Hi FlashCoders !
Sorry again for my bad english...

We've a big and curious problem with cfm pages, since one week, without finding a real solution. It seem's there is a problem beetween flash player and navigator especialy IE 7.0

We build online games, and this games make request to the server using cfm pages (ColdFusion 5.0 and Flash 8 pro).
For exemple, the Flash ask to the map description off a game, like:

and the cfm page return:
&id_map=152&map_description=5,6,9,1,2,3,8,4,5,6,1,5,3 etc...

With IE 7, after 200 or 220 requests to the cfm page, the connection return with success but the params are "undefined". We need to clear the cache of IE to be abble again to get params from the cfm page, and this only for 200 requests again. We've verifyed with the plugin HttpWatch that the connection was success, and that the params was correctly returned by the cfm page. So the navigator get the params, but did'nt pass theym to the flash player.

We've try to add a timer (date+time, it's a unique number, better than a random number) to the URL like: http://www.domaine.com/game/general.cfm?timer=121546546685211&action=ask_map ... doesn't change anything

We've try to add the timer befor the "?" of the URL with a "\" (not "/") we send something like:
(The navigator automaticaly correct \ in /, I don't know if this is important to explain) With this solution, we did'nt have any problem with IE 7, but it start to be worst with FireFox especially release

I test today with a cookie on one game, around 1500 gamers (about 100 requests by gamer), there was 4% of theym who has a connection witch comes back with no success (both navigators) and 1.3% witch comes back with success but where the params are undefined (usually IE). When connection work wrong, the game test automaticaly again the connection a second time. Only 0.4% of the gamers ware not abble to get a good connection again. But it seem's hudred by day...

Does anybody have a similar problem? any solution?

The flash code is something like this:

var varLoader:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
function askMap() {
varLoader.onLoad = _root.askMap_callBack;
askMap_callBack(success) { if (success != true){  trace("no success");  // do something in the game }else{  trace("success");  
for (var i_o in varLoader) {   trace("param:"+i_o+" --> "+varLoader[i_o]);  }  // do something in the game }}it returns 
(trace):successparam:id_map --> 152param:map_description --> 5,6,9,1,2,3,8,4,5,6,1,5,3 etc...
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