[flexcoders] Flex4 ASDOC Problems

2010-06-25 Thread Shawn
I'm trying to document a project with ASDOC and am running into the following 

1) All that displays when I click on the Top Level link in the left hand top 
frame all that is displayed is   
  My classes do not display.

2) My package descriptions are not displaying.  I had to guess on the Ant Task 
syntax for this because I cannot find any documentation but it compiles ok (if 
the properties are wrong then I get an error message).  

I've tried both doc-classes and doc-sources with the same result.  I have not 
tried a straight command-line compile, perhaps I should try that.

The relevant task from my build.xml is shown below.

Thanks in advance,


target name=asdocs description=Create ASDOCS
delete includeemptydirs=true
fileset dir=${ASDOCS_OUTPUT} includes=**/* /
asdoc output=${ASDOCS_OUTPUT} lenient=true failonerror=true 
main-titleMTZAuto API Documentation/main-title
window-titleMTZAuto API Documentation/window-title

source-path path-element=${SOURCE_DIR}/
doc-classes class = testapp.TestApp/
doc-classes class = mtzauto.MTZAuto/
!-- doc-sources path-element=${SOURCE_DIR}/ 

package name=com.schurchcomputers.flex 
description=General Purpose Flex Library./
package name=com.schurchcomputers.flex.gateway 
description=NetConnection based AMF Gateway based on Twisted 
deferred model./
package name=com.schurchcomputers.flex.swiz 
description=Utilities for Swiz Framework./
package name=mtzauto 
description=Main MTZAuto application./
package name=mtzauto.config 
description=MTZAuto swiz configuration./
package name=mtzauto.controller 
description=MTZAuto controler classes./
package name=mtzauto.model 
description=Proxy classes for SQLAlchemy tables./
package name=mtzauto.view 
description=MTZAuto views, refer to mtzauto.controller for 
application logic./
package name=testapp 
description=Application providing unittests for MTZAuto./
package name=testapp.assets.skins 
description=Component skin classes./
package name=testapp.config 
description=Swiz configuration files./
package name=testapp.controller 
description=TestApp controller classes./
package name=testapp.event 
description=TestApp event classes./
package name=testapp.suites 
description=FlexUnit4 test suites/
package name=testapp.suites.tests 
description=FlexUnit4 test classes./
package name=testapp.view 
description=TestApp views, refer to testapp.controller for 
application login./
package name= 

library-path dir=${FLEX} append=true
include name=/${SDK}/framework/libs /
include name=libs /

Re: [flexcoders] Flex4 ASDOC Problems

2010-06-25 Thread Oleg Sivokon

Regarding that class, you are welcome to vote:

I didn't have those other problems you describe though, this is what our Ant
task looks like for creating documentation:

target name=generate-documentation
mkdir dir=${basedir}/docs/
fileset dir=${basedir}/docs includes=**/*.*/
asdoc output=${basedir}/docs
main-title=Exemplars Documentation
window-title=Exemplars API Documentation
compiler.source-path path-element=${SRC_DIR}/
doc-sources path-element=${SRC_DIR}/
define name=CONFIG::local value=true/
define name=CONFIG::remote value=false/
define name=CONFIG::debug value=false/
define name=CONFIG::getaway value='localhost'/
external-library-path dir=${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs
include name=spark.swc/
include name=sparkskins.swc/
include name=flex.swc/
include name=framework.swc/
include name=rpc.swc/
external-library-path dir=${LIBS_DIR}
include name=Cairngorm.swc/
include name=as3crypto.swc/
include name=assets.swc/
include name=away3d__340.swc/
include name=DegrafaLibrary.swc/
exclude-sources path-element=${SRC_DIR}/com/
!-- long list of excludes --

!--doc-classes class=FrameworkClasses/--
!--doc-namespaces uri=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml/
namespace uri=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
jvmarg line=-Xms64m -Xmx384m/

Re: [flexcoders] Flex4 ASDOC Problems

2010-06-25 Thread Shawn Church
Well, I will try copying and changing your template and see what happens.

Thanks for your response,
