[flexcoders] what's the difference between remoting service and URLStream

2010-01-19 Thread loveewind
so far as I know, calling remoting service (Remote object) is asynchronous , 
however URLStream is not asynchronous.

if the data on Flex are streamed as AMF in URLStream,compare this data service 
with remoting server, how about is the performance?
below is the code:

public function loadData():void{

var url:String = http://abc.com/ProcessServlet?id=3;;
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
var urlStream:URLStream =new URLStream();
urlStream.addEventListener(complete, handleDataShow)
urlStream.addEventListener(ioError, loadDataError)
try {
}catch (error:Error){


private function handleDataShow(event:Event):void{
 var urlStream:URLStream=URLStream(event.target);
 var byte:ByteArray=new ByteArray;
 urlStream.readBytes(byte, byte.length);
 var obj:Contact =byte.readObject() as Contact;

[flexcoders] Re: How do I get an array of Images

2010-01-19 Thread criptopus
Thank you, thank you. I did know they started at 0 but I must have been working 
to late and let that slip from my mind.

I did read about Vector's and how they where more suited than arrays as long as 
if they where of the same type although I don't seem to be able to use them in 
Flex, I currently have the 3.2 compiler are they not available or does it need 
including as a package?

- Stephen

[flexcoders] Identifying which image caused the event?

2010-01-19 Thread criptopus
If i have an event Listener of the following type on an array element how do I 
determine the element from within the event so as to set one of the elements 


imgArray[imgIdx].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, adjustImage);

private function adjustImage(e:Event):void

var picWidth:int=(e.currentTarget as Image).width;
imgArray[???].height=picWidth * 2;


- Stephen

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How do I get an array of Images

2010-01-19 Thread Paul Andrews
criptopus wrote:
 Thank you, thank you. I did know they started at 0 but I must have been 
 working to late and let that slip from my mind.

 I did read about Vector's and how they where more suited than arrays as long 
 as if they where of the same type although I don't seem to be able to use 
 them in Flex, I currently have the 3.2 compiler are they not available or 
 does it need including as a package?
I think the Vector class came in with Flash Player 10 and Flex 3 targets 
FP 9. I think it is possible to target FP10 with flex 3, but haven't 
attempted to do so myself. The Flash builder trial should have no 
problem with the Vector class.
 - Stephen


Re: [flexcoders] Identifying which image caused the event?

2010-01-19 Thread Paul Andrews
Paul Andrews wrote:
 criptopus wrote:
 If i have an event Listener of the following type on an array element 
 how do I determine the element from within the event so as to set one 
 of the elements properties.


 imgArray[imgIdx].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, adjustImage);

 private function adjustImage(e:Event):void

 var picWidth:int=(e.currentTarget as Image).width;
 imgArray[???].height=picWidth * 2;


 - Stephen

 currentTarget refers to the image object, not the array.

 imgArray is an Array reference

 imgArray[imgIdx] is an Object reference.

 Effectively you are trying to write picWidth.height=picWidth * 2;
Oops, I should say:  (e.currentTarget as Image).height = picWidth * 2;

Probably better written as

var pic:Image=(e.currentTarget as Image);
pic.height=pic.width * 2;



Re: [flexcoders] Identifying which image caused the event?

2010-01-19 Thread Paul Andrews
criptopus wrote:
 If i have an event Listener of the following type on an array element how do 
 I determine the element from within the event so as to set one of the 
 elements properties.


 imgArray[imgIdx].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, adjustImage);

 private function adjustImage(e:Event):void

 var picWidth:int=(e.currentTarget as Image).width;
 imgArray[???].height=picWidth * 2;


 - Stephen

currentTarget refers to the image object, not the array.

imgArray is an Array reference

imgArray[imgIdx] is an Object reference.

Effectively you are trying to write picWidth.height=picWidth * 2;


Re: [flexcoders] question about inheritance and events and overriding methods

2010-01-19 Thread Tim Romano
Thanks very much, Aaron, for taking the time to compile the code on your 
end. Without your help, I'd have been spinning my wheels on this for days

It appears to be a compiler/debugger bug  in beta 2.  I started 
commenting out code and recompiling and then uncommenting and 
recompiling and eventually the error icon jumped to a line with no code 
on it at all. So I closed FB completely and reopened it and  the code 
compiled and I was able to debug it.

I got rid of the calls to super() BTW and moved the params parameter out 
of the constructor to the execute() function.


On 1/18/2010 9:10 PM, Aaron Hardy wrote:

I just tried it on my machine and it compiled without any problems 
after I took out the dependencies I didn't have access to.  I never 
got the error you mentioned.  Maybe it's referring to something else?  
Cut everything out of your project (maybe make a new one) except the 
onResult function you believe may be the cause and see if you still 
get the error.  I suspect you won't.  Good luck!


[flexcoders] Re: IGraphicElement and LayoutBase

2010-01-19 Thread Florian
Yes, in that case i would expect the Displayobject to effecting the layout and 
the measuring.

But that's not what we always want. Sometimes we just want to draw to the 
graphics property of a component/container. It would be absurd to create a 
GroupBase instance to not layout the instances like a VGroup and a Rect, 
which should be the VGroups background.

