Hello there.

I'm experiencing a bug with non-IE browsers (firefox, opera, chrome,
...) and wondering if it's a Flash or Flex bug or a browser issue. What
do I need to do to solve that ?

Quick version: here is the example showing the problem

More detail:
I have a fullscreen button. It's state is linked to the DisplayState

I made a example to show you the problem. It's based on a flex example
source :

I just changed moved the button to the top of the Application, give it
an id (button) plus the following:

private function fullScreenHandler(evt:FullScreenEvent):void {
dispState = Application.application.stage.displayState + " (fullScreen="
+ evt.fullScreen.toString() + ")";
if (evt.fullScreen) {
/* Do something specific here if we switched to full screen mode. */
} else {
/* Do something specific here if we switched to normal mode. */


private function fullScreenHandler(evt:FullScreenEvent):void {
dispState = Application.application.stage.displayState + " (fullScreen="
+ evt.fullScreen.toString() + ")";
if (evt.fullScreen) {
button.selected = true;
} else {
button.selected = false;

To see the bug, make sure that the place where the button is when
fullscreen is outside the browser content window when normal. I hope it
make sense.

Here is the example: http://devenirlibre.com/fullscreen/FS.html

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