I recently developed a Desktop Application using Visual Basic 2008 Express .Net 
3.5. It works ok. Application will look for .pdf files on a specific folder on 
C: drive, rename the files according to some user's input and database query 
result, then upload the renamed files to an FTP server. No problem. However, 
the company don't want a desktop application. So, my goal is to re-create the 
application using a new Rich Internet Application technology. I then, created a 
Windows User Control in VB.net 3.5 and embedded the .dll in an html page. This 
works great on my local development pc, however, it will have some security 
issues when I try to run it on our intranet. It seems like the control 
(Activex), will not allow access to the local files. I just need access to be 
able to rename files on C:, that's it. Then I came across Silverligt and Flex 
development software. But, after playing with flex for a little, noticed that 
Flex will not be my best choice to access and rename local files, is that 
right? Any suggestions about the technology that we should use? Thanks!

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