So, Performance is no issue with the Flash Player anymore?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ariel J arielj...@... wrote:

 From the docs for IGraphicElement:
 Group organizes its IGraphicElement children in sequences that share and 
 draw to the same DisplayObject. The DisplayObject is created by the first 
 element in the sequence.
 That means that there is a single DisplayObject added to the display list 
 upon which the graphic primitives are drawn. I am sure this DisplayObject is 
 subject to the behaviors of the layout of the Group, as in BasicLayout vs. 
 VerticalLayout, just like any other child of the Group.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Florian florian.salihovic@ wrote:
  Ah, thanx. that clearifies a lot. But i don't understand why. I thought the 
  IGraphicElements would be a util class to draw complex shapes into the 
  owners graphic property. Which also means to me that the constraints should 
  applied to be bounds of the component...
  What am i missing?
  Best regards!
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ariel J arieljake@ wrote:
   You can. It's just that the constraint based sizing of the inner rect 
   doesn't work when you use a vertical layout. Change them to height and 
   width values of 100% and you'll see.
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Florian florian.salihovic@ wrote:

Why is it not possible to draw an IGraphicElement into a Group which has
a LayoutBase instance applied to it?

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

s:Application xmlns:fx=http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009;


   xmlns:mx=library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo minWidth=1024



import mx.graphics.SolidColor;

import spark.layouts.VerticalLayout;

protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


base.layout = new VerticalLayout();





!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here --



s:Button click=button1_clickHandler(event) /


s:Group id=base bottom=100 left=100 right=100 top=100

s:Rect bottom=0 fill={new SolidColor(0, .5)} left=0 right=0
top=0 /



[flexcoders] Spark, FXG and composition - the performance black hole

2010-01-19 Thread Florian
I think i am going to start a new topic for the issue...

I ran into to the problem that i groups and graphic primitives wouldn't behave 
as expected when compositions are created, in more detail, when a layout is 

I now understand, that compared to Degrapha, there is no possibility to draw 
into the Group instance directly, but to draw into a child of the component.

Which leads to the following: unnecessary nesting from Groups and unnecessary 


GroupRect height=100% width=100% /VGroup height=100% width=100%//Group

Just for a background of the VGroup is not really a clever way performance wise.

[flexcoders] Re: Displaying additional child nodes in Datatip

2010-01-19 Thread Monette
It works!!! Hooray!!! You Rock!!!
Thank you so much for all your help.
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb timh...@... wrote:

 Three time's a charm:
 var series:LineSeries = LineSeries( o.element );
 var seriesIndex:int;
 for ( seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex  myChart.series.length; seriesIndex++ )
   var lineSeries:LineSeries = myChart.series[ seriesIndex ] as LineSeries;
   if ( lineSeries == series )
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
  private function dtFunction( o:HitData ):String
  var series:LineSeries = LineSeries( o.element ) as LineSeries;
  var seriesIndex:int;
  for ( seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex  myChart.series.length; 
  seriesIndex++ )
  var lineSeries:LineSeries = myChart.series[ seriesIndex ] as 
  if ( lineSeries.displayName == series.displayName )
  var s:String = b + LineSeries( o.element ).displayName + /b\n;
  s += bBooks:/b  + LineSeriesItem( o.chartItem ).yValue + \n;
  s += bBook rate:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].bookrate + 
  s += bStatus:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].status + \n;
  return s;
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
   So, maybe something like this:
   private function dtFunction( o:HitData ):String
 var series:LineSeries = LineSeries( o.element ) as LineSeries;
 var seriesIndex:int;
 for ( var a:int = 0; a  myChart.series.length; a++ )
 var lineSeries:LineSeries = myChart.series[ a ] as LineSeries;
 if ( lineSeries.displayName == series.displayName )
 seriesIndex = a;
 var s:String = b + LineSeries( o.element ).displayName + /b\n;
 s += bBooks:/b  + LineSeriesItem( o.chartItem ).yValue + \n;
 s += bBook rate:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].bookrate + 
 s += bStatus:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].status + \n;
 return s;
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
Easy enough, create a dictionary (id or name) when the series's are 
created; with the index.  And/Or you can get the count from 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Monette monettemm@ wrote:

 This will work.  However, the series count is not limited to just 3 
 series, it's count is dynamic depending on the amount of data 
 collected.  So the code needs to check how many series exists and 
 then generate the datatip for the different series data points.  It 
 is easy for me to accomplish this in VB.NET or vbscript but I am just 
 having problems accomplishing what I need in AS.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
  Ok, good.  Not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but it's 
  basically the same type of thing as the data function.  It's all 
  about getting to right data for the series.  Here's some code for 
  getting individual values and for calculating totals for the week
  private function dtFunction( o:HitData ):String
  var seriesId:String = LineSeries( o.element ).id;
  var seriesIndex:int;
  switch ( seriesId )
  case s0:
  seriesIndex = 0;
  case s1:
  seriesIndex = 1;
  case s2:
  seriesIndex = 2;
  var totalBooksForWeek:int = 0;
  for ( var a:int = 0; a  3; a++ )
  var sessionBooks:int = o.item.session[ a ].books;
  totalBooksForWeek += sessionBooks;
  var s:String = b + LineSeries( o.element ).displayName + 
  s += bBooks:/b  + LineSeriesItem( o.chartItem ).yValue + 
  s += bBook rate:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex 
  ].bookrate + \n;
  s += bStatus:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].status + 
  s += bTotal Books for All Sessions:/b  + 
  totalBooksForWeek + \n;
  return s;
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Monette monettemm@ wrote:
   Almost there!  I assigned an id to each series - s1, s2, s3 etc. 
   Below I
   am trying to loop for the total amount of series.  The values 
   show up
   for bookrate and status but they are the incorrect values for 
   some of

[flexcoders] Audio Issues

2010-01-19 Thread Eric Dunn
Can anyone point in the right direction.. I am having issues with echo in a 
voice mail player that I am building. 

I have read that Flash Player has this capability, but it is reserved for 
premium users... 

How should I go about coding for this issue? 

