);
var _loc9 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ * _loc2;
_loc6 = 0;
var _loc10 = itemsArray[i].x + state * hZ;
var _loc7 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ;
_loc9 = _xmouse = _loc4 ? (_loc10) : (_loc7);
} // end else if
var _loc3 = minSize + state * _loc6;
itemsArray[i]._width = _loc3;
itemsArray[i]._height = _loc3;
itemsArray[i]._x = _loc9;
} // end of for...in
var _loc14 = itemsArray[0].getBounds(this).xMin;
var _loc11 = itemsArray[numItems - 1].getBounds(this).xMax;
this.hitZone_mc._width = _loc11 - _loc14;
this.hitZone_mc._x = _loc11 - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
this.hitZone_mc._height = minSize + maxSize * state;
stop ();
__com_mochibot__(6d82e250, this, 10301, true);
///code end///

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: flash Dock

2007-04-30 Thread eric e. dolecki

Quit bumping your posts by copy  pasting your old one. Wait a bit and see
if someone answers, okay?

- eric

On 4/30/07, Prince Zain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Friends,

 I am new to flash code.
 Can anybody please guide me to make the following code of OSX menu in
 vertical format.
 Here is the like of original code.

 The *.fla file is uploaded on following path

 // codes/
 function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk)
 var x;
 var g;
 var s;
 var fv;
 var sb;
 var u;
 var res;
 var mb;
 var mbc;
 mb = __mochibot__;
 mbc = mochibot.com;
 g = _global ? (_global) : (_level0._root);
 if (g[mb + swfid])
 return (g[mb + swfid]);
 } // end if
 s = System.security;
 x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
 fv = x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : (_global ? (6) : (5));
 if (!s)
 s = {};
 } // end if
 sb = s.sandboxType;
 if (sb == localWithFile)
 return (null);
 } // end if
 x = s.allowDomain;
 if (x)
 } // end if
 x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
 if (x)
 } // end if
 u = http://; + mbc + /my/core.swf?mv=7fv= + fv + v= +
 escape(getVersion()) + swfid= + escape(swfid) + l= + lv + f= +
mc +
 (sb ? (sb= + sb) : ()) + (trk ? (t=1) : ());
 lv = fv  6 ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : (g[mb + level] ? (g[mb
 level] + 1) : (lv));
 g[mb + level] = lv;
 if (fv == 5)
 res = _level + lv;
 if (!eval(res))
 loadMovieNum(u, lv);
 } // end if
 res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
 } // end else if
 return (res);
 } // End of the function
 var numItems = 10;
 var itemsArray = new Array();
 var increase = 2.50E+000;
 var minSize = 40;
 var maxSize = increase * minSize;
 var spacing = minSize + 2;
 var diff = maxSize - minSize;
 var piSpan = 3.141593E+000 / maxSize;
 var proximity = 1.00E-001;
 var hZ = 30;
 var state = 0;
 var isInside = false;
 var centerX = Stage.width / 2;
 var centerY = Stage.height / 2;
 this.initMenu = function ()
 for (i = 0; i  numItems; i++)
 var _loc2 = this.attachMovie(i, clip_ + i, i);
 var _loc3 = i * spacing + minSize / 2;
 _loc3 = _loc3 + 40;
 _loc2._x = _loc2.x = _loc3;
 _loc2._y = _loc2.y = centerY;
 itemsArray[i] = _loc2;
 } // end of for
 this.onEnterFrame = renderMenu;
 this.renderMenu = function ()
 state = isInside ? (Math.min(1, state + proximity)) : (Math.max(0,
 state - proximity));
 var _loc16 = this.hitZone_mc._x - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
 var _loc15 = this.hitZone_mc._y - this.hitZone_mc._height / 2;
 var _loc12 = this.hitZone_mc._x + this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
 var _loc13 = this.hitZone_mc._y + this.hitZone_mc._height / 2;
 isInside = _xmouse  _loc16  _xmouse  _loc12  (_ymouse  _loc15
  _ymouse  _loc13);
 hZ = sliderH;
 for (i in itemsArray)
 var _loc4 = itemsArray[i].x - state * maxSize;
 var _loc5 = itemsArray[i].x + state * maxSize;
 if (_xmouse  _loc4  _xmouse  _loc5)
 var _loc8 = piSpan * (_loc5 - _xmouse);
 var _loc2 = Math.cos(_loc8 / 2);
 var _loc6 = diff * (1 - _loc2 * _loc2);
 var _loc9 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ * _loc2;
 _loc6 = 0;
 var _loc10 = itemsArray[i].x + state * hZ;
 var _loc7 = itemsArray[i].x - state * hZ;
 _loc9 = _xmouse = _loc4 ? (_loc10) : (_loc7);
 } // end else if
 var _loc3 = minSize + state * _loc6;
 itemsArray[i]._width = _loc3;
 itemsArray[i]._height = _loc3;
 itemsArray[i]._x = _loc9;
 } // end of for...in
 var _loc14 = itemsArray[0].getBounds(this).xMin;
 var _loc11 = itemsArray[numItems - 1].getBounds(this).xMax;
 this.hitZone_mc._width = _loc11 - _loc14;
 this.hitZone_mc._x = _loc11 - this.hitZone_mc._width / 2;
 this.hitZone_mc._height = minSize + maxSize * state;
 stop ();
 __com_mochibot__(6d82e250, this, 10301, true);
 ///code end///

