[Flashcoders] problem with sandy.

2007-03-21 Thread Gustavo Duenas
Hi, I've just run the sandy on my flash 8 and this was the error of  
the first code.

**Error** /Applications/Macromedia Flash 8/sources/sandy/view/ 
ClipScreen.as: Line 102: There is no method with the name  


**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 16: Type mismatch.
var cam:Camera3D = new Camera3D( 700, screen);

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 20: There is no  
method with the name 'addCamera'.

World3D.getInstance().addCamera( cam );

Total ActionScript Errors: 3 Reported Errors: 3

the code is:

import sandy.core.data.*;
import sandy.core.group.*;
import sandy.primitive.*;
import sandy.view.*;
import sandy.core.*;
import sandy.skin.*;
import sandy.util.*;
import sandy.core.transform.*;
import sandy.events.*;
function init( Void ):Void
// screen creation, the object where objects will be displayed.
	var screen:ClipScreen = new ClipScreen( this.createEmptyMovieClip 
('screen', 1), 600, 600 );

// we create our camera
var cam:Camera3D = new Camera3D( 700, screen);
	// we move the camera backward to be able to see the object placed  
at 0,0,0

cam.setPosition(0, 0, -500);
// we add the camera to the world
World3D.getInstance().addCamera( cam );
// we create the root node.
var bg:Group = new Group();
// and set it as the root node of the world.
World3D.getInstance().setRootGroup( bg );
// and we lauch the scene creation
createScene( bg );
	// and now that everything is created, we can launch the world  

function createScene( bg:Group ):Void
// We create our object. It is a cube of 50 pixels
var o:Object3D = new Box( 50, 50, 50 );
	// Now we simply link the Object leaf to the root node, and finish  
the tree creation

bg.addChild( o);
// We lauch the animation creation.

and this is the class path

Macintosh HD:Applications:Macromedia Flash 8:sources

somebody help me...it is supposed to be as hards as thisor I've  
just missed something in the download.


Gustavo Duenas

P.s: the code was on the tutorial of sandy

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Re: [Flashcoders] problem with sandy.

2007-03-21 Thread Zeh Fernando
Hi, I've just run the sandy on my flash 8 and this was the error of the 
first code.

Sandy has a mailing list and support forums in english and french.


I think it would be easier for you to check those first, and in case you 
don't find a solution to your issues, post there instead.

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Re: [Flashcoders] problem with sandy.

2007-03-21 Thread Ron Wheeler

I am not sure where you have gone wrong.
I can show you what I did. It is a bit more structured than the Sandy 
It declares a World3D and a movie clip and then builds a scene that can 
be rotated.

Then it creates and adds a camera

This is the main flow. It sets up a Movie Clip to draw the world on and 
then calls init which sets up the world, positions the camera and starts 
the rendering.
The transforms and rotation objects are part of constructing the scene 
and you can ignore then.


import sandy.core.data.*;
import sandy.core.group.*;
import sandy.primitive.*;
import sandy.view.*;
import sandy.core.*;
import sandy.skin.*;
import sandy.util.*;
import sandy.core.transform.*;
import sandy.events.*;
// not needed for your stuff
import com.rwcontrols.utils3D.RWRotation

import flashout.as;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
* This is the main entry point for all test classes.
class com.rwcontrols.sandytest.TestMain {

   static var app : TestMain;
   private var w:World3D;
   private var mySection:TransformGroup;
   private var masterRotation:RWRotation;
   private var rotationTransform:Transform3D;
   private var myRotatingSection:TransformGroup;
   private var myScene:Group;
   private var myCamera1:Camera3D;
   // entry point

   static function main(mc) {
   app = new TestMain(mc);

   function TestMain(mc) {
   var myMC : MovieClip;
   try { init(mc); }
   catch (e:Error)
private function init(screen: MovieClip):Void

   var i:Number;
   this.w = World3D.getInstance();

//This draws a section of a plant
   this.mySection = this.createSection() ;
// You can simplify this - I wanted to rotate the plant

   this.masterRotation = new RWRotation(0,45,0);
   this.rotationTransform = 
   this.myRotatingSection = 

//This creates the final scene to be viewed.
   this.myScene = createScene(this.myRotatingSection)
   this.w.setRootGroup(this.myScene );

//Now add a camra to look at the movie clip

//This makes it rotate
   this.w.addEventListener (World3D.onRenderEVENT, this, rotate);
// Ready to draw it
Creating the camera is pretty simple  and you can use this as is. Just 
change your camera position. The look at just points the camera down 
since I have raised the camera above the scene but still want the scene 
to be in the middle of the frame. I just pass it the Movie clip that the 
scene is on

private function createCamera1(screen:MovieClip):Camera3D{
 var ecran:ClipScreen = new ClipScreen(screen, 1000, 1000, 0xFF );
  // we create our camera
  var cam:Camera3D = new Camera3D( 700, ecran);
   cam.lookAt( 0, -20, -200 );
   return cam;

Creating the scene in my case is a multi-step process since I wanted a 
rotating group on the scene.
The last step just adds the final group of objects(rotatable Site)  to 
the group that will be given to the world.

   private function createScene( rotatableSite:TransformGroup ):Group
  // we create the root node.
   var bg:Group = new Group();
   return bg;

Just in case you wanted to see the creation of a rotatable Group. I need 
this to be able to rotate the thing on every onEnterFrame.

   private function 

   var tRot:TransformGroup = new TransformGroup();
   // The rotation is set in the transform group which will hold 
our site

   tRot.setTransform( rotationTransform );
   // Our site is added to the rotation group
   tRot.addChild( site );

   return tRot;
You do not need this but this is how I make it spin.
function rotate(){
My scene is fairly complex. This is only bits and pieces of it since you 
already have your own scene to do

   private function createSection( Void ):TransformGroup{
// Set up some skins and lights
   var cyl1skin= new MixedSkin(0xFF, 40, 0xFF, 40, 1)
   var cyl2skin= new MixedSkin(0x00FF00, 40, 0x00FF00, 40, 1)
   var cyl3skin= new MixedSkin(0xFF, 40, 0xFF, 40, 1)
   cyl1skin.setLightingEnable( true );
   cyl2skin.setLightingEnable( true );
   cyl3skin.setLightingEnable( true );
//Create some objects

   var cyl1 = new Cylinder( 20, 70, 60, 'quad');
// code omitted here

   var section:TransformGroup = new TransformGroup();

//add some of the groups created in the missing code