Eric W Dunn 
Adaption Technologies 

[flexcoders] Re: if (foo)

2010-01-19 Thread Amy

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, ag_rcuren robert.vancuren...@... wrote:

 I once ran some tests to test this. What I found is that checking against 
 null is much faster. Sorry I do not have the test code around anymore but it 
 would be very simple to build again.
 My guess as to why is that if (foo) is implicit and the conditional could be 
 met by a couple things. if foo was a boolean it being null or false would 
 cause the conditional to fail. If the object was a number it being null or = 
 0 would cause the condition to fail. So on and so forth.
 When checking if (foo != null) you are explicitly checking if that object is 
 null not if that object is null or false, or 0, ect so this check is much 
 I also think if (foo != null) is better syntax to look at because I can tell 
 exactly what you are checking for, that is you are intersted in if foo is 
 null not that it is  == false or = 0 or anything like that. I feel that if 
 (foo) is lazy.
 So in the interest of speed and clean code you should always check for 
 exactly what you want.

I like this article on the subject by Josh McDonald 

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, SOAP and Process Flow

2010-01-19 Thread Amy

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefal...@... wrote:

 I've given up for now. 
 AsyncTokens appear to be the way to go, but by the documentation I've seen it 
 *should* work, but the result/fault handlers are never hit. I decided to try 
 using 'closure' instead - I'm not even sure if the variables will remain 
 stateful, but it's at least in a forward direction for now.
 I think this is another case of the documentation being abysmally lacking.

I always use mx.rpc.Responder instead of AsyncResponder (is that a custom 
class?).  There's a working example of using AsyncToken with AMFPHP here 
 .  Maybe that will help you see something the docs aren't showing you.



[flexcoders] Re: A popupbutton without arrow?

2010-01-19 Thread peeyushtuli

Are you looking for something similar to this?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Leonardo Camargo camargoleona...@... wrote:

 Hi folks, I'm looking for ideas... I need to have a button(skinnned with an
 icon), that when clicked will show a layer with two options, pretty much
 like a combobox or a popupbutton. But I need the button to be, clean,
 without the arrow.
 Any Ideas on how to go about doing this?
 Leonardo C.

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, SOAP and Process Flow

2010-01-19 Thread peeyushtuli
Asynctokens do work. I havent seen a single case of the handlers not being 
invoked being linked to some bug in flex sdk. Can you please post some code 
snippets of how exactly you used the asynctoken and mention the flex sdk?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefal...@... wrote:

 I've given up for now. 
 AsyncTokens appear to be the way to go, but by the documentation I've seen it 
 *should* work, but the result/fault handlers are never hit. I decided to try 
 using 'closure' instead - I'm not even sure if the variables will remain 
 stateful, but it's at least in a forward direction for now.
 I think this is another case of the documentation being abysmally lacking.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefalgar@ wrote:
  Yeap, looking at that now and having little luck as well.
   for example, shows someone with a similar problem with a similar solution. 
  Here's what I've got ...
  var myService:Statistics = new Statistics(null,endPoint);
  var token:AsyncToken = myService.disableStatistics(user,pass,email,tArray);
  token.email = email;
  token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(myResults,myFaults,token)); 
  myResults and myFaults are never hit. If I use addEventListener against 
  myService instead, I get the resulting data, but nothing from the 
  I'm not comfortable that I have the AsyncToken set up properly, since it 
  doesnt make sense to make the call to myService before 'email' or 
  'addResponder' is issued, which is what I'm playing with right now.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, João Fernandes 
  joaopedromartinsfernandes@ wrote:
   You can add a responder to your AsyncToken which will carry your fault and
   result handlers.
   2010/1/18 trefalgar trefalgar@
For those wanting to follow this suggestion, there's a good example 
towards the bottom, Using a return token.
Unfortunately, this example doesn't appear to work for me. It uses the
Flex-built SOAP code and an AsyncToken to keep track of things. I don't 
a FaultEvent.FAULT or ResultEvent.RESULT option when adding an event
listener to my AsyncToken.
Back to the drawing board I go.
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, João
Fernandes joaopedromartinsfernandes@ wrote:

  That said, since #2 doesn't tell me what user it's replying no to,
  if I do this in a loop with 100 users, it could be replying back 
  20 nos and I can't tell how I'd match the replies up with the
 Yes you can, try using the asyncToken generated by
 service.invokeWs(user) and store your user in some property (eg.
 currentUser) , once you get the resultEvent, that AsyncToken will have
 the corresponding user stored (event.token.currentUser).


 João Fernandes

 Adobe Certified Expert
 Adobe Community Expert
 Portugal Adobe User Group (http://aug.riapt.org)

   João Fernandes

[flexcoders] itemRenderer in dynamically generated DataGrid

2010-01-19 Thread Mlist

I need an itemRenderer in my DataGrid (id: dgDataGrid) so it displays two
different strings (string1 and string2 - see the explanation part for more
info about how these strings are defined in the array). I have created the
itemRenderer as mxml, with HBox wrapping two labels. How can I populate
their text values, considering that the function for creating columns in the
dgDataGrid is as follow:

private function updateDataGrid():void 
var aDataGridColumns:Array = new Array();

for (var i:uint = 0; i  _aYears.length; i++)
var dgcDataGridColumn:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn(
_aYears[i] );
dgcDataGridColumn.headerText = String( _aYears[i] );
aDataGridColumns.push( dgcDataGridColumn );
dgDataGrid.columns = aDataGridColumns;


- _aYears is an array storing years, eg. 2002, 2003, 2004,
- dataProvider for the dgDataGrid is set to _acData, which is an array
collection wrapping aData array,
- data in aData array can be accessed as 

aData[sYear] = aYearDetails;

where aYearDetails is created as:

aYearDetails.push({ string1:string1Value, string2:string2Value })


