[flexcoders] default Image dimensions

2008-02-04 Thread Devin Holloway
Normally, when using the Image class, if you omit the dimensions, Flex 
will default the image to its real width/height. However, I'm running 
into a situation in that Flex is defaulting the dimensions to 0,0 (if 
omitting explicit dimensions). Has anyone else ever encounted this 

As for some general details of its useage, I'm instantiating a new 
instance of the Image() class (rather then using the mx:Image tag), 
and it's being used as private class variable in a custom container 
(based off the Container class).  The image is being defined as a class 
variable and then instantiated with its source in the createChildren() 

Being as though this is a runtime image (and therefore won't know and 
won't be able to hardcode the dimensions), I'm having to listen for the 
image load complete event to detect what the dimensions should be, and 
then set them explicitly.  This works, but I'd like to find out why the 
default sizing behavior isn't working correctly.

[flexcoders] pass extra data to event listener

2007-01-20 Thread Devin Holloway
Currently i'm using this code:

private var _contactConfirmRemove:Contact;

private function removeContact_listener(event:ContactEvent):void {
var contact:Contact = event.contact;
this._contactConfirmRemove = contact;   
Are you sure you want to delete the contact:\n + 
+   + contact.lastName + ?, // text
Delete Contact, // title
Alert.YES|Alert.NO, // flags
null, // parent
removeContactConfirm, // clickListener
null, // iconClass
Alert.NO // defaultButton
private function removeContactConfirm(event:CloseEvent):void {
var contact:Contact = this._contactConfirmRemove;
if(event.detail == Alert.YES) {
this._contactConfirmRemove = null;

I'm setting the event listener of the Alert box to
removeContactConfirm. I need to pass my Contact variable to this event
listener. I'm currently setting it to a class variable so I can later
access it in the removeContactConfirm function. However, I'd prefer to
just pass it directly to the removeContactConfirm event listener,
rather then temporarily set it to a class var and access it later.

But the way you specifiy an event listener for the Alert box doesn't
allow you to pass extra information. Is there a way to do this? I was
thinking about creating a custom event that extends the CloseEvent
that holds extra data. But then I would also need to configure the
Alert box to dispatch that new custom CloseEvent instead, and I'm not
sure how to to do that.

Is this possible and if so, any pointers?

[flexcoders] ComboBox ItemEditor

2007-01-12 Thread Devin Holloway
I'm using combobox as a dropin item editor in a datagrid. I don't like
how many steps it takes to edit a cell...

1: click the cell (renderer turns into editor)
2: click the editor (combobox drops down)
3: click the desired selection (combobox closes)
4: click outside or tab-out to convert the editor back to the renderer
and dispatch the itemEditEnd event.

When you make a selection in the combobox, I'd prefer it to close up,
switch back to the renderer, and then dispatch the itemEditEnd event
right away.

I've noticed that making a selection in the combobox editor does not
dispatch any of the itemEdit events, so I figured I would need to
dispatch a combobox change event (from the combobox) and then
hopefully use a listener to programmatically destroy the editor and
dispatch the itemEditEvent or something.

Not sure if this is even possible, but in any case, I can't seem to
find anything that can listen to a dispatched event from the editor.
I've tried listening for the event on the datagrid, the datagrid
column, and the component containing the datagrid... all giving
errors.  Is this not possible? Or is there a better way to approach this?

[flexcoders] Re: Minimized Panel

2007-01-12 Thread Devin Holloway
The Flex2:Training From the Source book has you develop an
application that has panels with minimize/maximize buttons.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Pavel Zabelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all! People have you any idea how to develop Panel that have

[flexcoders] ComboBox itemEditor

2007-01-12 Thread Devin Holloway
I'm using a combobox as a drop-in itemeditor in a datagrid. Whenever
they make a selection, I don't like how the user has to click outside
or tab-out to get the renderer to replace the editor and dispatch the
itemEditEnd event.

I'd prefer that once they make a selection in the combobox, it closes
up, goes away, label renderer reappears with new value, and
itemEditEnd event dispatches.

I've noticed taht making a selection in the combobox does not dispatch
any of the itemEdit events, so I figure I need to dispatch a change
event from the combo editor. And then I'm hoping I can have a change
listener programatically update the cell, destory the editor, and
dispatch the itemEditEnd event.

However, I can't find anything that can listen to an event broadcasted
from an itemEditor. I tried listening on the datagrid, the datagrid
column, and the component holding the datagrid.

is this even possible? Or is there a different approach to solving this?

[flexcoders] Skin MenuBar

2007-01-09 Thread Devin Holloway
I have a menubar with just one item that I'm trying to skin with a
small .gif image. The skin image has a size of 10w X 9h. I used the
css backgroundSkin selector to apply the image and then resized the
menubar component to 10w X 9h.  The skin looks perfect, except when I
try to click the menubar nothing happens. It appears as if the hit
area is invisible because if I increase the buttonBar size to 20w X
19h the hit area exist along the very right edge.

