I recently ran into a problem that I solved with Delegate. I thought that others might run into this problem.

I built a button component that included validation of a set of other components. The user of the button would name a set of required components in a property values dialog. When the button initialized, it adds listeners for the 'correct' events that the other components emit (tutoring application). I found things worked fairly well initially but after adding a second copy of my button to the stage and assigning a common required field, I found that the first button no longer responded to the 'correct' event. To fix this problem, I incorporated Delegate when assigning the listener. A line of the code is shown below where 'ShowCorrect' is the event and componentsShowCorrect is a method in my button class.

componentName.addEventListener("showCorrect", Delegate.create(this, componentsShowCorrect));

In the past, I had ran across Delegate and found it a bit confusing. I have generally relied on assigning a reference to the class (i.e. this) to a variable of the object that listens

componentName["realThis"] = this

But this didn't work for my situation and I had to go with Delegate. I found a nice demonstration of Delegate in the book 'Using ActionScript 2.0 Components with Macromedia Flash 8' It seems that Macromedia has made some nice strides in component documentation with Flash 8.
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