I have been trying to communicate between JavaScript and Flash using the 
JavaScript/Flash integration kit from osflash.org.
Communication from ActionScript to JavaScript works fine, but I am having
problems with JavaScript to ActionScript communication: anytime I call an AS
function from JS, the function is called (so I assume set up my HTML/JS
correctly), but none of my passed parameters are recognized. Maybe it is a
scope problem? Has anyone ever managed to get this working inside an


Here is a very reduced version of the Code:

----- AS-CODE: Class FlvPlayer -----------------
import mx.video.FLVPlayback;
import mx.utils.*;
import com.macromedia.javascript.JavaScriptProxy;

class FlvPlayer{
var jsProxy:JavaScriptProxy;

/*Constructor Method*/
function FlvPlayer() {
jsProxy = new JavaScriptProxy(_root.lcId, this);

/*is called from JS, but does not receive any arguments --> item is
function loadNewFiles(item){
trace('object: '+item + "/ cpFile:"+ item.cuePointsFile);

------------- JS-CODE inside page -----------------------

var dataObj = {movieUrl:'test', cuePointFileUrl:'dummy.xml'};          
flashProxy.call('loadNewFiles', dataObj);

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