So, in other words, if I make the menubar as small as I need it, the
hit area goes away. I've also tried to use the CSS itemUpSkin, and it
places the image in the hit area, which of course, cuts off the image
if too small.

Is there any way I can increas the hit area of the MenuBar to cover
the entire visable part of the menuBar items?

[flexcoders] Re: titlewindow reveals too early

2007-01-09 Thread Devin Holloway
maybe pop open the title window in the result event of the data loading?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, bghoward3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there a way i can stall the tile window opening until the items in 
 it have full drawn? my title window contains a combobox component 
 populated with dynamic data, so since it takes longer tot load than the 
 the window takes to open, the window resizes after it opens and looks 
 any direction appreciated

[flexcoders] Customized NumericStepper

2007-01-05 Thread Devin Holloway
I want to make a few changes to how the numericstepper works. For
instance, when they click the up button and reach the maximum, I want
it to flip down to the minium, and vice versa.

There's just a small bit of code in the checkValidValue() function
that I need to change. However, if I try to override that function I
get the error: 1020: Method marked override must override another

First of all, I don't quite understand why I can override some methods
and not others. And if I can't override that method, what other
options do I have?

[flexcoders] ButtonBar labelPlacement

2006-08-28 Thread Devin Holloway
I've noticed that when using the ButtonBar, that in the dataProvider,
specifying normal Button attributes (such as labelPlacement, overIcon,
etc.) have no effect. Is it possible to easily control these
properties of the individual buttons? Or must one resort to a bunch of
buttons in an HBox?

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[flexcoders] passing data to CF and back

2006-08-04 Thread Devin Holloway
I have an ArrayCollection used as the dataProvider for a datagrid.
Submitting a form adds an item to the ArrayCollection (and therefore
the grid).

I'm also detecting changes to the ArrayCollection using the
CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE event listener. When detecting an
ADD, for example, I take the string value of one of the fields in
the newly added item, and pass it to a cfc method using RemoteObject.
The CFC does some processing and returns data.

In the RemoteObject ResultHandler, I want to use the returned data to
update the item in the grid. The problem is, I no longer know what
index of the ArrayCollection to update. It won't be the last item,
'cause users can continually add items to the queue.

Do I need to pass the index index of the new item to the cfc, and then
pass it back so I know which index to then update? Or is there a
better way? Even as users add items to the queue, it's possible that
they can remove an item from the queue before it gets processed by the
CFC... so it doesn't seem like passing the index to the cfc and back
is a good choice.

Or... is there a better way to architect this overall?

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[flexcoders] tree resize to content

2006-07-31 Thread Devin Holloway
I've noticed that the default behavior of the tree is to show a
vertical scroll bar once you open enough nodes that it becomes taller
then tree dimensions (even if you do not specify a height).

Is it possible to have the tree resize it's height to never show a
vert scroll bar... without just specifying a large height to begin with?

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[flexcoders] Re: Panel padding

2006-07-29 Thread Devin Holloway

That did it. I should have noticed those attributes in the attributes
category view. Thank you!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Peter Baird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for jumping on this late...
 What you¹re looking for is the following:
 I¹ve been meaning to include these styles in the style explorer for
 as their omission is an oversight.
 888/   \888User Experience Consultant
 88/  /  \88Adobe Consulting | Adobe Systems, Inc
 8/  /8\  \8275 Grove St. Newton, MA
 /  /888\  \
 On 7/28/06 6:05 PM, bhaq1972 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  okay this is my last suggestion (cant think of anything else). for
  your datagrid add a minWindth=0
   sometimes i found that works well with width=100%
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ,
  Devin Holloway devin@
   that doesn't work either. it widens the conents inside, but clips
so that the same left/right padding amount exists.  the weird
   is that the paddingTop behaves as it should, it's just the
   padding that's not working
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com ,
  bhaq1972 mbhaque@ wrote:
what happens if you remove the outer Canvas and make the panel
borderStyle=none and paddingLeft=-10 and paddingRight=-10

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  , Devin Holloway devin@

 still no effect :(
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , bhaq1972 mbhaque@
  and make the panel borderStyle=none
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , Tim Hoff TimHoff@
   Hi Devin,
   Try setting the Panel's borderThickness to 0.
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , Devin Holloway
I have a panel with a datagrid in it. I don't
want any
the datagrid and the panel sides, but can't seem
to get
of it. 
set all the padding option on the panel to 0, and it


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[flexcoders] Panel padding

2006-07-28 Thread Devin Holloway
I have a panel with a datagrid in it. I don't want any space around
the datagrid and the panel sides, but can't seem to get rid of it. I
set all the padding option on the panel to 0, and it does nothing

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[flexcoders] Re: Panel padding

2006-07-28 Thread Devin Holloway
that doesn't work either. it just gets rid of the 1px solid border I have.

