Hi list...
It starts to make me mad...
I encountered problem to load a very simple XML, like those we use all days since years...
So I made a very simple class only to read my xml...
Then flash started to talk to me about a "class conflict error".... I have only one class with this name on the whole server... It's 200% sure that there is no conflict I put things out one by one, til I got no more error... I got my class totally empty, except its name and an empty constructor, and the conflict error still was there. I tried to change the class name, class path, package, the error was always here. I let my Computer alone 1 or 2 minutes, then come back and only hit ctr-enter, the error has disappeared !! So I rewrite all my ParseXML class, and got no error the first time... cool !! nope.... the 2nd time, without any change, the error came back. I wait a while, try again, error got away.... I try to delete the "import mx.utils.Delegate" line in my class, generate the swf (and got the logical "Delegate.create unknown" error), then rewrite the line and generate once more, the conflict error came back !!

The only way I found not to have this error was to leave my package (wich is hold on a file server) and let the class in the same directory as the calling fla. In this case I can modify my class without error.

Maybe it's a server problem, as I often saw that Flash is the software I use that has the more problems with server (i.e. : let photoshop opened on a server located psd, and flash on a server loc. fla, reboot the server and there's no pb for photoshop, but flash can't write anymore on the file)

It really don't understand what happens, but as I got an error on an empty class, or got only sometimes the error on the same class, it lets me think about a flash bug... what do you think about it please?



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