[flexcoders] Re: skinning and validation

2010-01-19 Thread peeyushtuli
I googled around a lot for this but could not find a solution anywhere. So I 
decided to solve it on my own by subclassing textinput control and a new style 
called errorskin. I have posted the link if it helps somebody, with view source 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Toby Tremayne t...@... wrote:

 Hi Tim,
   On the text field if I remove the focusSkin yes, it then uses the red  
 border as it should.  But on the combo box and numeric stepper I can  
 confirm that the validation is working fine - when I mouse over the  
 field it still brings up the red tooltip to the right hand side, it's  
 just not giving me the outline on the control itself.  And importantly  
 you can see from the css below that my combo box doesn't even have a  
 focusskin specified.
   I've discovered that if I use the tab button to move focus onto the  
 combobox after validation has failed, then the focus border appears  
 and is red - but it won't appear by itself.
   I would have assumed that you could provide a focusskin and then the  
 component would still draw the red border, but I can't find any  
 references for it.  Can anyone tell me how to do this?  There doesn't  
 seem to be a skin option for the error border itself.
 On 30/07/2008, at 3:42 PM, Tim Hoff wrote:
  Hi Toby,
  For drawing the error border, flex uses the Focus Manager. If you
  use a focusSkin, it lloks like it over-rides the focus rectangle
  drawn with the errorColor. Try taking that skin out, to see if it
  comes back. Don't know about the comboBox. Have you verified that
  the validation failure is actually setting the errorString? You can
  try this; to find out if it's a skin or logic problem:
  mx:ComboBox errorString=Test/
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Toby Tremayne toby@ wrote:
   Hi all,
   I've googled but every time I find someone with the same
  problem the
   questions seem to go unanswered...
   I have skins applied to a flex app and I'm having an issue
  where for
   most elements the red border doesn't show up when validation
   For example, I have this in my css file:
   borderSkin: Embed(source=TextInput.swf,
   focusSkin: Embed(source=TextInput.swf,
   disabledSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   downSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   editableDisabledSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   editableDownSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   editableOverSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   editableUpSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   overSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   upSkin: Embed(source=ComboBox.swf,
   And neither combobox nor textinput show the red validation border
   validation fails. What am I missing? Is there a way to specify
   error border skin or something? Or should there be some way in
   skin file to add an error border?
   Life is poetry, write it in your own words
   Toby Tremayne
   Code Poet and Zen Master of the Heavy Sleep
   Lyricist Software
   0416 048 090
   ICQ: 13107913
 Life is poetry, write it in your own words
 Toby Tremayne
 Code Poet and Zen Master of the Heavy Sleep
 Lyricist Software
 0416 048 090
 ICQ: 13107913

[flexcoders] Setting Audio Output - is it possible to assigned audio outpu?

2010-01-19 Thread Eric Dunn
Is it possible to get a list of audio output devices (speakers/headphones) 
similar to a list of input devices (microphone)? 

I have looked and not finding any love... any ideas? 

Eric W Dunn 
Adaption Technologies 

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, SOAP and Process Flow

2010-01-19 Thread trefalgar
Thanks for this post. I thought I had updated to SDK 3.3, but it looks like my 
default was still 3.1. I updated Flex Builder to use the 3.3 SDK and I'll give 
it all a second try.

I'll also take a look at Amy's URL, to make sure I'm doing things in a kosher 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, peeyushtuli peeyus...@... wrote:

 Asynctokens do work. I havent seen a single case of the handlers not being 
 invoked being linked to some bug in flex sdk. Can you please post some code 
 snippets of how exactly you used the asynctoken and mention the flex sdk?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefalgar@ wrote:
  I've given up for now. 
  AsyncTokens appear to be the way to go, but by the documentation I've seen 
  it *should* work, but the result/fault handlers are never hit. I decided to 
  try using 'closure' instead - I'm not even sure if the variables will 
  remain stateful, but it's at least in a forward direction for now.
  I think this is another case of the documentation being abysmally lacking.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefalgar@ wrote:
   Yeap, looking at that now and having little luck as well.
for example, shows someone with a similar problem with a similar 
   solution. Here's what I've got ...
   var myService:Statistics = new Statistics(null,endPoint);
   var token:AsyncToken = 
   token.email = email;
   token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(myResults,myFaults,token)); 
   myResults and myFaults are never hit. If I use addEventListener against 
   myService instead, I get the resulting data, but nothing from the 
   I'm not comfortable that I have the AsyncToken set up properly, since it 
   doesnt make sense to make the call to myService before 'email' or 
   'addResponder' is issued, which is what I'm playing with right now.
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, João Fernandes 
   joaopedromartinsfernandes@ wrote:
You can add a responder to your AsyncToken which will carry your fault 
result handlers.

2010/1/18 trefalgar trefalgar@

 For those wanting to follow this suggestion, there's a good example 
 towards the bottom, Using a return token.

 Unfortunately, this example doesn't appear to work for me. It uses the
 Flex-built SOAP code and an AsyncToken to keep track of things. I 
 don't have
 a FaultEvent.FAULT or ResultEvent.RESULT option when adding an event
 listener to my AsyncToken.

 Back to the drawing board I go.


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, João
 Fernandes joaopedromartinsfernandes@ wrote:
   That said, since #2 doesn't tell me what user it's replying no 
   if I do this in a loop with 100 users, it could be replying back 
   20 nos and I can't tell how I'd match the replies up with the
  Yes you can, try using the asyncToken generated by
  service.invokeWs(user) and store your user in some property (eg.
  currentUser) , once you get the resultEvent, that AsyncToken will 
  the corresponding user stored (event.token.currentUser).
  João Fernandes
  Adobe Certified Expert
  Adobe Community Expert
  Portugal Adobe User Group (http://aug.riapt.org)



João Fernandes

Re: [flexcoders] Re: A popupbutton without arrow?

