I solved my problem (and some more, see below)
The wrong line in my code appeared to be:
heading.font = myVerdanaBold.fontName;
I changed it in:
heading.fontFamily = myVerdanaBold.fontName;
and al was well.
The the exact phrase 'fontFamily' is crucial here (but it doesn't appear as a key word!) !!??

Also it appears that the V3 TextArea component doesn't support stylesheets.
I found this page:
http://www.sharedknowhow.com/2008/07/fixed-flash-textarea-css- incompatibility/ It provides a very simple (meaning: understandable, even for me) explanation + solution. Even I can apply a stylesheet to a V3 TextArea now. Must be peanuts for most of you.
Willem van den Goorbergh

Op 23-jul-2008, om 12:53 heeft Geografiek het volgende geschreven:

Hi list,
I try to format a font in a TextField with the following code:

        //@@ instantiate verdanaBold
        //@@ in the lib exists a font symbol 'verdanaBold' exported for AS
var myVerdanaBold:Font = new verdanaBold();

        //@@ define styleSheet
var mySs1:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
var heading:Object = new Object();
var body:Object = new Object();
heading.font = myVerdanaBold.fontName;
        //@@ or??
//heading.fontFamily = "verdanaBold";
heading.fontSize = 24;
heading.fontWeight = "bold";
heading.color = "#FF0000";
body.color = "#0000FF";
body.italic = "italic";

        //@@ define TextField
var myTxtF1:TextField = new TextField();
myTxtF1.x = 100; myTxtF1.y = 200;

        //@@ the following line prevents the text from showing
//@@ if disabled the text shows correct (but for the desired Verdana of course
myTxtF1.embedFonts = true;

myTxtF1.styleSheet = mySs1;
myTxtF1.htmlText = "<body><span class='heading'>Why </span>is font handling in CS3 so intimidating??</body>";

I'm doing something wrong in the font assignment department but what??
Willem van den Goorbergh

Finally: (just to vent my frustration, skip this is you want ;-))
Why is it that font handling in CS3 is so  @[EMAIL PROTECTED] intimidating?
- There are multiple strategies to make a font available to TextFields, but not one that seems to be better than others for general purposes - You need to apply mutually dependent settings in different places to get things right (e.g. create a font symbol *and* export it for AS (why not in the same window like all other symbols??) *and* assign a value to the font property of a TextFormat object *and* assign that TextFormat to a Textfield *and* set myTfld.embedFonts (why is this not a property of TextFormat. When I define a font there, it's obvious that I want to embed that font in the textField the textFormat is assigned to) When one of these settings is incorrect Flash fails silently in some cases (just displays nothing, no placeholders for missing characters, no error message, nothing)) - The cs3 help docs contain plain errors (I remember 'myTfld.html' but this generates an error because the property html doesn't exist in AS3 - Again in the help docs, in the part explaining style sheets, the harderst part (defining the font family) is left out of the example - syntax is inconsistent. When I want to format existing text I need a method 'myTfld.setTextFormat(myTfmt2)' but when I want to format text to be added afterwards I suddenly need a property myTfld.defaultTextFormat = myTfmt2' (where did AS2's setNewTextFormat() method go?) - why is the way text in TextArea components is formatted so different from formatting TextFields (e.g. myTextArea.setStyle("embedFonts", true) versus myTfld.embedFonts = true;
and many more ......

Geografiek is a Dutch, Utrecht-based map and chart design company.
Willem van den Goorbergh can be contacted by telephone: (+31) 30-2719512 or cell phone: (+31)6-26372378
or by fax: (+31)302719687
snail mail: Hooghiemstraplein 89 3514 AX UTRECHT
Visit our website at: http://www.geografiek.nl

Flashcoders mailing list

Geografiek is a Dutch, Utrecht-based map and chart design company.
Willem van den Goorbergh can be contacted by telephone: (+31) 30-2719512 or cell phone: (+31)6-26372378
or by fax: (+31)302719687
snail mail: Hooghiemstraplein 89 3514 AX UTRECHT
Visit our website at: http://www.geografiek.nl

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