[flexcoders] Re: Yahoo map API

2007-03-22 Thread ashifsayani
What's the error?  One thing to check is to make sure you set
private const SWFDOMID value to your actual swf file name


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "jd_lingwai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I've been working with the new yahoo API for AS3, but I'm getting an
> error when working with the Map Communication Kit.  When I load the
> page on my server it never connects to the API and never loads.
> I have a developer key and using the correct domain
> Anyone else having similar problems???
> JoSh

[flexcoders] Mac style drop-down sheet

2007-03-09 Thread ashifsayani

I'd seen a posting where someone created a mac style drop-down sheet in Flex.  
I can't seem 
to find the link anymore, does anyone remember who's blog it was on?


[flexcoders] Re: Weird WS Error

2007-02-20 Thread ashifsayani
After some digging I found this blog posting, http://merhl.com/?p=3
This should solve your problem.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got an app using Web Services. I make the WS call once and it's just
> fine, I make the same call again (any call. this happens with each WS in the
> app)
> and I get an error. The RPC fault is
> FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Array of input arguments did not
> contain a required parameter at position 3" faultCode="Client.Input"
> faultDetail="null"] messageId=null type="fault" bubbles=false
> cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
> Here's the code in question.
> App services.mxml
> http://localhost:8300/NameChange/Components/order.cfc?wsdl"; fault="
> event.token.faultHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true">
>  fault="event.token.faultHandler(event)"
> result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" makeObjectsBindable="false" />
>  fault="event.token.faultHandler(event)"
> result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" makeObjectsBindable="false" />
>  result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" makeObjectsBindable="false"
> resultFormat="object" />
>  makeObjectsBindable="false" />
> my delegate
> public function getOrderByID(datasource:String,
> OrderID:Number):void
> {
> //Alert.show("Hello from the delegate:getOrderByID.",
> "DEBUG");
> //var thisService:AbstractService = service.getService
> ("orderService");
> var call:Object = OrderSvc.GetOrderByID(datasource, OrderID);
> call.resultHandler = responder.result
> call.faultHandler = responder.fault;
> }
> getorderby is the functionality I've been using to debug. I just can't seem
> to figure it out.
> As I said, when I load the app, hit this functionality, it works fine. Come
> back again, call the same functionality. I get the above error.
> Oh, CarGram :) app in case it matters.
> Thanks!
> J
> -- 
> John Wilker
> Vice President Software Development/Writer
> Red Omega Solutions, Inc.
> www.johnwilker.com / www.red-omega.com
> "Everything changes, nothing remains without change." ~Buddha c.483 bc

[flexcoders] Re: Weird WS Error

2007-02-20 Thread ashifsayani
I've got the same problem.  I don't get the error though when I bypass 
Cairngorm and just 
call the WS directly.  Did you get this resolved?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got an app using Web Services. I make the WS call once and it's just
> fine, I make the same call again (any call. this happens with each WS in the
> app)
> and I get an error. The RPC fault is
> FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Array of input arguments did not
> contain a required parameter at position 3" faultCode="Client.Input"
> faultDetail="null"] messageId=null type="fault" bubbles=false
> cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
> Here's the code in question.
> App services.mxml
> http://localhost:8300/NameChange/Components/order.cfc?wsdl"; fault="
> event.token.faultHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true">
>  fault="event.token.faultHandler(event)"
> result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" makeObjectsBindable="false" />
>  fault="event.token.faultHandler(event)"
> result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" makeObjectsBindable="false" />
>  result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" makeObjectsBindable="false"
> resultFormat="object" />
>  makeObjectsBindable="false" />
> my delegate
> public function getOrderByID(datasource:String,
> OrderID:Number):void
> {
> //Alert.show("Hello from the delegate:getOrderByID.",
> "DEBUG");
> //var thisService:AbstractService = service.getService
> ("orderService");
> var call:Object = OrderSvc.GetOrderByID(datasource, OrderID);
> call.resultHandler = responder.result
> call.faultHandler = responder.fault;
> }
> getorderby is the functionality I've been using to debug. I just can't seem
> to figure it out.
> As I said, when I load the app, hit this functionality, it works fine. Come
> back again, call the same functionality. I get the above error.
> Oh, CarGram :) app in case it matters.
> Thanks!
> J
> -- 
> John Wilker
> Vice President Software Development/Writer
> Red Omega Solutions, Inc.
> www.johnwilker.com / www.red-omega.com
> "Everything changes, nothing remains without change." ~Buddha c.483 bc