I had some weird deal where I had 2 timers calling the same
EventHandler (copy and paste mistake) and even though i stopped both
Timers one kept going

Not that this is optimal but I would try offsetting your Timers 100,
101, 102, etc and see if that works or running one function and using
removeEventListener (although that may throw an exception?).

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Daniel Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I tried to post this over to Flashcoders, but something funky is
> on over there. I would like to try here, as it is an ActionScript 3
> question, and I think the people here may be able to help. However,
this is
> just an ActionScript project for now (hopefully, not for long).
> I posted earlier about timers going wonky when I tried to "disable" my
> application. I was attempting to remove all the display list items
and then
> reinstantiate them later. I'm no longer trying to do that, but still am
> having problems when I come back to this window, to get the timers
to start
> up again.
> When I set a breakpoint in the classes' load() method, I see the
timer being
> instantiated and set and told to run. The first time I load the class,
> everything works fine. When the user clicks the "expand" button and
opens up
> another window, the class runs an unload method which stops the
timers. When
> you come back to the window, I can see the very same breakpoint hit that
> sets up the timers and calls start. This time, however, the timers don't
> fire.
> I've been working several days now trying to get around this; any
and all
> advice/help is greatly appreciated. I have tried creating the timers
in the
> constructor (I may try that again just for good measure), I've tried
> resetting the timers... I've tried setInterval. Nothing is working
for me.
> Should I post this to Flexcoders? There is (of course) more AS3
stuff going
> on over there. I'm not using Flex, though... just ActionScript 3.
>     public override function load():void {
>       if (!_initialized) {
>         // I'll set a breakpoint around here and it will hit every time.
>         // But after unload is called, none of the timer handlers will 
>         // ever be invoked.        
>         _playbackTimer = new Timer(100);
>         _playbackTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
> playbackTimerHandler);
>         _progressTimer = new Timer(100);
>         _progressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
> progressTimerHandler);
>         _loadCheckTimer = new Timer(100);
>         _loadCheckTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
> loadCheckTimerHandler);
>         _loadCheckTimer.start();
>         _stateTimer = new Timer(100);
>         _stateTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
>         _stateTimer.start();
>         _statusTimer = new Timer(1000);
>         _statusTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
>         _statusTimer.start();
>         _queueLoad = true;
>         return;
>       }
>       ...
>     }
>     public override function unload():void {
>       if (_progressTimer != null && _progressTimer.running) {
>         _progressTimer.stop();
>       }
>       if (_playbackTimer != null && _playbackTimer.running) {
>         _playbackTimer.stop();
>       }
>       if (_stateTimer != null && _stateTimer.running) {
>         _stateTimer.stop();
>       }
>       if (_statusTimer != null && _statusTimer.running) {
>         _statusTimer.stop();
>       }
>       ...
>       _initialized = false;
>     }
> Thanks,
> -DT

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