[flexcoders] RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of ... With dynamic Repeater

2007-12-09 Thread Rob Oates
My application creates new tabnavigator tabs using a Repeater driven
by a dynamically updated arrayCollection. I hope there's a simple fix
to this runtime error that's been dogging me for several days.

I'm using this arrayCollection as the data provider:

mx:ArrayCollection id=repeaterAC
mx:Array id=myRepeaterArray
mx:Object label=0 data=0/

Here's the repeater MXML snippet:

   mx:Canvas label=Personal Info width=100% height=100%
mx:TabNavigator id=tabnavPersonalInfo
x=0 y=0 width=100% height=100%

  mx:Repeater id=rptApplicant
  mx:Canvas label=New {rptApplicant.currentIndex}
  width=100% height=100%
  horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off

!-- form elements omitted --


This function is the click event for a button. It adds an item to the
arrayCollection triggering the 'repeat' and it sets the focus to the
newly created tab:

private function tabnavPersonalInfo_addTab():void
var myInt:int = myRepeaterArray.length;
var myVar:String = myInt.toString();
repeaterAC.addItemAt({label:myVar, data:myVar}, myInt);

This is the run time error thrown by Flash Player 9 when the 'button'
is clicked to run the above function:

RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/setChildIndex()
at mx.core::Container/setChildIndex()
at mx.core::Repeater/::recycle()
at mx.core::Repeater/::execute()
at mx.core::Repeater/::collectionChangedHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/dispatchEvent()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/::addItemsToView()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/::listChangeHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.collections::ArrayList/::internalDispatchEvent()
at mx.collections::ArrayList/addItemAt()
at mx.collections::ListCollectionView/addItemAt()
at Components.flexadmin::flexmod/::tabnavPersonalInfo_addChild()
at Components.flexadmin::flexmod/___Button7_click()

When I click Continue in the error window, all is well (the newly
'repeated' tab is created with all it's visual elements and focus is
set to it). I have tried using a try{} catch(error:*){} structure,
but it did not 'catch' this error. I've also tried changing the array
index to different values, but what you see in this code works.

FWIW, nowhere in my code do I ever removeChild()... only add via the

How do I avoid the error or how can I suppress the modal runtime error

Any ideas would certainly be appreciated!


Rob Oates
Boise, Idaho, USA

[flexcoders] Re: ColdFusion / Filter Function / Datagrid

2007-11-20 Thread Rob Oates
I have received that error when I set the filter function before the filter 
field was initialized. You might try changing where (when) in your program you 
set the filter.

Rob Oates


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