mx:Canvas backgroundColor=#ff cornerRadius=5 left=183
right=10 top=66 bottom=10 borderStyle=solid borderThickness=1
mx:Panel layout=vertical title=Inbox (3)
dropShadowEnabled=false headerColors=[#6186b3,#6186b3]
borderColor=#6186b3 borderStyle=solid borderThickness=1
borderAlpha=1 paddingBottom=-1 paddingLeft=-1 paddingRight=-1
paddingTop=-1 left=25 right=25 top=25 height=218
verticalGap=-1 backgroundColor=#cfddee
mx:MenuBar width=100% fillColors=[#ee, #ee]
fillAlphas=[1.0, 1.0]/mx:MenuBar
mx:DataGrid width=100% height=100%
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=From 
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Subject 
headerText=Recieved dataField=col3/
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Size 
mx:ControlBar barColor=#6186b3
mx:Label text=11 messages, 0 deleted, 10 
mx:Spacer width=100%/
mx:Label text=First lt;lt; 1 gt;gt; 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Devin,
 Try setting the Panel's borderThickness to 0.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Devin Holloway devin@ wrote:
  I have a panel with a datagrid in it. I don't want any space around
  the datagrid and the panel sides, but can't seem to get rid of it. I
  set all the padding option on the panel to 0, and it does nothing

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[flexcoders] Re: Panel padding

2006-07-28 Thread Devin Holloway
still no effect :(

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, bhaq1972 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and make the panel borderStyle=none
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hoff TimHoff@ wrote:
  Hi Devin,
  Try setting the Panel's borderThickness to 0.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Devin Holloway devin@ wrote:
   I have a panel with a datagrid in it. I don't want any space around
   the datagrid and the panel sides, but can't seem to get rid of it. 
   set all the padding option on the panel to 0, and it does nothing

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[flexcoders] Re: Panel padding

2006-07-28 Thread Devin Holloway
still no dice, but I appreciate you helping me!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, bhaq1972 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 okay this is my last suggestion (cant think of anything else). for 
 your datagrid add a minWindth=0
  sometimes i found that works well with width=100%
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Devin Holloway devin@ 
  that doesn't work either. it widens the conents inside, but clips 
   so that the same left/right padding amount exists.  the weird 
  is that the paddingTop behaves as it should, it's just the 
  padding that's not working
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, bhaq1972 mbhaque@ wrote:
   what happens if you remove the outer Canvas and make the panel 
   borderStyle=none and paddingLeft=-10 and paddingRight=-10
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Devin Holloway devin@ 
still no effect :(

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, bhaq1972 mbhaque@ wrote:

 and make the panel borderStyle=none
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hoff TimHoff@ 
  Hi Devin,
  Try setting the Panel's borderThickness to 0.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Devin Holloway 
   I have a panel with a datagrid in it. I don't want any 
   the datagrid and the panel sides, but can't seem to get 
   of it. 
   set all the padding option on the panel to 0, and it 


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[flexcoders] Re: panel header colors alpha

2006-07-22 Thread Devin Holloway
That worked, thank you very much!

I would have never thought that a border style would affect that, but
I guess I can see out it would

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, JesterXL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Set the borderAlpha to 1.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
  mx:Panel x=10 y=10
   width=386 height=299
 - Original Message - 
 From: Devin Holloway [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 3:14 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] panel header colors alpha
 I have a panel with the header colors set to white
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
 mx:Panel x=10 y=10 headerColors=[#ff,#ff]
 but the header renders a light grey, instead of pure white. it seems
 to be combination of white and the application background color. same
 is true if I try to make it pure black, [#00,#00], it ends up
 being a dark grey. I've tried messing with the panel alpha settings,
 but it doesn't help (they're defaulted to 1.0 anyway)
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 FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
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[flexcoders] Re: Icons in menu - not working

2006-07-20 Thread Devin Holloway
I don't quite understand this solution. Mind showing a more complete
code example? thanks

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Kelly Birr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I found my problem.  It appears that the menu cannot bind to static
vars for
 images.  I solved the problem by specifying 
 { public const myMenuIcon:Class = GlobalIcons.MyCoolIcon; }  where
 GlobalIcons.MyCoolIcon is declared exactly as below. Then pout the local
 name myMenuIcon in the @icon field of the xml.
 - Kelly
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Kelly Birr
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:26 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Icons in menu - not working
 I've been racking my brain trying to get icons in the menu bar.  I
think I'm
 doing exactly what the docs say but I cannot get any icon to render.
 label and actions work perfectly but the icon does not show up.  The
icon is
 embedding properly as I can see it in the icon property of a
button in the
 same file.  I've also tried putting the path to the icon file in the
xml, no
 My Menu XML Is:
 menuitem label=File
 menuitem label=Open data=File!Open  /
 menuitem type=separator /
 menuitem label=Exit data=File!Exit icon=exitOn /
 My MXML is:
 public static const exitOn:Class;
  mx:MenuBar id=menu width=100% x=0 y=0 height=27
 dataProvider={menuXml} showRoot=false 
cornerRadius=3 itemClick=menuHandler(event) labelField=@label
 iconField=@icon /
 I cannot find any samples anywhere with icons in the menu,  Is this
 supported?  Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?  I am using
Flex 2.0
 - Kelly

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[flexcoders] Re: Icons in menu - not working

2006-07-20 Thread Devin Holloway
Thank you for the example file, Kelly. Turns out I was doing it
correctly, it's just that I was trying to get the icon to appear on
the root menuitem. As soon as I moved the icon to one of the sub
menuitems, it appeared with no problems.