 Thanks in advance,

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

2007-04-30 Thread Ken Rogers
felt like spam to me..

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of master
Sent: Mon 4/30/2007 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

You can have a look at this site http://www.flash-video-mx.com. it may help 

Best regards!


From:  Stephen Ford
Sent:  2007-04-30 12:36:52
To:  flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject:  [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

Just got my hands on an Xbox 360.Can anyone tell if there is any type of 
development sites resources for the 360.Does it have even have the Flash 
Player, can you view flash files via the Xbox 360 
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Re: [Flashcoders] flowcharting

2007-04-30 Thread Jordan Snyder

If anyone's on a Mac, Omnigraffle Pro is a great app.


On 4/30/07, Danny Kodicek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OpenOffice has a nice drawing tool with all of the
 flowcharting symbols defined. www.openoffice.org You can
 colour and shade them to your hearts content.

If you want to look at alternatives, I'm a fan of SmartDraw, which is good
for mocking up interfaces as well. For flow charts specifically, I
using WizFlow as a decent cheap programme.


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[Flashcoders] TransitionManager type Fly breaks coordinates of my MovieClips

2007-04-30 Thread Alexander Farber


I have a v2 component displaying up to 12 playing cards at the
bottom of the stage and slightly rotating them from left to right:

private function placeCards(new_array:Array):Void {
var gap:Number = 40;

for (var i:Number = 0, j:Number = 0; i  new_array.length; i++) 
var index:Number = new_array[i];
var card_mc:MovieClip = index  0 ?
opened_cards[index] : you_closed[j++];

card_mc._x = RADIUS + gap * i;
card_mc._y = height - Card.HEIGHT_2;
card_mc._rotation = 4 * (i - new_array.length / 2);
//TransitionManager.start(card_mc, {type:Fly, 
  //  duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:(1 
+ i % 3)});


When I comment the last 2 lines in the for-loop above, everything
works: the cards are displayed one by one, with a gap of 40 pixels
between them and with rotation changed from left to right.

But when I try to use those 2 lines, then the transition does work:
the cards fly down from above (startPoint is 1, 2 or 3), but after
the 2nd call of placeCards() the _x coordinates of the playing
cards get broken: every 3 or 4th card is displaced (_x is too low).

Does anybody have an idea what is happening or
should I prepare a simpler test case?

Is TransitionManager.start() supposed to be used on multiple
mc's simultaneously and is it supposed to change the end
coordinates (_x, _y) of them?

Thank you

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[Flashcoders] Re: TransitionManager type Fly breaks coordinates of my MovieClips

2007-04-30 Thread Alexander Farber

The funny thing is that it only happens with Fly:

On 4/30/07, Alexander Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

//TransitionManager.start(card_mc, {type:Fly, 
  //  duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:(1 + i % 3)});

When I take some other transition class like:

TransitionManager.start(card_mc, {type: Rotate, 
duration: 3, easing: Strong.easeInOut, ccw: false, degrees: 

then the coordinates of the playing cards movieclips are ok.


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Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread T. Michael Keesey

On 4/30/07, David Bellerive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From what I understand, in AS2, a String object was a wrapper object around a 
string literal. For exemple, in AS2, these were not the same:

var myFirstString:String = my first string;
var mySecondString:String = new String(my second string);

The first line (the string literal) was just that, a literal value with no 
properties or methods.

