Re: [Flashcoders] method to authenticate/license a flash app?

2006-02-23 Thread Adrian Raper, Clarity
ZINC lets you get the machineID of the computer you are running on in one 
call. We match this against an expected machineID written to a licence file 
during installation. (The licence file has a checksum). If they don't 
match, then you can catch it. If you are only selling the application once, 
or limited times, and can do the installation yourself this should be a 
pretty good casual protection. If you are selling lots, then you have to 
add an additional way to stop the installation being run more than once. 
And so the layers start going on!

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[Flashcoders] setVariable through javaScript and cross domain block

2005-11-23 Thread Adrian Raper, Clarity


I am using javaScript and setVariable to try and communicate between a html 
page with javascript on one domain (actually running a SCORM based LMS) and 
the Flash swfs and content on another. The Flash swfs load fine, they can 
call javascript functions, but the setVariable simply does not work to send 
data back.

The whole system works if I am within one domain.

But surely the html and javascript is actually running in my browser, so 
shouldn't the original domain that the html comes from be irrelevant?

In detail:
I am running - which ends up loading 
an html page that loads a Flash object at 
The Flash swf loads up and loads a variety of other swfs and xmls from this 
same domain. All this is good. The Flash swf then does a getURL to run a 
javascript from the original html page. This works OK. But when the 
javascript comes to run movie.setVariable simply nothing comes back to 
Flash. In Firefox I see a javascript NPObject error - in IE, simply nothing 
happens. (I googled for the Firefox error and see some evidence that this 
is a Firefox bug - so left if alone to see how IE did).

I know that I ought to rewrite using at least the Flash/Javascript 
Integration kit, or better with ExternalInterface - but until that happens, 
does anyone have a definitive answer that what I am trying to do can't work 
- or clues as to how it should work?

Many thanks

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