I'm doing my first cairngorm project, and trying to adapt best practices
and conventions.

Well, I have a screen in which the user should upload multiple files
from his computer, much like flickr's one
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/upload/> .
The view will contain a  DataGrid, "upload" button and "select files"
button, that allows the user to select files.
When user selects one or more files, their details will be added to the
DataGrid and upon clicking the "upload" button the upload process

This is a very simple case to do without cairngorm, but I can't find a
decent way that follows the cairngorm mvc architecture.
For the user to start selecting files he'll need to use the
FileReferenceList.browse(), where would that object should reside ?
I'm not sure if it should sit in the model, created by the view as a VO
or... ?

Lets say I have the FileReferenceList object. the file browsing smells
like a view related as it interacts with the user, if so, and following
the rule that dictates that only  commands can change the model, then
the FileReferenceList should be instantiated by the view so that it
won't change a model object directly.

That is one thing, the other one is keeping the business the only way
data can be passed to the server.
Upon clicking the "upload" button, how can the matching command us the
business to upload the FileReferenceList ?

Thanks a lot and good night.

Almog Kurtser.

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