Hi list
does anyone knows if the flash player 8 bitmap data memory leak is corrected in flash player 9?
I encounter 2 strange things in my current app.
I'm making an online video mix table with an FMS2 connection for recording the audio comments. the flv sources are loaded from a VOD server, and the user data from an http server... The player player web plugin began to do strange things when I connected my app to all those different sources.

*The bitmapData sometimes stays on the the screen
*I've made a drag'n'drop component. It takes a picture of the original icon, attaches it on a _level0 draggedmovieclip, and removes it when dropped in a dropZone. The onDropped method in the DraggedClipCopy.as class makes a this.myBD.dispose(), a delete this.myBD, and a this.removeMovieClip() It works in flash IDE, worked in FF and IE, and when I changed the server pathes, the bitmapData began to remain on screen after the dispose and remove ... I've changed several things in my class organisation, and it changed behavior: my first BitmapData doesn't work at all in flash player plugin, all the other ones after this work fine... strange, isn't it?
Any idea? I have to give back my work at next midnight

*The movieClip hit zone isn't the same as the movieClip displayed zone:
*Another problem occuring only in the flash web plugin, after linking the project to several different servers (ie 2 stats server and 1 webservice server): I got some movieClip with onRelease events wich don't react exactly on the zone they display. As an exemple, a navigation button didn't worked on its left half, but only on its right half, and in the empty zone at the right of the button : as if the movieclip hitZone._y were setted to movieclip._y+(movieclip._width/2) And in my current project, it makes a problem on my drag'n'drop component : the dropZones have to react on the onRollOver, and they now swith to "over" state when the mouse isn't physically located over the object... My class works fine in a simple flash, and worked fine before I linked the app to external server. I can't see the link between movieclip.onRollover and flvPlayback.contentPath nor netConnection.uri

Any help or info would be greatfull, I hope it comes from me and not from the flash player, so it could be corrected. but as I described the thing, you can see that it's strange...


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