Hi All,

I'm having a bit of a problem with nested transforms and interactivity.

I have a parent sprite that has 9 children sprites, and the children
have listeners for roll over/out.

Transforming/animating the parent seems to be absolutely fine; it
rotates fine and the children act as expected.
However, when I individually animate the children (I'm using Doyle's
TweenGroup class) the children start flickering, firing over and out
events repeatedly while the mouse is moving. I then tried setting the
transform.matrix3D to null after the animation finishing - and
resetting the positions - and this seems to help to some extent. It
works fine right upto about 1000px from the left of the stage.
Everything to the right of this point has the same old problem.

I've seen some really interactive flash3d stuff (although that's
possibly papervision) that work fine. I'm just not sure where the
problem is and need some help.

Tried looking around for info, but maybe I just failed at google. Help
is much appreciated either way.



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