Hey flexers,

In my project I'm using a VSlider in one of my components.  In my
component's actionscript, I set the VSlider's value.  I wanted to track that
value going through the VSlider class but FlexBuilder's debugger can't seem
to find the source for Slider (the base class for VSlider).  I can open the
Slider class in Flex builder just fine and set a break point in the value
setter, but it never stops there in the debugger.  Instead, it ends up
stopping at what I assume is the next line of code it can find source for,
which is the FlexEvent constructor.  In the thread stack, it shows:

mx.controls.sliderClasses::Slider/set value [no source]
...my component stuff.

I tried editing the source lookup path.  Currently it's looking for source
inside: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
3\sdks\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src.  This should be right and
when I attempt to be more specific by adding another source lookup path like
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
3\sdks\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\controls it doesn't seem
to make any difference.

I haven't seen any problems with the debugger finding source for other
framework classes.  I am pulling in SWCs into my project that may have been
built with other sdks.  I doubt any of them use the Slider class themselves
but I wouldn't rule it out.

Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks a lot!


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