Re: [flexcoders] Flex Webservices

2010-06-08 Thread Hans Wichman
Hi Jenn,

this might be related to something completely different, but if you import
mx.rpc.soap.WebService and create it manually you can simply call the method
on it with all the parameters you want without using mxml. Is that what you


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 7:34 PM, flexnewbie06 wrote:

 Hi group.

 I'm using flex data services (sdk 2.0) and wondering if anyone has ever
 tried to set up operation parameters pro grammatically? I can't seem to
 figure out how one would do so without specifically binding to some

 for example here is the service operation.

 mx:operation name=removeDVRRecording
 RemoveRequest accountExternalId={accountVuExtId}
 !--Zero or more repetitions:--
 recording recordingEventId={accountVuRemRecordings}/

 Is it possible to append elements into the children of the service? Or
 maybe there is a better approach.

 Suggestions Greatly appreciated


Re: [flexcoders] Problem with data displayed in Drop Down, versus actual underlying data

2010-06-07 Thread Hans Wichman
Hi Mike,

I think I had the same issue and it looked like a bug to me. I worked around
it by not setting the returned set as a dataprovider for the dropdown but by
having an intermediate dp which I cleared (removeAll) and added the new
results to. So not really an answer to your question, but maybe the
workaround works for you as well.


On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Mike Anderson wrote:

 Hello All,

 I am banging my head on the wall with this issue -

 I have 1 dropdown control's dataProvider, tied to the remoting results of
 another dropdown's database query.

 You can keep selecting a different value from the primary dropdown, and the
 secondary dropdown updates the underlying dataset beautifully, BUT if you
 click the secondary dropdown to display the actual values, it still displays
 the list from the PREVIOUS database query.

 The interesting thing is, if you click an actual value from the dropdown,
 it selects the correct underlying value contained in the index position,
 although the displayed value is wrong (the value from the previous query).

 I am using Cairngorm for my framework - and have the model.returnedQuery
 tied to the secondary dropdown box - so whenever I kick off a command, the
 values automatically update, since the dataProvider is tied to the model.

 Do any of you, have any ideas as to what's causing this?

 Thanks in advance for all your help,


 P.S.  I am using Flash Builder 4  compiling in Flex 3.5 (this problem
 still existed when using Flex Builder too).