Re: [Flashcoders] centering content on stage / resizable stage

2008-05-14 Thread EECOLOR
Make sure you have in your code (somewhere at the start) the following code:

*stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;*

Also make sure that you have the following property in your object / embed


Greetz Erik

On 5/14/08, Patrick J. Jankun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello again!

 Im quite desparate after trying to find a simply and yet efficient way to
 get my content always in the middle of that stage,
 i wrote simple script, that seems to be working when i launch the stand
 alone player, however when i launch it with the html
 wrapper and in browser, the positions are different (?!?) and i cant
 figure out why, this is probably very stupid, but before
 i just wanted to know how you ppl solve the centering / positioning
 problems in flash/stage

 my awesome script:

 private function positionContainer() : void {
_lastBgX = _bg.x;
_lastBgY = _bg.y;
var halfW : Number = this.width / 2;
var halfH : Number = this.height / 2;
_bg.x = 0;
_bg.y = 0;
_bg.width = stage.stageWidth;
_bg.height = stage.stageHeight;
_holder.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2) - (_holder.width / 2);
_holder.y = (stage.stageHeight / 2) - (_holder.height / 2);

 _bg is scale, as it's a simple sprite filled with bitmapdata, just for
 testing, and it does what it's suppose to do,
 _holder is my content holder wher i put all my instances, movieclips and
 so on something i dont get is,
 if i have a class that generates something bigger then that _holder
 [width/height] the things starts too look strange

 I think i dont really get how that html wrapper works and what are the
 best settings for an fullscreen flash in html
 should i pass settings to the stage class? if yes then which makes sense?
 How do you ppl solve that issue?

 Thanks for your Help!
 fancy skills to pay the bills

 Phone:  +43 660 96 969 - 01
 mail:   p[at]

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Re: [Flashcoders] Aligning images and text in textfield / textarea

2008-05-14 Thread EECOLOR
I remember the component named Deng, which is able to render a subset of
HTML. It can be found here:

HTML within Flash is one of the toughest things to do as the support for
HTML within Flash is very limited.

Greetz Erik

On 5/6/08, Neil Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using textareas and textfields to display HTML with text, images and
 CSS and running into problems trying to stop text wrapping around the side
 of images (AS2, Flash8).

 Even if the image is as wide as the textarea, any text following the image
 will appear letter by letter vertically down the side of the image until it
 gets to a clear line under the image whereupon it begins to display
 correctly again.

 I've cludged it to stop happening by adding multiple pbr //p after
 each image depending on the height of each image (lineheight of the text I'm
 using is 18 pixels, so divide the image height by 18 and add that many
 paragraph/break tag combinations as above).

 It's a rather messy cludge and requires a stack of extra PHP on the server
 side to parse the HTML and add the extra tags after each image - has anyone
 seen or know about a better way to do this - I'm imagining some one may have
 been able to extend the textarea or textfield class or possibly created a
 more reliable component to display HTML text and images (with vertical
 scrollbar if needed)

 many thanks

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RE: [Flashcoders] as3 namespace question

2008-05-14 Thread Dave Segal
Thanks for the response Erik.

Yes, I am aware that compiling the entire base class of another swf is
problematic. I was just trying to simplify things for the example. If the
idea works I will to use an interface as a public api to the loaded swf.

Anyway, I am very interested in seeing your example files, whether in Flex
or Flash. However, I don't seem to receive attachments sent through this
list. Can you send me the attachment off list? 


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:38 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] as3 namespace question

And now the attachment, hehe.

Greetz Erik

On 5/13/08, EECOLOR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I posted about this before and didn't receive and answer but it is 
 me issues so I am trying again.

 There were some concrete answers posted to your question. Anyway, 
 let's see if we can solve it again.

 Before I will try and help with your problem, I want to point out 
 something about your code. I am not sure if you are using (in your 
 application) an interface which you will cast your class to:

 *var _lm:ILoadMe = ILoadMe(_ldr.content);*

 If you are using the actual class, the problem is that the whole class 
 and it's dependencies are compiled into you main swf, defeating a big 
 part of the purpose of loading the swf into it.

 In my previous reply to your earlier email I posted a Flex version of 
 the answer. This time I created a Flash example. It is added as

 The attached zip file contains 2 directories. Make sure you have your 
 webserver point to to these directories, the virtual hosts in apache:

 *VirtualHost *:80
   ServerName domain1
   DocumentRoot E:\Projects\domain1

 VirtualHost *:80
   ServerName domain2
   DocumentRoot E:\Projects\domain2

 In the hosts file (if you are on windows) you need these 2 entries:

 * domain1 domain2*

 In order to test the example, call this url: 

 You should see this appear on your screen:

 domain2.swf loaded

 I hope this will solve your problem.

 Greetz Erik

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] AMFPHP classes AS3

2008-05-14 Thread Vayu Robins

I was wondering if anyone here has som advice on running flash content from
a database with the help of AMFPHP 1.9?  Maybe someone has a brilliant class
for this or good tutorial.

I have searched the net, but am not finding much out there.

I need to make several queries, for instance for menu, content and news


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AMFPHP classes AS3

2008-05-14 Thread Muzak

- Original Message - 
From: Vayu Robins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Flash Coders List
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 1:01 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] AMFPHP classes AS3


I was wondering if anyone here has som advice on running flash content from
a database with the help of AMFPHP 1.9?  Maybe someone has a brilliant class
for this or good tutorial.

I have searched the net, but am not finding much out there.

I need to make several queries, for instance for menu, content and news


Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] hi.. need help asap.. newbie here.. hehe

2008-05-14 Thread rlyn ben
need to capture the input in textfield which is restricted to numbers only... 
and convert the string to number...

this is my code but it wont work.. when i trace it.. it displays.. object 
[textfield].. or 0.. or NaN..

//stores age
var userAge:Number = Number(age);
var newAge:String = String(age.text);

//age field
age.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
age.border = true;
age.restrict = 0-9;

thanks guys..

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Multiple query strings in a single URL

2008-05-14 Thread John R. Sweeney Jr
Howdy all,

I currently have a app that pulls a single variable from the URL

I.e. =  index.html?page=2

I pass that info into my program with FlashVars using:

script src=Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js
script type=text/javascript
function querySt(ji) {
hu =;
gy = hu.split();
for (i=0;igy.length;i++) {
ft = gy[i].split(=);
if (ft[0] == ji) {
return ft[1];

snippet from the Flash swf embed

FlashVars, 'whichSection=' + querySt('page'));

end snippet

So querySt parses the value of 2 and passes it into my whichsection just

Now I have to have two things passed in:

I.e. Index.html?page=2login=1

Can FlashVars handle this??

I tried:

FlashVars, 'whichSection=' + querySt('page'),'loggedin=' +

But loggedin is NOT getting picked up inside of Flash.

Can Flash handle multiple query strings being passed into itself?

Did I explain this well enough?

Thanks in advance,

John R. Sweeney Jr.([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Interactive Multimedia Developer/
Digital Media Specialist

OnDemand - Interactive, Inc.
847.651.4469 (cell)  847.310.5959 (office/fax)

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