This is a really peculiar problem I'm faced with.  I'm using DateFormatter to 
format a date object into a string (of course) but part of my string comes back 
null every time.

The format string is "MM/DD/YYYY L:NN A", which should give something like 
"01/26/2010 4:16 PM".  In my AIR app I end up with "01/26/2010 4:16 null" 
however.  This happens with every formatter that uses this format string in 
this app.  

To test for a bug in the formatter code I made a separate AIR app and had it 
format the current date (by using new Date() as the date to format) with the 
above format string and it worked perfectly.  This test fails in the original 
app.  So I think DateFormatter is working just fine.

If I get rid of the "A" on the format string everything works fine, I just 
don't get am/pm.  My data is coming from a local SQLite database and, upon 
examination in the Flex debugger it looks fine.  I'm using Flex 3.4 and my 
format string is coming from a .properties file (date formats are localized).  
Anyone have some insight?

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