Over the last few weeks, my mentors and I worked on the algorithm to be
implemented for erase function selection, and it's finally complete. Please
look at this
document containing the details and a flowchart of the decided algorithm.
Feel free to ask anything that is unclear. Any suggestions are welcome too.
I have also written a test case to ensure that all the erase functions in
the flashchips struct are in increasing order of their erase block size.
Next, we'll start to implement the above algorithm.


On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 1:14 AM Aarya Chaumal <aarya.chau...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Today I had my first meet with my mentors Thomas and Simon, and we
> discussed a few things involving the timeline and initial tasks for the
> project.
> There are mainly two parts to the project :
> 1. Developing a strategy to optimize the selection of the erase function
> to reduce the overall time required to do the operation
> 2. Filtering out the erase functions that the programmer does not support
> For now, I'm working on the first one. Also, I will be writing a test case
> to check whether the erase functions in the flashchips struct are sorted
> according to the block size.
> Aarya

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