2010-01-19 Thread Leonardo Camargo
Yep! But I had already figured it out myself.. :)
Thanks anyway

2010/1/19 peeyushtuli peeyus...@gmail.com

 Are you looking for something similar to this?

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com, Leonardo
 Camargo camargoleona...@... wrote:
  Hi folks, I'm looking for ideas... I need to have a button(skinnned with
  icon), that when clicked will show a layer with two options, pretty
  like a combobox or a popupbutton. But I need the button to be, clean,
  without the arrow.
  Any Ideas on how to go about doing this?
  Leonardo C.


[flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

2010-01-19 Thread Tejas Patel
I've used TabNavigator control in my flex application.
When I run my application, looks perfect.
But when i select any tab from TabNavigator control, Application URL having 
some strange text.
when i select second tab, it looks like this..

when i again select first tab, it looks like this..

Why this (#app=e41e7a01-selectedIndex=0) text comes with application URL?
How to stop displaying this text?

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

2010-01-19 Thread Tibor Ballai
Hi Tejas,

What you are seeing is Flex's default history management.
You can read about it here: 

To disable it, you can set the TabNavigator's historyManagementEnabled 
property to false.



Tejas Patel wrote:
 I've used TabNavigator control in my flex application.
 When I run my application, looks perfect.
 But when i select any tab from TabNavigator control, Application URL 
 having some strange text.
 when i select second tab, it looks like this..

 when i again select first tab, it looks like this..

 Why this (#app=e41e7a01-selectedIndex=0) text comes with application URL?
 How to stop displaying this text?

 The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage 

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, SOAP and Process Flow

2010-01-19 Thread trefalgar
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy amyblankens...@... wrote:
 I always use mx.rpc.Responder instead of AsyncResponder (is that a custom 
 class?).  There's a working example of using AsyncToken with AMFPHP here 
  .  Maybe that will help you see something the docs aren't showing you.

Thanks for the tip, Amy, but it doesn't look any different than what I have. 
Additionally, I didnt see any change in behavior from SDK 3.1 to SDK 3.5.

Intentionally brief, here:

import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
import mx.rpc.AsyncResponder;

var token:AsyncToken = myService.disableStatistics(user,pass,email,tArray);
token.info = email;
token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(myResults,myFaults,token));

private function myResults(event:Object, token:AsyncToken):void {
var resultEvent:ResultEvent = ResultEvent(event);
private function myFaults(event:Object, token:AsyncToken):void {
var faultEvent:FaultEvent = FaultEvent(event);

disableStatistics is called, and executes correctly. I see the reply coming 
back in but neither myResults nor myFaults is ever called. If I add a listener 


... the listener's result function is called, but I have no token data from the 

Could the problem be due to AsyncTokens being used within the Flex generated 
coded based off the WSDL? ie, wrapping AsyncToken calls around other AsyncToken 


Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

2010-01-19 Thread Tejas Patel
Thanks Tibor Ballai.

I set historyManagementEnabled to false. So text (app=e41e7a01- selectedIndex= 
0) is removed from URL.
But still '#' character is appear with application URL.

From: Tibor Ballai ballai.t...@gmail.com
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 19 January, 2010 10:59:18 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

Hi Tejas,

What you are seeing is Flex's default history management.
You can read about it here: 
http://livedocs. adobe.com/ flex/3/html/ help.html? content=deep_ linking_8. 

To disable it, you can set the TabNavigator' s historyManagementEn abled 
property to false.


www.tiborballai. com

Tejas Patel wrote:
 I've used TabNavigator control in my flex application.
 When I run my application, looks perfect.
 But when i select any tab from TabNavigator control, Application URL 
 having some strange text.
 when i select second tab, it looks like this..
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=1 
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=1

 when i again select first tab, it looks like this..
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=0 
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=0

 Why this (#app=e41e7a01- selectedIndex= 0) text comes with application URL?
 How to stop displaying this text?

  - - - - - -
 The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage 
 http://in.rd. yahoo.com/ tagline_yyi_ 1/*http:/ /in.yahoo. com/.


  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[flexcoders] Escaping slashes in a file name in AIR

2010-01-19 Thread seanmcmonahan
So this is a problem that's not really a problem yet it is.  I think it's best 
explained with an example:

A user wants to save a file so we open the save dialog box via 
File.browseForSave().  User then selects a folder my folder and types in a 
name like my/file/with/slashes.txt and hits the save button.

What happens is AIR interprets this as save a file slashes.txt in the folder 
my folder/my/file/with.  To me this seems perfectly reasonable and correct.  
In fact, I would say this IS the correct behavior.  However my users feel that 
what should happen is that a file with the name my/file/with/slashes.txt 
should be saved out in my folder.

I haven't tested on Windows but on Mac OS using Safari and Chrome the user's 
expected behavior is what happens.  In Firefox the slashes are converted to 
underscores.  This leads me to believe that these browsers are all getting the 
name back and escaping the slashes.

In AIR I'm not seeing anyway to get the filename and escape it as the select 
that is fired when the user clicks save returns a File object with a name 
property set to slashes.txt -- that is, whatever is after the last slash.

Does anyone know how to capture the filename and escape slashes or is that just 
not going to happen?