My intentions were to have icons in the root menuitems, but I gather
this is not natively built-in and would require some sort of workaround?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Devin Holloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't quite understand this solution. Mind showing a more complete
 code example? thanks
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Kelly Birr kelly.fx@ wrote:
  I found my problem.  It appears that the menu cannot bind to static
 vars for
  images.  I solved the problem by specifying 
  { public const myMenuIcon:Class = GlobalIcons.MyCoolIcon; }  where
  GlobalIcons.MyCoolIcon is declared exactly as below. Then pout the
  name myMenuIcon in the @icon field of the xml.
  - Kelly
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Behalf Of Kelly Birr
  Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:26 PM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Icons in menu - not working
  I've been racking my brain trying to get icons in the menu bar.  I
 think I'm
  doing exactly what the docs say but I cannot get any icon to render.
  label and actions work perfectly but the icon does not show up.  The
 icon is
  embedding properly as I can see it in the icon property of a
 button in the
  same file.  I've also tried putting the path to the icon file in the
 xml, no
  My Menu XML Is:
  menuitem label=File
  menuitem label=Open data=File!Open  /
  menuitem type=separator /
  menuitem label=Exit data=File!Exit icon=exitOn /
  My MXML is:
  public static const exitOn:Class;
   mx:MenuBar id=menu width=100% x=0 y=0 height=27
  dataProvider={menuXml} showRoot=false 
 cornerRadius=3 itemClick=menuHandler(event) labelField=@label
  iconField=@icon /
  I cannot find any samples anywhere with icons in the menu,  Is this
  supported?  Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?  I am using
 Flex 2.0
  - Kelly

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- 
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[flexcoders] Re: Where to go to get flex builder 2 assistance?

2006-03-24 Thread Devin Holloway

I'm having the same problem. no matter what directory I try to browse
to, I get the, Server root is invalid error

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Doug Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Does this list's topic encompass questions related to the Flex
Builder 2 and
 CF/Flex connectivity betas? 
 In particular, I'm trying to get started with all of this.  The
first thing
 I tried to do was to create a new Flex project in Flex Builder using
 ColdFusion Flash Remoting Service.  I presume this is the CF/Flex
 connectivity stuff.  I've been unable so far to find any
information to
 confirm or refute this. 
 From there FB asks for the root folder of the Flex Data Services server,
 which it seems to indicate is under my JRun folder somewhere. 
Because I'm
 working with CF I looked under the jrun4\servers\cfusion\... 
folders and
 found a flex folder.  I set the root folder to that path.  I then
 the port my CF instance is running on (8300) and set the Root URL to
 http://localhost:8300/web-inf/flex/ (and a range of others).  I
picked this
 url because it's the most correct given the servers port. 
Amusingly, I
 can't access that url via the web browser so I'm sure that's got
 to do with it.  
 I edited the flex-enterprise-services.xml file in that flex folder
to set
 the port to 8300.  Once thing I noticed was that the default url was
 http://localhost:8700%7bcontext.root%7d/flex2gateway/ .  I don't
have a
 folder flex2gateway anywhere on my system.  I tried changing that
to /flex
 but that didn't work either.  
 Anyhow, the error I'm getting when I click Validate Location is this:
 Server Root is invalid. Could not locate flex-config.xml or
 I don't know which root is the problem, Root folder or Root URL.
 Furthermore, the finish button is grayed out so I assume that I need to
 click Validation Location before I can move forward.  The folder I
 in the Root Folder field *does* have a flex-enterprise-services.xml
 but no flex-config.xml.  
 So, I really don't know where to go to get help on this (I've dug around
 labs.macromedia.com to no avail) so I'm asking here to get some
 Doug Hughes

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[flexcoders] no more then one icon per menu

2005-07-23 Thread Devin Holloway
I was adding icons to the menus in the MenuBar.

 var printpreview:String;

 var print:String;

   menuitem label=File
menuitem label=Print Preview icon={printpreview}/
menuitem label=Print... icon={print}/

When I added the icon for print preview, it worked fine. Then I 
added the icon for print, and it showed up, but the print preview 
icon disapeared. So then I removed the icon from print, and 
the print preview one reappeared. It's only allowing me to have one 
or the other, but not both!

