[flexcoders] RemoteObject Transmission Delays

2009-09-04 Thread John Luke Mills
My application has been having problems with remoteObject taking up to 8
seconds to transmit.  I read somewhere about remoteObject batching and so on
to optimize, but I can't figure out how to control it.  Any pointers would
be greatly appreciated.
Thanks,  John Luke Mills

[flexcoders] Re: Flash being cached

2008-12-04 Thread John Luke Mills
There is a Firefox extension called  johnnycache that lets you supply a list
of sites not to cache.  I put all the servers I work on there so I always
get the newest version.

[flexcoders] Overriding Combobox and ListBase

2008-09-25 Thread John Luke Mills
I am trying to modify Combobox so one can type multiple characters into a
non-editable drop-down.  Combobox.as uses ListBase.as.  In ListBase there is
the following:

//  Methods: Keyboard lookup

 *  Tries to find the next item in the data provider that
 *  starts with the character in the codeeventCode/code parameter.
 *  You can override this to do fancier typeahead lookups.  The search
 *  starts at the codeselectedIndex/code location; if it reaches
 *  the end of the data provider it starts over from the beginning.
 *  @param eventCode The key that was pressed on the keyboard
 *  @return codetrue/code if a match was found
protected function findKey(eventCode:int):Boolean
var tmpCode:int = eventCode;
var junk:int = 4;
junk += 4;

return tmpCode = 33 
   tmpCode = 126 

What do I have to do to have my own version of this?  Various attempts to
make my own copy or extend and override this function  haven't worked.

Thanks,  John Luke Mills

[flexcoders] Re: Base64Encoder / Base64Decoder

2008-09-25 Thread John Luke Mills
I found this lying around.  It might work

package com.one2one.cliex.util{
import mx.utils.Base64Encoder;
import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
public class B64String {
public static function
var b64encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
var bArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray;

public static function decodeString(eString : String):
var b64decoder:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
var bArray:ByteArray;
bArray = b64decoder.drain();

var temp : String = bArray.toString();

Regards,  John Luke Mills