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, SOAP and Process Flow

2010-01-19 Thread trefalgar
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefal...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy amyblankenship@ wrote:
  I always use mx.rpc.Responder instead of AsyncResponder (is that a custom 
  class?).  There's a working example of using AsyncToken with AMFPHP here 
   .  Maybe that will help you see something the docs aren't showing you.
 var token:AsyncToken = myService.disableStatistics(user,pass,email,tArray);
 token.info = email;
 token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(myResults,myFaults,token));

I forgot this little bit - using Responder over AsyncResponder. As far as I can 
tell, it's not a custom class as it's included by default in the SDK. 

As far as usage, if I use Responder over AsyncResponder, I get the following 

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.net:Responder to an unrelated 
type mx.rpc:IResponder.

I'll see if I can figure that out, but AsyncTokens definitely don't seem to 
like me.


[flexcoders] Image Size

2010-01-19 Thread criptopus
Is it possible to find out the dimensions of an image without actually loading 
the image?

I am going to use an image inline with a Text() object using the normal img 
src='xyz.png' etc and I have discovered it you state the height you also need 
to state the width and if you state the width you have to state the height, 
which is a pain it doesn't automatically scale one with the other.

- Stephen

Re: [flexcoders] Combobox arrow width workaround

2010-01-19 Thread Warren
I ended up creating a skin for the combobox that restores this functionality 
and also adds the capability to turn of the vertical separator.  If anyone 
wants the skin, let me know and I'l post it.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Warren 
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 8:42 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Combobox arrow width workaround

  I'd like to be able to set the width of the ComboBox arrow.  There is a style 
for it (arrowButtonWidth) but it doesn't work.  It's a known issue/bug with the 

  Does anyone have a workaround for this lack of functionality that would work 
in Flex3?




[flexcoders] Re: Image Size

2010-01-19 Thread Amy

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, criptopus sd_br...@... wrote:

 Is it possible to find out the dimensions of an image without actually 
 loading the image?
 I am going to use an image inline with a Text() object using the normal img 
 src='xyz.png' etc and I have discovered it you state the height you also need 
 to state the width and if you state the width you have to state the height, 
 which is a pain it doesn't automatically scale one with the other.
 - Stephen

How about 

var imgSrc:String = 'myImage_800_600.jpg'

var imgParts:Array = imgSrc.split('.');
imgParts = String(imgParts[0]).split('_');
var width:int = imgParts[1] as int;
var height:int = imgParts[2] as int;

if (width==0 || height==0) {
throw new Error('Improperly named image source');



[flexcoders] Re: IGraphicElement and LayoutBase

2010-01-19 Thread Ariel J
Totally agree with you. I hate having to create a VGroup inside a Group just so 
I can draw a Rectangle as the background of the Group and still layout all the 
other children vertically, for example.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Florian florian.saliho...@... wrote:

 Yes, in that case i would expect the Displayobject to effecting the layout 
 and the measuring.
 But that's not what we always want. Sometimes we just want to draw to the 
 graphics property of a component/container. It would be absurd to create a 
 GroupBase instance to not layout the instances like a VGroup and a Rect, 
 which should be the VGroups background.
 So, Performance is no issue with the Flash Player anymore?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ariel J arieljake@ wrote:
  From the docs for IGraphicElement:
  Group organizes its IGraphicElement children in sequences that share and 
  draw to the same DisplayObject. The DisplayObject is created by the first 
  element in the sequence.
  That means that there is a single DisplayObject added to the display list 
  upon which the graphic primitives are drawn. I am sure this DisplayObject 
  is subject to the behaviors of the layout of the Group, as in BasicLayout 
  vs. VerticalLayout, just like any other child of the Group.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Florian florian.salihovic@ wrote:
   Ah, thanx. that clearifies a lot. But i don't understand why. I thought 
   the IGraphicElements would be a util class to draw complex shapes into 
   the owners graphic property. Which also means to me that the constraints 
   should applied to be bounds of the component...
   What am i missing?
   Best regards!
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ariel J arieljake@ wrote:
You can. It's just that the constraint based sizing of the inner rect 
doesn't work when you use a vertical layout. Change them to height and 
width values of 100% and you'll see.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Florian florian.salihovic@ wrote:

 Why is it not possible to draw an IGraphicElement into a Group which 
 a LayoutBase instance applied to it?
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 s:Application xmlns:fx=http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009;
xmlns:mx=library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo minWidth=1024
 import mx.graphics.SolidColor;
 import spark.layouts.VerticalLayout;
 protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
 base.layout = new VerticalLayout();
 !-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here 
 s:Button click=button1_clickHandler(event) /
 s:Group id=base bottom=100 left=100 right=100 top=100
 s:Rect bottom=0 fill={new SolidColor(0, .5)} left=0 right=0
 top=0 /


RE: [flexcoders] Escaping slashes in a file name in AIR

2010-01-19 Thread Jim Hayes
I have no idea if this actually would work, but something like this?

private var origUrl:String

private function saveFile():void
var f:File = new File();
origUrl = f.url;

private function onfileselected(event:Event)
var f:File = event.target as File;
// compare f.url with origUrl to get some sort of relative path in order to 
escape the path delimiters and save it as a file.


Sorry, I'm just off to bed or I'd run it up, but would be interested to know if 
it does work at all. Thanks!

putting a / in a filename, no matter how it's rendered by the OS seems pretty 
stupid to me, however.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of seanmcmonahan
Sent: Tue 1/19/2010 7:04 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Escaping slashes in a file name in AIR
So this is a problem that's not really a problem yet it is.  I think it's best 
explained with an example:

A user wants to save a file so we open the save dialog box via 
File.browseForSave().  User then selects a folder my folder and types in a 
name like my/file/with/slashes.txt and hits the save button.