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[flexcoders] Re: Odd behaviors with List controls

2005-07-22 Thread Devin Holloway
As long as it's funky behavior and not my code :) But it's no biggie. 
It's not a client app, just a learning app. Thanks for your 
suggestions, I'll give them a try.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Re the remaining space: I realize you have to scroll quite a bit (of
 course it differed depending on the size of my window) but I wonder 
 at any time the space available was actually larger than the full 
 of a row.  That's the key...
 Both your list issues are funky, wish I had some better suggestions 
 you.  For the TileList images maybe try setting the image source to 
 and then afterward setting it to the real value?  So in setValue 
set it
 to null, then enter the if statement and set it to the real value?  
 maybe call invalidate?  It should work, it's funky.  Of course you 
 also just load the image from the web server and assume the browser
 cache will take care of it for you (turn it into a JPG or SWF 
instead of
 a GIF).
 For the review list I think there's basically a bug in the
 variableRowHeight code, only thing you could try is calling 
 (or maybe invalidateLayout) on the List and see if it resets its 
 rows?  A Repeater also would do pretty well here, you could 
simulate the
 alternating background color pretty easily by doing some simple 
test in
 the initialize statement if event.target.getRepeaterIndex() % 2 == 
0 and
 setting the backgroundColor appropriately.
 Sorry to not be of more help,
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of Devin Holloway
 Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 3:45 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Odd behaviors with List controls
 Hi Matt, thanks for responding!
 It seems like you'd only have extra space in a list control if the 
 height of the control is greater then the combined height of all 
 elements in the control. That wouldn't be the case in this example, 
 since you have to scroll vertically to see all the items. If you 
 scroll to where the last row is completely visible, you can still 
 keep scrolling quite a bit.
 I never did fix the second item, it's just that the steps to 
 reproduce it have changed. Let me first explain the criteria on 
 must exist to create the bug.
 You have to have a dynamic image in a non-visible cell of the list 
 (due to the list being scrolled up or down). Then you reload the 
 provider causing the scrolling to reset itself. Any cell that 
 the same index as the previously hidden cell, that also becomes 
 visible due to the resetting of the scrollbar, that also uses an 
 embedded image, will be affected.
 So, in my application, 
 http://default.devinholloway.com/flex/capoeira/, click on 
the Books 
 link. With my screen resolution, I can see two columns and three 
 of books (all dynamic images). With the scroll bar still at the 
 click to go to page 2. The first two rows use the embedded no 
 icon. That's an example of it working correctly. Now click to back 
 page 1 and then scroll all the way to the bottom. The first two 
 of books should be completely hidden (and hopefully you'll notice 
 that huge amount of leftover space that the bottom). While the 
 bar is still at the bottom, click to go to page two.  The first two 
 rows of books on page two, which used to show the no image 
 icon, now show the same book covers that the first rows on the page 
 does, only resized to the height of the no image icon.
 If you want to see happen even more, scroll down to the bottom of 
 second page, you'll see that the last two products show the photos 
 the last two products on page one (again resized).
 for the 4th issue, you need to be on the books page, then the 
 of the steps are the same.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sorry it took so long to respond to this, you may have addressed 
 some of
  these issues already:
  1)   I believe the extra row is actually just leftover space 
  list.  We don't show partial rows unless you explicitly set a 
  would cause the row to appear.
  2)   I think you've fixed this on the site as it is now?
  3)   This resizing might be a bug in our List class.  The 
  is simply because we have a minimum number of cells that need to 
  rendered to allow scrolling with variableRowHeight.
  4)   Since you've added more content since your post I can't
  reproduce this.
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  Behalf Of Devin Holloway
  Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:07 AM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Odd behaviors with List controls

[flexcoders] Re: Button toggle clarification

2005-07-22 Thread Devin Holloway
Thank you for pointing that out. I do see it now. Though, it doesn't 
seem all that useful, unless I'm missing the greater purpose. It's 
not like a random user understand the purpose.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ashish Goyal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You should be able to see a halo around the toggled button when you
 click. Its same as the halo you see in mouseover state.
   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Devin Holloway
   Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 1:28 PM
   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [flexcoders] Button toggle clarification
   the button control has a toggle attribute. according to the 
   Specifies whether a button can be toggled, true, or acts 
like a
   pushbutton, false. The default value is false.
   My initial assumption was that if you set toggle to true, then
 if you 
   clicked a button, it would remain in the pressed state until 
   it again. But this isn't so. To experiment, I created two 
   controls, side by side, one with toggle set to true, and the
   false. I couldn't find any difference whatsoever. So obviously
   doesn't affect anything visually.
   So my question is, what's it for? What does it do?
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[flexcoders] Re: Button toggle clarification

