[flexcoders] Re: Checkbox in Datagrid . . . how?

2008-09-02 Thread crumpelfungus
Add-on / Clarification: In my version of the datagrid & checkbox 
scenario, I am using an XMLList to get the database data as E4X from an 
HTTPService request.

[flexcoders] Checkbox in Datagrid . . . how?

2008-09-02 Thread crumpelfungus
Having looked through the archived topics, I was unable to find 
anything relevant, but if anyone knows of an existing thread or 
tutorial, just post the link.

Basically, I am retrieving information from a MySQL database and 
dsiplay it in a datagrid. And I'm using a customized component via the 
DataGrid's itemRenderer to show a check box in the last column.

In my particular case, the checkbox will indicate which records need to 
get deleted.

Is there anyone who's done something similar? And would be willing to 
share the code? With the custom component from Flex Monkey Patches 
(http://snipurl.com/3m7be), I can get the checkbox dropped in, but I 
don't know how to "trap" the CLICK in the main application to determine 
whether the checkbox is selected or not.


[flexcoders] Re: connecting ms access mdb files with flex 3

2008-07-08 Thread crumpelfungus
Did anyone ever figure this out?

I, too, have been experimenting and searching for hours. Does anyone
know whether that's possible?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Kemal KARA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is there any way to connect directly to .mdb files with flex without
dsn or 
> with dsn.
> i deep search many forums and get lost :(

[flexcoders] Scrolling & Bouncing List Control . . . how?

2008-02-29 Thread crumpelfungus
Just wondering if anyone has been able to animate a List control with
the "sliding & bouncing" effect?

For example, if somebody narrows down the desired List entry (by way
of a text input box or some other selection through another control),
I would like the List control to "slide" to the matching entry and
bounce up and down just a little bit, before coming to a halt.

(Yes, I know, it's eye candy (but my boss wants it) and never mind
that getting the data from a database and editing & updating it should
be the focus . . . but the person who signs my paycheck wants it that

Any ideas how I would go about doing something like that?

Thanks for any helpful links or coding tips!

[flexcoders] Saving text with RichTextEditor . . . how?

2007-05-22 Thread crumpelfungus
OK, so I've tried out a few things with Flex's RichTextEditor, and I can
get it to work quite well for my purposes.

However, does anyone know whether it's possible to save text straight to
the web server (say, into a specific client directory) as RTF or any
other format (such as DOC) that would maintain the formatting?

My server-side back-end is a SQL Server database, but I don't really
want to save the text in the database for this purpose. We use C#.Net
(and some Classic ASP), and I'm just not sure if (or how) I could use
Flex to handle all this.

Does anyone have any RichTextEditor samples that do any kind of Save?
Something that might steer me into the right direction?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

[flexcoders] Re: FormItem adds extra space on the left . . .

2007-02-09 Thread crumpelfungus

Thank you for your swift reply.

Are you saying that there is no benefit in using FormItem with a
RadioButton? (At least, nothing that couldn't be done otherwise.)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Clint Tredway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dont use the form or formItem tags, use a grid to layout your form.

[flexcoders] FormItem adds extra space on the left . . .

2007-02-09 Thread crumpelfungus
Does anyone know how to control the space within a FormItem?

If I have a FormItem and then add a RadioButton (or any other control
for that matter), I always get a bunch of extra space to the left of the

That space cannot be influenced or manipulated with any of the available
style settings for either the control or the FormItem.

My problem is that I have to mimick an existing GUI, and for the purpose
I would like to be able to figure this out.

Any ideas how to get rid of that extra space?

I've tried paddingLeft of the container (Form) and the FormItem and the
control, but so far no luck.

[. . . code snippet . . .]