What happens is AIR interprets this as save a file slashes.txt in the folder 
my folder/my/file/with.  To me this seems perfectly reasonable and correct.  
In fact, I would say this IS the correct behavior.  However my users feel that 
what should happen is that a file with the name my/file/with/slashes.txt 
should be saved out in my folder.

I haven't tested on Windows but on Mac OS using Safari and Chrome the user's 
expected behavior is what happens.  In Firefox the slashes are converted to 
underscores.  This leads me to believe that these browsers are all getting the 
name back and escaping the slashes.

In AIR I'm not seeing anyway to get the filename and escape it as the select 
that is fired when the user clicks save returns a File object with a name 
property set to slashes.txt -- that is, whatever is after the last slash.

Does anyone know how to capture the filename and escape slashes or is that just 
not going to happen?

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This email has been scanned for Primal Pictures by the MessageLabs Email 
Security System.

[flexcoders] RemoveEventHandler issue

2010-01-19 Thread j2me_soul
Can't remove the eventhandler which wrote in mxml.
   protected function mytext_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
s:TextInput id=mytext text=textevent change=mytext_changeHandler(event) /
The handler function which defined in the application creationComplete handler 
can be removed. I confused ~
   protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
mytext.addEventListener(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE, mytext_changeHandler);

   protected function mytext_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
s:TextInput id=mytext text=textevent/

[flexcoders] Problem losing values from query results to RESULT.DATA

2010-01-19 Thread charliecrystle
Weird issue: 

I have a query that works fine--produces expected results:
SELECT COUNT(tagsLU.tagid) as 'tagcount', tag.tagname as 'tagname' FROM TagsLU 
Inner Join tag on tag.tagid=tagslu.tagid Group By tag.tagname Order By tagcount 

which produces an array like this:

5 school
4 volunteer
2 casual
2 family
1 house
1 work

HOWEVER, when I retrieve through AS3 and run a trace, I get this:

 tag: casual; tagcount: 0
 tag: family; tagcount: 0
 tag: housework; tagcount: 0
 tag: school; tagcount: 0
 tag: volunteer; tagcount: 0
 tag: work; tagcount: 0

Here's the trace code:
var result:SQLResult = tagsStmt.getResult();
var numResults:int=result.data.length

for (var i:int = 0; i  numResults; i++) 
var row:Object = result.data[i]; 
var output:String = tag:  + row.tagname; 
output += ; tagcount:  + row.tagcount; 

Any thoughts? I'm sooo close to finishing :)

[flexcoders] Re: Displaying additional child nodes in Datatip

2010-01-19 Thread turbo_vb
My pleasure Monette.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Monette monett...@... wrote:

 It works!!! Hooray!!! You Rock!!!
 Thank you so much for all your help.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
  Three time's a charm:
  var series:LineSeries = LineSeries( o.element );
  var seriesIndex:int;
  for ( seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex  myChart.series.length; seriesIndex++ )
  var lineSeries:LineSeries = myChart.series[ seriesIndex ] as LineSeries;
  if ( lineSeries == series )
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
   private function dtFunction( o:HitData ):String
 var series:LineSeries = LineSeries( o.element ) as LineSeries;
 var seriesIndex:int;
 for ( seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex  myChart.series.length; 
   seriesIndex++ )
 var lineSeries:LineSeries = myChart.series[ seriesIndex ] as 
 if ( lineSeries.displayName == series.displayName )
 var s:String = b + LineSeries( o.element ).displayName + /b\n;
 s += bBooks:/b  + LineSeriesItem( o.chartItem ).yValue + \n;
 s += bBook rate:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].bookrate + 
 s += bStatus:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].status + \n;
 return s;
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
So, maybe something like this:

private function dtFunction( o:HitData ):String
var series:LineSeries = LineSeries( o.element ) as LineSeries;
var seriesIndex:int;

for ( var a:int = 0; a  myChart.series.length; a++ )
var lineSeries:LineSeries = myChart.series[ a ] as 

if ( lineSeries.displayName == series.displayName )
seriesIndex = a;

var s:String = b + LineSeries( o.element ).displayName + 
s += bBooks:/b  + LineSeriesItem( o.chartItem ).yValue + 
s += bBook rate:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex 
].bookrate + \n;
s += bStatus:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].status + 

return s;


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:

 Easy enough, create a dictionary (id or name) when the series's are 
 created; with the index.  And/Or you can get the count from 
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Monette monettemm@ wrote:
  This will work.  However, the series count is not limited to just 
  3 series, it's count is dynamic depending on the amount of data 
  collected.  So the code needs to check how many series exists and 
  then generate the datatip for the different series data points.  It 
  is easy for me to accomplish this in VB.NET or vbscript but I am 
  just having problems accomplishing what I need in AS.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, turbo_vb TimHoff@ wrote:
   Ok, good.  Not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but it's 
   basically the same type of thing as the data function.  It's all 
   about getting to right data for the series.  Here's some code for 
   getting individual values and for calculating totals for the week
   private function dtFunction( o:HitData ):String
 var seriesId:String = LineSeries( o.element ).id;
 var seriesIndex:int;
 switch ( seriesId )
 case s0:
 seriesIndex = 0;
 case s1:
 seriesIndex = 1;
 case s2:
 seriesIndex = 2;
 var totalBooksForWeek:int = 0;
 for ( var a:int = 0; a  3; a++ )
 var sessionBooks:int = o.item.session[ a ].books;
 totalBooksForWeek += sessionBooks;
 var s:String = b + LineSeries( o.element ).displayName + 
 s += bBooks:/b  + LineSeriesItem( o.chartItem ).yValue + 
 s += bBook rate:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex 
   ].bookrate + \n;
 s += bStatus:/b  + o.item.session[ seriesIndex ].status + 
 s += bTotal Books for All Sessions:/b  + 
   totalBooksForWeek + \n;
 return s;
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Monette monettemm@ wrote:

