
Thanks for the response but I can't do that because at that point the movieclip 
hasn't been initiated yet. 

I'm using a listener to tell when the movieClip is initiated. 'labelText' is 
just a variable attached to the movieClip so I can grab it later. 

I'm looking for the code that lets me grab 'labelText' from within a listener 
object. Here's what I have

loadListener.onLoadInit = function(movieClip){
        trace("Button init | Name = "+ movieClip._name);        // which 
returns the corect value - 'selectBtn_0' or 'selectBtn_1'
        trace("moveClip.labelText = "+ movieClip.labelText);    // which 
returns 'undefinded' - I want it to return 'One Player' or 'Two Player'        
        movieClip.btnLabel.text = movieClip.labelText;          // puts 
'undefined' correctly in the textfield - but I don't want 'undefined', see above

I know that 'labelText' is attached to the movieClip because outside the 
listener I have this trace:

>       trace("this[tempBtnName].labelText= "+ this[tempBtnName].labelText); 
> returns 'One Player' or 'Two Player' as exspected

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Radley
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 6:37 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Changing a textfield on a dynamically

Add .text at the end of your text field & change the coding for  
accessing attributes...

new: this[tempBtnName].labelText.text = tempNodes[i].childNodes 

original: this[tempBtnName].labelText= tempNodes[i].childNodes 


On Dec 1, 2005, at 1:21 PM, Azinger, Richard wrote:

> Hello Flashcoders,
> I've altered my code from my previous post so any help for this  
> problem will be appreciated.
> I'm loading swf files using createEmptyMovieClip and loadClip. I  
> figured out that I couldn't change the text field because it wasn't  
> loaded yet. I've since added a variable to the empty movieClip (this 
> [tempName].labelText) and put in a listener on the loader.
> My problem now is I can't find the correct code to access that  
> variable and change the textfield from within the listener. When  
> the swf is on the stage the textfield says 'undefined' as  
> exspected. I need it to say 'One Player' or 'Two Player'.
> XML, code and output is below. Thanks in advance,
> Rich
> ====================================================
> <selectBtns btnSWF="selectBtn.swf">
>       <btn id="1" label="One Player" x="150" y="450" w="200" h="50" />
>       <btn id="2" label="Two Player" x="450" y="450" w="200" h="50" />
> </selectBtns>
> code
> ====================================================
> selectBtnSWF = tempNodes[i].attributes.btnSWF;
> trace("selectBtnSWF = "+ selectBtnSWF);
> trace("selectBtns: tempNodes[i].childNodes.length = "+ tempNodes 
> [i].childNodes.length + newline);
> for(k=0;k<tempNodes[i].childNodes.length;k++){
>       var mcBtnLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
>       var loadListener:Object = new Object();
>       loadListener.onLoadInit = function(movieClip){
>               trace("Button init | Name = "+ movieClip._name);
>               movieClip.btnLabel.text = movieClip.labelText;
>       }
>       mcBtnLoader.addListener(loadListener);
>       tempBtnName = "selectBtn_"+k;
>       somedepth = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
>       _root.createEmptyMovieClip(tempBtnName, somedepth);
>       trace("tempNodes[i].childNodes[k].attributes.x = "+tempNodes 
> [i].childNodes[k].attributes.x);
>       this[tempBtnName]._x = tempNodes[i].childNodes[k].attributes.x;
>       this[tempBtnName]._y = tempNodes[i].childNodes[k].attributes.y;
>       this[tempBtnName].labelText= tempNodes[i].childNodes 
> [k].attributes.label;
>       trace("this[tempBtnName].labelText= "+ this[tempBtnName].labelText);
>       mcBtnLoader.loadClip("images/"+selectBtnSWF, tempBtnName);
>       trace("this[tempBtnName].btnLabel.text = "+ this 
> [tempBtnName].btnLabel.text);
> }
> ouput
> =========================================
> selectBtnSWF = selectBtn2.swf
> selectBtns: tempNodes[i].childNodes.length = 2
> this[tempBtnName].labelText = One Player
> this[tempBtnName].btnLabel.text = undefined
> this[tempBtnName].labelText = Two Player
> this[tempBtnName].btnLabel.text = undefined
> Button init | Name = selectBtn_0
> Button init | Name = selectBtn_1

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