[flexcoders] Re: Flashbuilder

2010-01-11 Thread dmschenk1

I saw polyGeek made a comment to it on adobe feeds.  The comments are on his 
site http://polygeek.com/

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy amyblankens...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Dan Pride danielpride@ wrote:
  Adobe has said Flashbuilder will be out in first half of 2010.
  Is there any in the know speculation that might narrow that down a bit?
  I am starting a new project and would love to use the new features. Is 
  anybody using this in a serious development effort now? Is it advisable?
 Somebody made a comment at a recent conference I attended that implied that 
 there might be an announcement at or around Flex360.

[flexcoders] Help with error #1119

2008-09-21 Thread dmschenk1
I have a 1119 error that is giving me fits and I'm sure its probably
something simple but I've been trying for days with no luck.

Would someone please take a look at this code and help me figure out
what I'm doing wrong here?
The problem is in dp.length at line 18 of the AverageFunction and
also in line 29 of the TotalFunction but being new to programing I
don't really understand how to interpolate the error. 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

private var ciData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); 

private function ciResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
ciData = event.result.Credit.Creditor;
public function AverageFunction(col:DataGridColumn):String {
var n:int = dp.length;
var avg:Number = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i  n; i++)
avg += dp[i][col.dataField];
avg /= n;
return Avg:  + avg.toFixed(1) +%;

public function TotalFunction(col:DataGridColumn):String {
var t:int = dp.length;
var tot:Number = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i  t; i++)
tot += dp[i][col.dataField];
return  Total: $ +tot.toFixed(2);


mx:HTTPService id=dp url=data/creditInfo.xml
result=ciResult(event) /

scripts:FooterDataGrid id=dGrid initialize=dGrid.dataProvider =
dp width=550 paddingTop=0 


scripts:FooterDataGridColumn headerText= dataField=creditorName 

mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Name dataField=creditorName


scripts:FooterDataGridColumn headerText=Interest Rate

mx:DataGridColumn labelFunction=AverageFunction 
dataField=interestRate editable=true /


scripts:FooterDataGridColumn headerText=Balacnce

mx:DataGridColumn labelFunction=TotalFunction
dataField=balanceOwed editable=true /


scripts:FooterDataGridColumn headerText=Monthly Payment

mx:DataGridColumn labelFunction=TotalFunction
dataField=monthlyPayment editable=true /

