I have a datagrid with 2 columns. Each column contains a combobox. The
dataProvider of the datagrid is bound to an ArrayCollection filled
with a bunch of instances of a actionscript class. The dataprovider of
one of the comboboxes we will call cbxA is dependent on the value
selected in the other combobox cbxB. So in the setter for cbxA's
column dataField I call the setter for cbxB's dataProvider which is in
the same class. This works fine. But when a user changes the value in
cbxB the selected item in cbxB is always resets to the first item in
the list. I found this was happening because after every edit in any
column the datagrid fires a dataChange event which the combobox picks
up and refreshes its dataprovider. 

Does this sound right? 

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Is there a better way to refresh a the list data in a combobox that is
in a datagrid based off of other values in the same row of the datagrid?


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