Not true. As a counterexample, try this:

// Traces 5.

Mike Keesey
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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

2007-04-30 Thread Gustavo Duenas

doesn't the flash 8 and cs3 already have a video converter?


Gustavo Duenas

I don't feel good to pay something extra for something that I've  
already have in flash 8.

On Apr 30, 2007, at 11:03 AM, Ken Rogers wrote:

felt like spam to me..

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of master
Sent: Mon 4/30/2007 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...


You can have a look at this site http://www.flash-video-mx.com. it  
may help you~!

Best regards!


From:  Stephen Ford
Sent:  2007-04-30 12:36:52
To:  flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject:  [Flashcoders] Flash and the Xbox 360 ...

Just got my hands on an Xbox 360.Can anyone tell if there is any  
type of development sites resources for the 360.Does it have even  
have the Flash Player, can you view flash files via the Xbox 360  

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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: flash Dock

2007-04-30 Thread Lists
For real. Wow, four hours.

On 4/30/07 10:56 AM, eric e. dolecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quit bumping your posts by copy  pasting your old one. Wait a bit and see
 if someone answers, okay?

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[Flashcoders] Developing Components with AS3 and CS3

2007-04-30 Thread Sascha
Hi list,


Now that we have AS 3.0 and Flash CS3 we can finally start to make some
decent Flash components, don't we?

Or so I thought but it's not exactly the same like making components with
AS2 and resources on how to develop them with CS3 and AS3 are sparse or
should I say non-existent so far?! So I was wondering if somebody knows of
any tutes that shed some light on this.


With AS3 we cannot use identifiers anymore when linking a symbol in the
library, we can only provide a class name. Also on the Component Definition
dialog are some settings that are left in the dark when looking into the
docs, for one there's another Class input field and stuff to obviously
create skinable components but a simple beginner guidance would be very








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Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov

On Apr 30, 2007, at 4:18 PM, David Bellerive wrote:

I'm not 100% sure that's right but that's what I think it used to  
be in AS2.

Now in AS3, I'm not sure but I think this might have changed.

The generics blues.

Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov
please send all personal mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov

On Apr 30, 2007, at 4:18 PM, David Bellerive wrote:

I'm not 100% sure that's right but that's what I think it used to  
be in AS2.

Now in AS3, I'm not sure but I think this might have changed.

oops.. no I guess they call it boxing now
generics is about collections
but nevertheless
Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov
please send all personal mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Flashcoders] Job: Flash Developers wanted in Los Angeles (freelance or full-time)

2007-04-30 Thread T. Michael Keesey

Exopolis, Inc., an award-winning interactive/motion design company
located in Los Angeles (Silver Lake), is looking for Senior Flash
Developers to join our dynamic, high-powered team. We are open to
staff or contractor positions. Must be local (no relocation).
Contractors may work off-site when possible.

- Develop media-rich websites and other interactive projects for
high-end clients.
- Assist in leading junior developers, contractors, integrators, and
near-shore teams as necessary.
- Assist with technical design/architecture.
- Participate in client conferences as necessary.

- Thorough knowledge of OOP. (Experience with UML structure diagrams a plus.)
- Thorough knowledge of ActionScript 2.0.
- Some knowledge of ActionScript 3.0 and MXML.
- Knowledge of XML, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Experience working directly with a creative team.
- Experience working with video in Flash.
- Ability to write and edit documentation.

Bonus Experience and Skills:
- Experience working with web services.
- Experience with back-end technologies (ASP, PHP, etc.).
- Experience with other front-end web technologies (AJAX, etc.).
- Experience with other programming languages (Java, C, etc.).
- Experience with database design and SQL.
- Animation skills, especially proficiency with programmatic
animation and animation packages (FuseKit, physics engines, etc.).
- Experience working with version control software (SVN, etc.).
- Experience working with bug-tracking software.
- Knowledge of standard code comment formats (e.g., ASDoc).

Please send a resume and one or more code samples to mike dot keesey
at exopolis dot com. (Do not reply to the GMail address.)

