Matt, when you say "shallow copies" below do you really mean
references? I jsut ran across behavior where the dragSource items
changed between the beginning of the drag and the dragDrop event. This
happened because in the dragOver event handler I was changing the
selectedIndex on the drag initiator. When this happens, the dragSource
items became the new selectedIndex, not the item that was actually
being dragged. Is this a bug or an undocumented feature?

Howard Fore,
"The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it." - Jeff Atwood

--- In, Matt Chotin <mcho...@...> wrote:
> So a DragSource is a little more than that.  Check out the
addHandler method
> for example.  What happens is your source (e.g., the List) will create a
> DragSource, and then give the DS a function to say "hey, if someone
asks for
> data of this format, call this function to get the data."  This can be
> really useful if it would be computationally expensive to give the
data in a
> certain format.  The List is a perfect example of this (and it leads
to an
> answer for Dave).  The List (and subclasses) DataSource has two formats
> stored, "source" and "items."  The "source" is the List where the
> was initiated.  Easy enough.  The "items" are in fact shallow copies
of the
> items that were in the dataProvider that are being dragged across. 
So if
> you are dragging 3 items from a List the "items" data is going to be an
> array of those 3 items.  This is where the handler function comes
in.  How
> many times have you started to drag something and then never ended up
> dropping it somewhere?  I do it a lot.  Now what if creating that
new array
> of items from the List is computationally expensive (it is because
there's a
> copy being made), you wouldn't want that to happen the minute the user
> starts dragging, right?  You really only want it to happen the first
> someone asks for the items.  So the handler function allows us to
delay the
> work that goes into returning that array of items, only calling the
> expensive operation when it's actually needed.
> Thus the need for a real class to do some of this dirty work.  Make
> Matt
>   _____  
> From: JesterXL [mailto:jeste...@...] 
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:22 PM
> To: Flexcoders
> Subject: [flexcoders] wtf is a DragSource
> Ok, this is the weirdest class I've ever used in my life.  Correct
me where 
> I'm wrong; if your bored, feel free to fill in the blanks.
> A dragSource is a class used to hold data.  This data, in effect,
helps give
> those handlers who respond to drag events context about what's going
on, and
> who's currently being dragged.  At a low level, one can use the
> to stuff in referneces to those who were dragged, say a List, and
then later
> in the drop function, grab items from that list indirectly; since
your using
> a refernce, no need to hardcode references to objects since the
> has it, allowing your dropfunctions to remain dumb.
> I even close?  Why not just use a vanilla object like 
> EventDispatcher? 

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