Hi list

I am using the FlashPaper Component 0.7 to display flashpaper elements in my
Flash movie (Flash 8 PC CDROM)

Does anyone know how to remove the scrollbar? I have managed to remove all
the other UI elements with the following code but a scrollbar is still
appearing on the right hand side. I do not want my user to be able to scroll
the document.

FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Close", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Brand", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("ZoomKeys", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Overflow", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Page", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Sidebar", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Pop", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Find", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Zoom", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Tool", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("Print", false);
FP_Object.document_fp.showUIElement("PrevNext", false);

I also tried the following but it does not seem to have any affect:


Btw, I have put my flash paper component inside a container movie clip,
which I am attaching and removing on the fly as and when it is needed.



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