2005-07-22 Thread Devin Holloway
Yeah, I see the purpose of it, and it is indeed what I assumed. Thank 
you for the explanations and example. I guess all I'm saying is, if a 
button was in a selected toggle mode, I'd expect it be visually stuck 
in a pressed state. I mean, if I didn't notice it to be selected 
(without you pointing it out to me), then my mom surely wouldn't have 
understood it if she was using the application. It's the visual 
indicator that's poorly implemented. So I'm assuming that if you 
wanted it to be more visually apparent, that you'd need to reskin it 
or extend it, or whatever the method is of keeping it in a pressed 
state visually.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ashish Goyal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems like my post didn't go thro' first time, sending it 
 Toggle button can be used in many ways. It shows visually that if 
its in
 a selected state or not as well as you can get or set the state of 
 button programmatically using the selected property of the 
button. It
 returns true if the toggle button is selected and false if its not
 I don't have really good use case off hand but for eg. say you are
 creating a really simple math app with four buttons for addition,
 subtraction, multiplication and division with two input text boxes 
and a
 result textbox. If you use the toggle buttons instead of normal 
 user will know by looking at the button state the result in the 
 box is the output of which mathematical function. 
   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Devin Holloway
   Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 2:28 PM
   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Button toggle clarification
   Thank you for pointing that out. I do see it now.
 Though, it doesn't 
   seem all that useful, unless I'm missing the greater
 purpose. It's 
   not like a random user understand the purpose.
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ashish Goyal
You should be able to see a halo around the toggled
 button when you
click. Its same as the halo you see in mouseover

  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 1:28 PM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Button toggle
  the button control has a toggle attribute.
 according to the 
  Specifies whether a button can be toggled,
 true, or acts 
   like a

  pushbutton, false. The default value is 
  My initial assumption was that if you set 
 to true, then
if you 
  clicked a button, it would remain in the 
 state until 
  it again. But this isn't so. To experiment, I
 created two 

  controls, side by side, one with toggle set to
 true, and the
  false. I couldn't find any difference
 whatsoever. So obviously
  doesn't affect anything visually.
  So my question is, what's it for? What does it
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Search Archives:
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[flexcoders] reskinning a list control

2005-07-22 Thread Devin Holloway
I'd like to change a few visual aspects of the list control. In the 
normal state I'd like the rows to have a gradient background. In the 
highlighted and selected state I'd like to change the solid 
background colors.

I've never done this, and I've very little experience with 
flash/actionscript in general, so it's probably going to take me a 
good while to get it figured out. Problem is, after skimming through 
documentation and other online resources, it seems like there's 20 
(exageration) different ways to go about this.

extending or subclassing components
graphically skinning in the flash authoring environment
programatically skinning by editing .as files
creating a new theme
using the rowrender attribute
using the FlexForFlash files
and so on...

Some of these might be refering to the same process, some might not 
do what I want and have a different purpose then what I'm trying to 
do. Some might be just for flex 1.0...  

I'm not asking anyone to write the code for me (though if you have 
some samples laying around, that'd be great!) but if you can point me 
in the right direction I'll at least won't be staying up all night 
learning the wrong way.

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[flexcoders] Re: Odd behaviors with List controls

2005-07-21 Thread Devin Holloway
Hi Matt, thanks for responding!

It seems like you'd only have extra space in a list control if the 
height of the control is greater then the combined height of all the 
elements in the control. That wouldn't be the case in this example, 
since you have to scroll vertically to see all the items. If you 
scroll to where the last row is completely visible, you can still 
keep scrolling quite a bit.

I never did fix the second item, it's just that the steps to 
reproduce it have changed. Let me first explain the criteria on what 
must exist to create the bug.

You have to have a dynamic image in a non-visible cell of the list 
(due to the list being scrolled up or down). Then you reload the data 
provider causing the scrolling to reset itself. Any cell that shares 
the same index as the previously hidden cell, that also becomes 
visible due to the resetting of the scrollbar, that also uses an 
embedded image, will be affected.

So, in my application, 
http://default.devinholloway.com/flex/capoeira/, click on the Books 
link. With my screen resolution, I can see two columns and three rows 
of books (all dynamic images). With the scroll bar still at the top, 
click to go to page 2. The first two rows use the embedded no image 
icon. That's an example of it working correctly. Now click to back to 
page 1 and then scroll all the way to the bottom. The first two rows 
of books should be completely hidden (and hopefully you'll notice 
that huge amount of leftover space that the bottom). While the scroll 
bar is still at the bottom, click to go to page two.  The first two 
rows of books on page two, which used to show the no image embedded 
icon, now show the same book covers that the first rows on the page 1 
does, only resized to the height of the no image icon.