T. Michael Keesey
Director of Technology
Exopolis, Inc.
2894 Rowena Avenue Ste. B
Los Angeles, California 90039
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Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread David Bellerive
In AS2, your example would of course work but only because the Flash Player 
would create a temporary String object with your string literal, then get the 
object's length property and return the value, and then delete the temporary 
String object it created. So yes, all method calls and get/set on property 
values would work just fine on literals in AS2, but only because Flash Player 
used to create temporary objects and delete them as soon as the operation ended.

Thus, when you needed to call multiple methods on a string for exemple, it was 
more efficient to explicitely create a new instance of the String object and 
call those methods on the object rather that just calling those methods on a 
string literal.

But it seems that this is no longer true in AS3, that String objects and string 
literals are now treated the same by Flash Player 9 using AS3 (there are no 
more implicit temporary String objects created by the Flash Player).

Anyone knows if that is the case?

- Original Message 
From: T. Michael Keesey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 11:45:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in 

On 4/30/07, David Bellerive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From what I understand, in AS2, a String object was a wrapper object around a 
 string literal. For exemple, in AS2, these were not the same:

 var myFirstString:String = my first string;
 var mySecondString:String = new String(my second string);

 The first line (the string literal) was just that, a literal value with no 
 properties or methods.

Not true. As a counterexample, try this:

// Traces 5.

Mike Keesey
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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
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[Flashcoders] compare Objects

2007-04-30 Thread Gilles Roquefeuil


seems trivialo, but is there a simpler way to compare two identically  
formed objects than recursively compare their props (and types and  
values of their props)?

var obj1:Object = {a:0,b:1,c:[0,1,2],d:[{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0}]}
var obj2:Object = {a:0,b:1,c:[0,1,2],d:[{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0}]}
trace (obj1==obj2) returns false...



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Re: [Flashcoders] More fun with XPATH... now I want XSLT in Flash!

2007-04-30 Thread Peter Hall

On 4/13/07, Josh Santangelo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wanted the same thing at once time, and asked the xfactorstudio
gent about it. He said that he'd looked into it at once point but
found that it was very difficult to implement XSLT in AS2 at any
reasonable level of performance.

AS3 + E4X would likely be another matter.


Performance is perfectly acceptable, except for really heavy work, and
I haven't even started the performance tuning yet.

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[Flashcoders] object tag params

2007-04-30 Thread [p e r c e p t i c o n]

I have a question regarding the params in the object tag.

first, are the default params (height, bgcolor etc) the only ones permitted?

second how can i pass in a var at runtime...so far i'm doing it like this

object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354 codebase=
width=550 height=400 id=DocProxy align=middle
param name=allowScriptAccess value=always /
param name=movie value=DocProxy.swf?ZipCode= /
param name=quality value=high /
param name=bgcolor value=#ff /
embed src=DocProxy.swf quality=high bgcolor=#ff width=550
height=400 name=DocProxy align=middle allowScriptAccess=always
type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=
http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer; /

the problem is that if i pass in ZipCode this way i need to use the request
object  (DocProxy.swf?ZipCode=% request.getParameter(zipCode); %  /)
to pass the value, but how can i do it within the quotes

thanks in advance
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[Flashcoders] OT: Share Music Online

2007-04-30 Thread Glen Pike

   Flickr is to photo's what ? is to audio
   This is a bit OT, but does anyone have any links to sites that would 
fill in the blank for me?

   Googling also...  

   (Not myspace).

   Thanks in advance.
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Re: [Flashcoders] OT: Share Music Online

2007-04-30 Thread Paul V.
   Hey, I have been wondering that from time to time as well.  I actually
started a  mini project to put up free sounds.
http://websounds.stilllightarts.com   which to be honest has only  a few
samples so far.  But here are a couple of other sites, not a sound
registry - no pun intended (which I would love to see), but a bunch of links
to download sounds:  I would check out the rights on these (not sure if they
are royalty free. http://www.richmondsounddesign.com/ts/sow.html  is one.
http://www.webplaces.com/html/sounds.htm  in another (great for animal
and this one http://www.sounddogs.com/ShowMessage.asp?Code=NSC  is Not Free
if I remember correctly.Like I said I would check out the copyrights and
the royalty issues on these sites.  My project websounds is currently free
and royalty free.  But has limited sounds at present.  Hmmm.  Maybe I will
have  a busy night.

Hope these help out.


 - Original Message - 
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 3:04 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] OT: Share Music Online


 Flickr is to photo's what ? is to audio

 This is a bit OT, but does anyone have any links to sites that would
 fill in the blank for me?

