I don't seem to be doing something correct.

I am trying to set a Flash equivalent of a "cookie" then check for it.

In my 1st movie:

myNameStatus = ("normal");
myTutorialStatusSO = SharedObject.getLocal("tutorialStatus" );
myTutorialStatusSO.data.thingIsave = myNameStatus;

In my 2nd movie (trying to read it now)

//retrieve the shared objects...
myTutorialStatusSO = SharedObject.getLocal("tutorialStatus");

//give the results a name we can use...
my01_01_01MapStatus = myTutorialStatusSO.data.thingIsave;

My expectation is that my01_01_01MapStatus would equal "normal".
Instead when I view the variables I seem to have nothing...

Thanks in advance,
Dan Sherman
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