I get this with other fonts too...but it's more random - sometimes I get
block artefacts as well.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Joe Cutting
> Sent: 20 January 2006 13:17
> To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Aliased text corruption problem
> I love the "anti-alias for readability" text option in Flash 
> 8 and try and use it all the time but its giving me odd 
> results when I use it with the "Futura" typeface.
> What's happening is that the lower case w is becoming corrupted.
> You can see an example at
> http://www.joecutting.com/demos/aliasTest.html
> This only happens with "antialias for readability" if I 
> choose "anti-alias for animation" its fine. It happens with 
> both static and dynamic text.
> I also have two different versions of Futura - one Truetype 
> and one Postscript and it happens with both of them but not 
> with other typefaces.
> So,
> - Is this an artifact of the shape of the letter and this 
> particular algorithm - I haven't tried using the custom 
> aliasing settings because I don't really understand them. 
> If anyone's got any suggestions
> that would be great.
> - Is is because I'm using badly made typefaces - although it 
> seems unlikely that both the TT and PS ones would give the 
> same problem.
> - Is this a bug in the text engine that I should tell Macrobe about?
> Anybody else had this or found a solution?
> Cheers
> Joe
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