If you want to see happen even more, scroll down to the bottom of the 
second page, you'll see that the last two products show the photos of 
the last two products on page one (again resized).

for the 4th issue, you need to be on the books page, then the rest 
of the steps are the same.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry it took so long to respond to this, you may have addressed 
some of
 these issues already:
 1)   I believe the extra row is actually just leftover space in 
 list.  We don't show partial rows unless you explicitly set a count 
 would cause the row to appear.
 2)   I think you've fixed this on the site as it is now?
 3)   This resizing might be a bug in our List class.  The extra 
 is simply because we have a minimum number of cells that need to get
 rendered to allow scrolling with variableRowHeight.
 4)   Since you've added more content since your post I can't
 reproduce this.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of Devin Holloway
 Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:07 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Odd behaviors with List controls
 I've been noticing a lot of odd behavior with the List and TileList 
 controls. The application I'm working on is located at:
 You should see the list of titles on the left hand side. If you
 the product list all the way down, you'll see an empty row. Every
 I use a list-based control, it always produces at least one extra
 row at the bottom. Is this expected behavior?
 Issue #2: Keep the product list scrolled to the bottom to where the
 product for both tilelist columns are not visible (my browser is 
 maximized at 1024x768), and then use the NumericStepper pager 
 to jump to the second page of results. When that loads, the top
 for each column should be using the no image book cover. But
 they're using the same two images for the top two products on the
 page of results, only resized to same height as the no image 
 Now scroll to the bottom of the second page, and the last two
 might also display the same two images rather then the no image
 This is fairly consistent behavoir when flipping through pages.
 Issue #3: Go back to the first page and select the first product. 
 the right hand side, select the customer reviews accordion pane.
 list displaying these reviews have variableRowHeight and wordWrap 
 turned on. When you first select the customer reviews, the list 
 sized correctly. It's as if it figures out the height of the 
 list item, and uses that height for all visible list items. You have
 scroll up and down to get it to recalculate and get each list item 
 sized correctly. You should also see one extra blank list item at 
 bottom like I noted in the first issue.
 Issue #4: Now use the NumericStepper at the bottom of the reviews 
 flip to the second page of reviews, and scroll to the bottom

[flexcoders] How much do you charge for Flex development?

2005-07-20 Thread Devin Holloway

As a CF developer, I've been recently been putting more serious 
thought into becoming a Flex developer. It would be a long time 
before the company I work for could move into this direction, if 
ever. So I'd have to become a contractor or find a Flex position at 
another company.

But I'm curious as to how much a Flex developer should be making. I 
realize much of that depends on your skillset, but does their exist 
any averages? or possibly some minimums and maximums?

Let's pretend I make around $75K/yr as a full time CF developer. I'm 
by no means a Flex guru, with less then a month of learning it. I 
would also be seeking a CF position with an emphasis on Flex 
development, for, it seems as though I'd have to take a good sized 
pay cut if I were to become purely a Flex developer with what little 
experience I have... and therefore would need to offer my CFML 
skillset as well, to counter the pay cut. Personaly, getting a CF 
position with a Flex emphasis and making approximately the same 
amount of money would seem like a bargain to me. But would I be short-
changing myself? Would a lack of Flex developers allow a person to be 
less competitive and ask for more?

And what would contractor generally charge? I don't see myself 
becoming a contractor yet, for I'd rather seek a fulltime position 
where I could learn first.

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[flexcoders] Re: NumericStepper change event executes on startup

2005-07-15 Thread Devin Holloway
Thanks Matt.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Definitely a bug in NumericStepper.  Only suggestion I can make is 
 you put a little hack in that ignores the first change event and 
 acts on subsequent ones.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of Devin Holloway
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:47 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] NumericStepper change event executes on 
 I have a web service that executes on application initilization. 
 using the Network Service monitor in FlexBuilder, I noticed that 
 the send and result filters for the web service showed up twice. At 
 first I assumed this was a bug with the Network Service monitor. 
 sometimes the web service call would fail for whatever reason, and 
 when it did, it would show two consecutive alert boxes telling me 
 failed. That's when I figured that it is most likely being called 
 The web service sends back 10 results at a time, so I'm using the 
 numericstepper to request additional results. The only two places 
 my application that calls the web service is in the Application 
 initialize and NumericStepper change attributes.
 Out of curiosity, I removed the web service call in the Application 
 initilization and kept it in the NumericStepper change event. When 
 the application starts up, the web service still gets called (and 
 only called once according to the network service monitor).
 My conclusion is that the NumericStepper's change event is 
 automactically executed after initilization, even though the 
 say that the change event is only executed when the value changes 
 from user interaction.
 mx:NumericStepper id=pager value=1 minimum=1 
 Even though using the numericstepper to call the web service on 
 application startup works, that seems like an unnatural way to 
 develop. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
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[flexcoders] Odd behaviors with List controls

2005-07-15 Thread Devin Holloway
I've been noticing a lot of odd behavior with the List and TileList 
controls. The application I'm working on is located at:


You should see the list of titles on the left hand side. If you
the product list all the way down, you'll see an empty row. Every
I use a list-based control, it always produces at least one extra
row at the bottom. Is this expected behavior?

Issue #2: Keep the product list scrolled to the bottom to where the
product for both tilelist columns are not visible (my browser is 
maximized at 1024x768), and then use the NumericStepper pager control 
to jump to the second page of results. When that loads, the top
for each column should be using the no image book cover. But
they're using the same two images for the top two products on the
page of results, only resized to same height as the no image icon. 
Now scroll to the bottom of the second page, and the last two
might also display the same two images rather then the no image
This is fairly consistent behavoir when flipping through pages.

