OK, so I was the one looking for a way to do classes at runtime.  The bottom 
line is I want to use LCDS because it's, well, fantastic.  However, in my app I 
cannot know at compile time all the tables (and columns in them) that will need 
to be accessed.

Is there a way to use one single class which has a property on which I attach 
an object that contains the properties I need (probably in XML format) based on 
the table that should be updated, then modify the CFCs so that they extract the 
data, create/update/delete the correct table, and then pass the necessary 
information back to LCDS so that it pushes the update out to the clients?

On the datagrid side, instead of binding the grid to an ArrayCollection, I 
could bind it to a function that parses the XML property on the returned 
ArrayCollection and returns a new ArrayCollection (or populates a second one) 
with the correct data for the grid.

Does this sound reasonable and doable?  Is there any other way to use LCDS 
without having a class for every single table?


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