I am using php and 10.4.4 with flash player 8.5
but it has never worked on any version of flash player 8 on 10.4.1 upwards with php
never used cold fusion (too expensive)
I adjusted my code to use the onProgress rather than the onOpen - continues to work like a charm on pc but does not show the onProgress message or onComplete messages I have set on the mac

How to I monitor and manually fire the onComplete event ??

I know I now have bytesLoaded and bytesTotal I hope !

Does it/ will it work in AS3 ?? is it different ? bar being in a package

I thought I would really enjoy the file upload stuff in flash 8(get away from the php/html forms), but as a poor mac guy I get stuffed with things that only pc users can enjoy.....same old same old i guess
(lightroom was a change tho !!)

Thanks again

On 3 Jan 2006, at 23:09, bryan.rice wrote:

On Jan 3, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Ryan Matsikas wrote:

We've expeirenced this problem on a few occasions, the easy work around is
to monitor the onProgress event and manually fire the complete event.

Oddly enough, I have experienced the opposite and in found you can't rely on the onProgress event on all Macs: "File upload progress cannot be determined on Macintosh platforms earlier than OS X 10.3. The onProgress event is called during the upload operation, but the value of the bytesLoaded parameter is -1, indicating that the progress cannot be determined."

Weird. Were you able to figure out a pattern as to what files under what circumstances did not fire the onComplete event? What server-side processor are you using (I have only ever used it with ColdFusion)?

blue skies,
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