I have tried to extend State (mx.states.State).

package org.test
        import mx.states.State; 

        public class MyState extends State
                public function MyState()
                        //TODO: implement function
                public function myFunction():void{

Then, I tried to use custom state in application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
        xmlns:t="org.test.*" layout="absolute"> 
                <mx:State id="one" name="start">
                                <mx:Button  label="Hi There!" 
x="144.5" y="97">                                       
                <t:MyState id="two" name="my"> 
                                <mx:Button  label="Me too!" x="144.5" 
        <mx:Button x="74" y="78" label="Button"/>

When I open the Design view, no components in State is shown and I get 
an error:

Any workarounds for this?

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