I have had this problem too, I don't know of a way in code to get rid of it,
but there are tools around that you can lengthen the script timeout of a
flash movie to whatever you want. Obviously this is a bit dangerous, but if
you are careful you can get the results you desire.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of clark slater
Sent: 12 May 2006 21:43
To: [FlashCoders]
Subject: [Flashcoders] MovieClipLoader Script Timeout Bug?

 Posted this yesterday but it looks like there was a problem with the list,
sorry if some people get it twice.

I think I may have come across a bug in the intrinisc MovieClipLoader class.
When loading a large file using an instance of this class on a slow
connection, the script timeout error is thrown if the content takes longer
than ~ 1 minute to load. Replacing the MovieClipLoader with old fashioned
loadMovie resolves the issue.

This can be demonstrated with the following code:

- Empty FLA with emptymovieclip on stage instance name container

import mx.utils.Delegate;

class ContentLoader extends Object {

    private var mcl:MovieClipLoader;

    public function ContentLoader () {
        loadContent ();

    private function loadContent () : Void {
        mcl = new MovieClipLoader ();
        mcl.onLoadProgress = Delegate.create (this, onLoadProgress);
        mcl.loadClip ("myFile.swf", _level0.container);

    private function onLoadProgress (target:MovieClip, loadedBytes:Number,
totalBytes:Number) : Void {
        trace ("bytesLoaded: " + bytesLoaded);


Anyone else encounter this issue? Kinda freaks me out because I have used
MovieClipLoader a LOT in past projects and now I'm thinking users with very
slow connections might be encountering this issue.

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