 Googling also...

 (Not myspace).

 Thanks in advance.
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[Flashcoders] Flash Over Windows Media Player

2007-04-30 Thread Jason Lutes
Is there a way to display a Flash movie above an embedded Windows Media Player 
in the browser? I've tried various things with CSS z-index and the Flash object 
wmode parameter, but can't get it to work. Is there something I'm overlooking 
or is this just not going to happen?



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:28 AM
 To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Wave effect
 Hi Jesse,
 Quite good stuff there! Thanks for the link ;)
 On 4/27/07, Jesse Graupmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  http://www.reflektions.com/miniml/ has a ton of info on 
 this and more.
  Check out:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Muzak
  Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 6:02 AM
  To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
  Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Wave effect
  google: flash mac dock
  here's one:
  there's more of them, check google.
  - Original Message -
  From: Parvaiz Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
  Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:50 PM
  Subject: [Flashcoders] Wave effect
   Anybody knows how to create the wave effect shown in
   (http://www.mandchou.com/) at the bottom for dynamically 
 loaded images.
   Pls let me know.
   Thanks  regards,
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[Flashcoders] RE: Flash Over Windows Media Player

2007-04-30 Thread Jason Lutes
Scratch that. Setting the wmode to window works just fine.


 Is there a way to display a Flash movie above an embedded 
 Windows Media Player in the browser? I've tried various 
 things with CSS z-index and the Flash object wmode parameter, 
 but can't get it to work. Is there something I'm overlooking 
 or is this just not going to happen?
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[Flashcoders] Re: SendAndLoad

2007-04-30 Thread Helmut Granda


On 4/27/07, Helmut Granda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How long does the server waits before it returns an error message?

Say I sent 40 variables to the server and the server receives the
variables but doesn't process them correctly so it just hangs there, does
flash has a time limit to wait for a response before spitting out an error


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Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread Fumio Nonaka
Programming ActionScript 3.0  ActionScript language and syntax  Data 

In ActionScript 3.0, primitive values and their wrapper objects are, 
for practical purposes, indistinguishable. All values, even primitive 
values, are objects. Flash Player treats these primitive types as 
special cases that behave like objects but that don't require the normal 
overhead associated with creating objects.

ECMAScript 4  Types
Unlike in ECMAScript 3, there is no distinction between objects and 
primitive values. All values can have methods.

David Bellerive wrote:

In AS2, your example would of course work but only because the Flash Player 
would create a temporary String object with your string literal, then get the 
object's length property and return the value, and then delete the temporary 
String object it created. So yes, all method calls and get/set on property 
values would work just fine on literals in AS2, but only because Flash Player 
used to create temporary objects and delete them as soon as the operation ended.
Thus, when you needed to call multiple methods on a string for exemple, it was 
more efficient to explicitely create a new instance of the String object and 
call those methods on the object rather that just calling those methods on a 
string literal.
But it seems that this is no longer true in AS3, that String objects and string 
literals are now treated the same by Flash Player 9 using AS3 (there are no 
more implicit temporary String objects created by the Flash Player).

Fumio Nonaka
My bookshttp://www.FumioNonaka.com/Books/index.html
Flash communityhttp://F-site.org/
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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: SendAndLoad

2007-04-30 Thread Leandro Amano

import mx.utils.Delegate;
var sendObj:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
sendObj.variable = value;
sendObj.sendAndLoad(server_side.extension, sendObj, POST);
sendObj.onData = Delegate.create(this, onReceiveData);
function onReceiveData (string:String):Void {
//do something

On 4/30/07, Helmut Granda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On 4/27/07, Helmut Granda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How long does the server waits before it returns an error message?

 Say I sent 40 variables to the server and the server receives the
 variables but doesn't process them correctly so it just hangs there,
 flash has a time limit to wait for a response before spitting out an


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Leandro Amano
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Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in AS3?

2007-04-30 Thread David Bellerive
Thanks Fumio!

That's the answer I was looking for.

So my next question would be : When would you ever need to use the String 
class' constructor instead of just a string literal?

var myString:String = this is a string;
trace(myString instanceof String);// outputs FALSE

var myString:String = this is a string;
trace(myString instanceof String);// outputs TRUE

- Original Message 
From: Fumio Nonaka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:40:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Are string literals and String objects the same in 

Programming ActionScript 3.0  ActionScript language and syntax  Data 
In ActionScript 3.0, primitive values and their wrapper objects are, 
for practical purposes, indistinguishable. All values, even primitive 
values, are objects. Flash Player treats these primitive types as 
special cases that behave like objects but that don't require the normal 
overhead associated with creating objects.