Issue #3: Go back to the first page and select the first product. On 
the right hand side, select the customer reviews accordion pane.
list displaying these reviews have variableRowHeight and wordWrap 
turned on. When you first select the customer reviews, the list isn't 
sized correctly. It's as if it figures out the height of the tallest 
list item, and uses that height for all visible list items. You have
scroll up and down to get it to recalculate and get each list item 
sized correctly. You should also see one extra blank list item at the 
bottom like I noted in the first issue.

Issue #4: Now use the NumericStepper at the bottom of the reviews to 
flip to the second page of reviews, and scroll to the bottom. The 
second page has 5 review list items, although, the scroll bar stops
the end of the third item and won't let you scroll any further. 
Sometimes if you scroll up and down, or go to another page of reviews 
and come back, it'll let you see all of the reviews on this page.

Here's the code snippets for both the lists:

Product Tile List:

mx:TileList id=productList 
cellRenderer=ProductListCellRenderer liveScrolling=false 
change=aws.ItemLookup.send(); width=100% height=100% 
itemWidth=225 itemHeight=125/

Product Tile List Cell Renderer:

var noimage:String; 

function setValue(str:String, item:Object, sel:String) {
if (item==undefined) {
visible = false;
} else {
+ item.ItemAttributes.Author:;
price.text=(item.Offers.Offer)?Price:  + 
item.Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Availability:Currently unavailable;
if (item.SmallImage) {

} else {

mx:Text id=title width=225 height=30 selectable=false 
mx:HBox width=100% height=100%
mx:Image id=image/
mx:Label id=author width=157/
mx:Text id=availability width=157 
mx:Label id=price styleName=productPrice/

Customer Reviews List:

cellRenderer=CustomerReviewsCellRenderer variableRowHeight=true 
wordWrap=true width=100% height=100%/

Customer Reviews List Cell Renderer:

var stars00:String;
var stars05:String;
var stars10:String;
!-- and so forth --

function setValue(str:String, item:Object, sel:String) {
if (item==undefined) {
visible = false;
} else {
switch (item.Rating) {
case 0 :   

[flexcoders] NumericStepper change event executes on startup

2005-07-14 Thread Devin Holloway
I have a web service that executes on application initilization. When 
using the Network Service monitor in FlexBuilder, I noticed that both 
the send and result filters for the web service showed up twice. At 
first I assumed this was a bug with the Network Service monitor. But 
sometimes the web service call would fail for whatever reason, and 
when it did, it would show two consecutive alert boxes telling me it 
failed. That's when I figured that it is most likely being called 

The web service sends back 10 results at a time, so I'm using the 
numericstepper to request additional results. The only two places in 
my application that calls the web service is in the Application 
initialize and NumericStepper change attributes.

Out of curiosity, I removed the web service call in the Application 
initilization and kept it in the NumericStepper change event. When 
the application starts up, the web service still gets called (and 
only called once according to the network service monitor).

My conclusion is that the NumericStepper's change event is 
automactically executed after initilization, even though the livedocs 
say that the change event is only executed when the value changes 
from user interaction.

mx:NumericStepper id=pager value=1 minimum=1 

Even though using the numericstepper to call the web service on 
application startup works, that seems like an unnatural way to 
develop. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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[flexcoders] Display a list of item attributes

2005-07-06 Thread Devin Holloway
I'm using the Amazon.com web service to display a list of products. 
The products returned populate a TileList. The selection of a product 
(the selection of a TileList cell) is bound to a model holding the 
currently selected product.

mx:Model id=selectedProduct{productList.selectedItem}/mx:Model

Each item returned has a node of item attributes, such as:

AuthorNestor Capoeira/Author
TitleThe Little Capoeira Book/Title
PublisherNorth Atlantic Books/Publisher
... and so on

Most of the products contain a lot of the same item attributes, but 
not all products will have all of them. As an example, some products 
might not have an Edition attribute.

I'm trying to display each of these in a line item fashion. I've 
tried several ways, but run into problems each time.

The first attempt was using an html list in the htmlText property of 
the mx:Text control... binding the data from the selectedProduct 
model to the html list. If just one item attribute is missing (like 
no Edition attribute), then the entire mx:Text control won't render.

Then I split up each list item into it's own mx:Text control. Then, 
if an attribute is missing, it leaves a big blank space where it 
would normally be.

Then I tried using an mx:List control to display them. Since the 
existing selectedProduct model doesn't appear to match the structure 
needed for the List control, I created a new model based off the 
selectedProduct model.

mx:Model id=selectedProductAttributes
mx:Object labe=title 
mx:Object labe=title 
... and so on

That appeared to work okay, except when I selected a different 
product from the TileList (which should update the selectedProduct 
model, which would update the selectedProductAttributes model, 
which should update the attributes List) the attributes in the List 
control wouldn't update unless I moused-over the list items.

So I'm basically asking for suggestions on how to output this stuff.

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