Hey Folks,

I'm uploading files from my SWF with FileReference and I need to verify the
file is acceptable on the server (make sure it is a non progressive JPG) and
let the SWF client know if the file was accepted by the server or rejected.

I've been using ColdFusion for this and it has a handy 'accept' attribute
for the <cffile> tag where you can specify the mime type to allow.
Unfortunately using this attribute breaks the upload (even if the mime type
is correct) thanks to a bug in the F8 player.

So right now I've been forced to make it a 2 step operation, first upload
the file, then on completion the SWF client makes a Flash Remoting call to a
service that verifys the file and returns a result depending if the file is
acceptable or not.

I think it would be excellent if FileReference could accept a response from
the server alongside the file upload complete so this could be reduced to a
1 step operation. Can't see how that could be done at the moment though.

Anyone out there come up with any elegant solutions for uplaoding and
verifying in one?

** WISHLIST It would be cool if the FileReference class could access the
file mime type in the SWF.

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