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, SOAP and Process Flow

2010-01-19 Thread Amy

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefal...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, trefalgar trefalgar@ wrote:
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy amyblankenship@ wrote:
   I always use mx.rpc.Responder instead of AsyncResponder (is that a custom 
   class?).  There's a working example of using AsyncToken with AMFPHP here 
.  Maybe that will help you see something the docs aren't showing you.
  var token:AsyncToken = myService.disableStatistics(user,pass,email,tArray);
  token.info = email;
  token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(myResults,myFaults,token));
 I forgot this little bit - using Responder over AsyncResponder. As far as I 
 can tell, it's not a custom class as it's included by default in the SDK. 

I've never used it, but I'm thinking it doesn't look as useful as a regular 
mx.rpc.Responder.  For one thing, it doesn't give you the 
ResultEvent/FaultEvent.  Instead, it gives you some odd sort of info object, 
that I wouldn't even know how to inspect, as no details are provided as to what 
that object will look like.

 As far as usage, if I use Responder over AsyncResponder, I get the following 
 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.net:Responder to an 
 unrelated type mx.rpc:IResponder.

Yeah, don't use flash.net.Responder.  Use mx.rpc.Responder.  That's why I 
included the full path.

 I'll see if I can figure that out, but AsyncTokens definitely don't seem to 
 like me.

Honestly, I'm not sure how it is that you don't see any difference between what 
I my example shows and what you're doing.  My fault/result method signatures 
are completely different--they have a different number of arguments and expect 
different data types.  These are the kind of details you need to train yourself 
to pick up on, or you're going to continue to find the documentation unhelpful.

Hope this clarifies;


Re: [flexcoders] RemoveEventHandler issue

2010-01-19 Thread Alex Harui
CreationComplete only fires once so that handler probably isn’t getting removed 

When you type: change=”mytext_changeHandler(event)”
The compiler generates code like this:
private function 

What is in the attribute is really the body of that generated code and it is 
not the handler itself.

On 1/19/10 5:34 PM, j2me_soul j2me_s...@163.com wrote:

Can't remove the eventhandler which wrote in mxml.

   protected function mytext_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void

s:TextInput id=mytext text=textevent change=mytext_changeHandler(event) /

The handler function which defined in the application creationComplete handler 
can be removed. I confused ~

  protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
mytext.addEventListener(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE, mytext_changeHandler);

  protected function mytext_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
s:TextInput id=mytext text=textevent/

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

Re:Re: [flexcoders] RemoveEventHandler issue

2010-01-19 Thread j2me_soul

So how can I know what the magic number after the __ID_handler_ I guess is ?

My codes is created by flash catalyst so I can't change each eventlistener to 
actionscript code. Is there a way to solve that ?

在2010-01-20 12:59:15,Alex Harui aha...@adobe.com 写道:


CreationComplete only fires once so that handler probably isn’t getting removed 

When you type: change=”mytext_changeHandler(event)”
The compiler generates code like this:
private function 

What is in the attribute is really the body of that generated code and it is 
not the handler itself.

On 1/19/10 5:34 PM, j2me_soul j2me_s...@163.com wrote:


Can't remove the eventhandler which wrote in mxml.
   protected function mytext_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void

s:TextInput id=mytext text=textevent change=mytext_changeHandler(event) /

The handler function which defined in the application creationComplete handler 
can be removed. I confused ~
  protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
mytext.addEventListener(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE, mytext_changeHandler);

  protected function mytext_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void
s:TextInput id=mytext text=textevent/


Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

2010-01-19 Thread Tejas Patel
historyManagementEnabled property set to false has solve my problem.

Thanks Tibor.

From: Tejas Patel tejaspate...@yahoo.co.in
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, 20 January, 2010 12:00:41 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

Thanks Tibor Ballai.

I set historyManagementEn abled to false. So text (app=e41e7a01- 
selectedIndex= 0) is removed from URL.
But still '#' character is appear with application URL.

From: Tibor Ballai ballai.tibi@ gmail.com
To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
Sent: Tue, 19 January, 2010 10:59:18 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] TabNavigator Problem.

Hi Tejas,

What you are seeing is Flex's default history management.
You can read about it here: 
http://livedocs. adobe.com/ flex/3/html/ help.html? content=deep_ linking_8. 

To disable it, you can set the TabNavigator' s historyManagementEn abled 
property to false.


www.tiborballai. com

Tejas Patel wrote:
 I've used TabNavigator control in my flex application.
 When I run my application, looks perfect.
 But when i select any tab from TabNavigator control, Application URL 
 having some strange text.
 when i select second tab, it looks like this..
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=1 
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=1

 when i again select first tab, it looks like this..
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=0 
 http://localhost/ TestingControls- debug/TestingCon trols.html# app=e41e 
 7a01-selectedInd ex=0

 Why this (#app=e41e7a01- selectedIndex= 0) text comes with application URL?
 How to stop displaying this text?

  - - - - - -
 The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage 
 http://in.rd. yahoo.com/ tagline_yyi_ 1/*http:/ /in.yahoo. com/.

 The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[flexcoders] Enable mousewheel function on spark List

2010-01-19 Thread j2me_soul
How can I enable the mousewheel event to the s:List ? 
Is the s:List have a property like verticalScrollPosition in mx:dataGrid
My code is created by flashcatalyst so all component have skinclass property, I 
don't wanna change the skin to css+picture. So how should I do?