Hi all,

I am new to this list from [EMAIL PROTECTED] They directed me
here with my problem; hopefully you can help me out!

I am trying to implement an upload file feature on my website. I'm
using the Flash 8 FileReference tools with Jakarta commons file
upload, and it works fine locally. However, when I put the files on my
web server (tomcat 5.0), I get an onSecurityError:
securitySandboxError. None of the filereference events (onProgress,
onOpen, etc) are called, except for onSelect.

My upload.swf, upload.html, and upload.jsp files are all located in
http://localhost:8080/site (which gets resolved to
www.mydomainname.com online). I want visitors to upload files to
http://localhost:8080/site/uploads (or www.mydomainname.com/uploads).

What's strange is I was able to upload both a jpg and a mov with a
regular html form and my upload.jsp, so it must be a problem with
Flash (and not permissions on my server, or jsp).

Do I need a policy file? I tried that earlier, but it didn't help (and
also, aren't sandboxes not supposed to be an issue with uploads?). Is
this an issue with DNS resolving? (If so, how can I work around that?)
I heard that Flash 8 has known issues with FileUpload and sending
incorrect headers; are there known solutions to this bug?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much,
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