[Flashcoders] Different rotation point for different instances of same object?

2006-02-10 Thread w03
Can I change the point of rotation (reference point) of different 
instances of a MC on the fly?  I need several instances of an object to 
rotate but each about a unique reference point within the instance.

Thanks, I don't want to do this programatically if I don't have to.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Mask not defining mc width && height in, imported swf.

2006-02-10 Thread w03

This can be more complicated than it seems... if, like I was, you are using the 
imported MC height and width to find center position.  These values change as 
the offstage mcs move around or march onto stage.

If set the center position once, and import the mc there, it'll stay put.
If call centering routine a lot, (say on a resize function), the mc will jump around depending on the current width,height.  

If you use origional centering data (i.e. save the position) and then use that 
in your resize function (calculate new mc position based on old mc position, 
not on mc width/height) then you may be able to stop the behavior.

If you wrote the Q you may understand this answer, otherwise, don't bother!


//Assign a mask from the main SWF on the receiving movieclip

//mc_clip_loader.setMask(mc_Mask);//Everything outside the stage's 
//demensions of an external SWF is visible inside the receiver SWF...

//Matt Muller wrote:

Im building a microsite, that is aligned to the center of the stage. I am
loading in animations that are swfs that are meant to run in the viewable
area in the microsite.
The animation fla's are exported as swfs with a mask, and I am also trying
to setMask in the shell, the animators tweens and shapes that are outside of
the mask
are affecting the size of my shell and when onResize() is called the site
jumps all over the show.

Does anyone have any ideas, bar going into the animations and cleaning up
everything that is outside the mask to get a perfect rectangle bounding box,
there must be a way to do this, I have draw regions on and can see
everything going on outide the mask.

Quick fixes?



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Re: [Flashcoders] components and library assets

2006-02-09 Thread w03

Similar answer:  I had an alert that didn't carry when swf was imported. I 
dragged one off stage, set alpha = 0, in frame 1.  I then actionscript deleted 
it on 1st frame. Same idea.


Just to be paranoidly-sure:
- make another layer in your component
- make another frame, 2, in your component
- put the asset on that frame
- put a stop action on a new layer, thus ensuring the component never 
reaches that frame

Now, if you use the component, you'll get the asset for sure.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Bullet Angle

2006-02-06 Thread w03
A quick guess - if you are thinking out your math in cartesian 
coordinates and then implementing in flash (y is opposite, increasing as 
position is lowered) you may get that backwards behavior.



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