When Flash 8 was released there was a 'feature' that meant any
dynamically loaded image could not have its pixels smoothed when
resized, and an ugly workaround was needed to smooth the image using
BitmapData. Tinic Uro blogged about the problem here:


I assumed that the proper way to fix this would be to make it so
setting the Flash movie's quality to "BEST" would force all images to
be smoothed automatically by the Flash renderer (just as in every
other release of the Flash Player), but in the end it looked like
there was going to be a "MovieClip.forceSmoothing" accessor instead.

Either way, unfortunately it seems this feature still hasn't been
resolved. In the preview release of Flash 9 I tried the follow code:

stage.quality = StageQuality.BEST;

var request:URLRequest = new
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

When you zoom in on the Flash movie the image remains aliased and not
smoothed. Please tell me I'm missing something, that there's a simple
way to smooth an image once loaded in, and not that this issue still
hasn't been fixed.

Many thanks,
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