ECMAScript 4  Types
Unlike in ECMAScript 3, there is no distinction between objects and 
primitive values. All values can have methods.
David Bellerive wrote:

 In AS2, your example would of course work but only because the Flash Player 
 would create a temporary String object with your string literal, then get the 
 object's length property and return the value, and then delete the temporary 
 String object it created. So yes, all method calls and get/set on property 
 values would work just fine on literals in AS2, but only because Flash Player 
 used to create temporary objects and delete them as soon as the operation 
 Thus, when you needed to call multiple methods on a string for exemple, it 
 was more efficient to explicitely create a new instance of the String object 
 and call those methods on the object rather that just calling those methods 
 on a string literal.
 But it seems that this is no longer true in AS3, that String objects and 
 string literals are now treated the same by Flash Player 9 using AS3 (there 
 are no more implicit temporary String objects created by the Flash Player).
Fumio Nonaka
My bookshttp://www.FumioNonaka.com/Books/index.html
Flash communityhttp://F-site.org/
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Re: [Flashcoders] compare Objects

2007-04-30 Thread Ron Wheeler
It is more reasonable to include a method in the class to compare itself 
to another instance of itself.

x= new myObj(1,2,3)
y=new MyObj(1,2,4)
trace (x.isequal(y))


Gilles Roquefeuil wrote:


seems trivialo, but is there a simpler way to compare two identically 
formed objects than recursively compare their props (and types and 
values of their props)?

var obj1:Object = {a:0,b:1,c:[0,1,2],d:[{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0}]}
var obj2:Object = {a:0,b:1,c:[0,1,2],d:[{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0}]}
trace (obj1==obj2) returns false...



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Re: [Flashcoders] compare Objects

2007-04-30 Thread Ron Wheeler

Fix a small typo

It is more reasonable to include a method in the class to compare itself
to another instance of itself.

x= new MyObj(1,2,3)
y=new MyObj(1,2,4)
trace (x.isequal(y))


Gilles Roquefeuil wrote:


seems trivialo, but is there a simpler way to compare two identically 
formed objects than recursively compare their props (and types and 
values of their props)?

var obj1:Object = {a:0,b:1,c:[0,1,2],d:[{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0}]}
var obj2:Object = {a:0,b:1,c:[0,1,2],d:[{x:0,y:10},{x:10,y:0}]}
trace (obj1==obj2) returns false...



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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: flash Dock

2007-04-30 Thread Andrés González Aragón

May be if that code wasn't decompiled with sothink, was more legible. I say
it because sothink decompiler writes _locN variables. I was atempt to use
when i lost a fla file.

2007/4/30, Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

For real. Wow, four hours.

On 4/30/07 10:56 AM, eric e. dolecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quit bumping your posts by copy  pasting your old one. Wait a bit and
 if someone answers, okay?

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Andrés González Aragón
Desarrollador Multimedia
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[Flashcoders] Two column forms and removing null

2007-04-30 Thread Dennis Asher

Just starting with Flex. A couple of questions:

Can I auto layout my form in 2 columns without absolute positioning? ie.
specify n columns or???

and I have text boxes and images sourcing content from a database. How do I
stop the 'null' appearing in the text box when there is no data in the field
and the 'image missing' outline appearing when there is no image listed in
the source field.
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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: SendAndLoad

2007-04-30 Thread Helmut Granda

Thanks Leandro. I really appreciate it.

On 4/30/07, Leandro Amano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

import mx.utils.Delegate;
var sendObj:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
sendObj.variable = value;
sendObj.sendAndLoad(server_side.extension, sendObj, POST);
sendObj.onData = Delegate.create(this, onReceiveData);
function onReceiveData (string:String):Void {
//do something

On 4/30/07, Helmut Granda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On 4/27/07, Helmut Granda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How long does the server waits before it returns an error message?
  Say I sent 40 variables to the server and the server receives the
  variables but doesn't process them correctly so it just hangs there,
  flash has a time limit to wait for a response before spitting out an
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Leandro Amano
Digital Bug
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Adobe User Group Leader
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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

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